cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.8) project (libjt9 C CXX Fortran) if (POLICY CMP0020) cmake_policy (SET CMP0020 NEW) # link to Qt winmain on Windows endif (POLICY CMP0020) # make sure that the default is a RELEASE if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RELEASE CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release." FORCE) endif (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set (CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) # # Fortran setup # # FFLAGS depend on the compiler get_filename_component (Fortran_COMPILER_NAME ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER} NAME) if (Fortran_COMPILER_NAME MATCHES "gfortran.*") # gfortran set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-funroll-all-loops -fno-f2c -O3") set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-fno-f2c -O0 -g") elseif (Fortran_COMPILER_NAME MATCHES "ifort.*") # ifort (untested) set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-f77rtl -O3") set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-f77rtl -O0 -g") elseif (Fortran_COMPILER_NAME MATCHES "g77") # g77 set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-funroll-all-loops -fno-f2c -O3 -m32") set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-fno-f2c -O0 -g -m32") else (Fortran_COMPILER_NAME MATCHES "gfortran.*") message ("CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER full path: " ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER}) message ("Fortran compiler: " ${Fortran_COMPILER_NAME}) message ("No optimized Fortran compiler flags are known, we just try -O2...") set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -g") endif (Fortran_COMPILER_NAME MATCHES "gfortran.*") # # C++ setup # if (UNIX) SET (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall") endif (UNIX) # # setup and test Fortran C/C++ interaction # include (FortranCInterface) FortranCInterface_VERIFY (CXX QUIET) FortranCInterface_HEADER (FC.h MACRO_NAMESPACE "FC_" SYMBOL_NAMESPACE "FC_" SYMBOLS ) set (FSRCS afc65b.f90 afc9.f90 analytic.f90 azdist.f90 ccf2.f90 ccf65.f90 chkhist.f90 chkss2.f90 db.f90 decode65a.f90 decode65b.f90 decode9.f90 decoder.f90 deg2grid.f90 demod64a.f90 downsam9.f90 encode232.f90 entail.f90 extract.F90 f77_wisdom.f90 fano232.f90 fchisq.f90 fchisq65.f90 fil3.f90 fil4.f90 fil6521.f90 filbig.f90 fillcom.f90 flat2.f90 flat65.f90 four2a.f90 gen65.f90 genjt9.f90 geodist.f90 getlags.f90 getpfx1.f90 getpfx2.f90 graycode.f90 graycode65.f90 grid2deg.f90 grid2k.f90 grid2n.f90 indexx.f90 interleave63.f90 interleave9.f90 jt65a.f90 k2grid.f90 morse.f90 move.f90 n2grid.f90 nchar.f90 packbits.f90 packcall.f90 packgrid.f90 packmsg.f90 packtext.f90 pctile.f90 peakdt9.f90 pfxdump.f90 sec_midn.f90 setup65.f90 sleep_msec.f90 smo121.f90 softsym.f90 sort.f90 ssort.f90 stdmsg.f90 symspec.f90 symspec2.f90 symspec65.f90 sync9.f90 timer.f90 twkfreq.f90 twkfreq65.f90 unpackbits.f90 unpackcall.f90 unpackgrid.f90 unpackmsg.f90 unpacktext.f90 zplot9.f90 ) set (CSRCS decode_rs.c encode_rs.c gran.c igray.c init_rs.c usleep.c wrapkarn.c ) set (CXXSRCS ipcomm.cpp ) add_definitions (-DBIGSYM=1) set_source_files_properties (sec_midn.f90 PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fno-second-underscore) # # build our targets # add_library (jt9impl STATIC ${FSRCS} ${CSRCS} ${CXXSRCS}) qt5_use_modules (jt9impl Core) add_executable (jt9sim jt9sim.f90 ../wsjtx.rc) target_link_libraries (jt9sim jt9impl) add_executable (jt9code jt9code.f90 ../wsjtx.rc) target_link_libraries (jt9code jt9impl) add_executable (jt9 jt9.f90 jt9a.f90 jt9b.f90 jt9c.f90 ../wsjtx.rc) target_link_libraries (jt9 jt9impl ${fftw3f}) add_dependencies (jt9 fftw3f) qt5_use_modules (jt9 Core) install ( TARGETS jt9 RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib )