subroutine genft8_174_91(msg,mygrid,bcontest,i5bit,msgsent,msgbits,itone) ! Encode an FT8 message, producing array itone(). use packjt include 'ft8_params.f90' character*22 msg,msgsent character*6 mygrid character*91 cbits logical bcontest integer*4 i4Msg6BitWords(12) !72-bit message as 6-bit words integer*1 msgbits(77),codeword(174) integer itone(79) integer icos7(0:6) integer graymap(0:7) data icos7/3,1,4,0,6,5,2/ !Costas 7x7 tone pattern data graymap/0,1,3,2,7,6,4,5/ call packmsg(msg,i4Msg6BitWords,itype,bcontest) !Pack into 12 6-bit bytes call unpackmsg(i4Msg6BitWords,msgsent,bcontest,mygrid) !Unpack to get msgsent write(cbits,'(12b6.6,b8.8)') i4Msg6BitWords,8*i5bit read(cbits,'(77i1)') msgbits call encode174_91(msgbits,codeword) !Encode the test message ! Message structure: S7 D29 S7 D29 S7 itone(1:7)=icos7 itone(36+1:36+7)=icos7 itone(NN-6:NN)=icos7 k=7 do j=1,ND i=3*j -2 k=k+1 if(j.eq.30) k=k+7 indx=codeword(i)*4 + codeword(i+1)*2 + codeword(i+2) itone(k)=graymap(indx) enddo return end subroutine genft8_174_91