subroutine txbandtot(tx,ibtot) integer tx(10,6), ibtot(10) do j=1,10 ibtot(j)=0 do i=1,6 ibtot(j)=ibtot(j)+tx(j,i) enddo enddo return end subroutine txbandtot subroutine txadd(tx,iband) !add one tx to the requested band integer tx(10,6) isuccess=0 do k=1,10 call random_number(rr) islot=rr*6 islot=islot+1 if( islot .gt. 6 ) then write(*,*) "should not happen" islot=6 endif if( tx(iband,islot).eq.0 ) then tx(iband,islot)=1 isuccess=1 endif if( isuccess.eq.1 ) then exit endif enddo return end subroutine txadd subroutine txtrim(tx,ntxmax,ntot) !limit sequential runlength to ntxmax integer tx(10,6) nrun=0 do i=1,6 do j=1,10 if( tx(j,i).eq.1 ) then nrun=nrun+1 if( then tx(j,i)=0 nrun=0 endif else nrun=0 endif enddo enddo ntot=0 do j=1,10 do i=1,6 if(tx(j,i).eq.1) then ntot=ntot+1 endif enddo enddo return end subroutine txtrim subroutine hopping(nyear,month,nday,uth,mygrid,nduration,npctx,isun, & iband,ntxnext) ! Determine Rx or Tx in coordinated hopping mode. character*6 mygrid integer tx(10,6) !T/R array for 2 hours: 10 bands, 6 time slots real r(6) !Random numbers integer ii(1),ibtot(10) data n2hr0/-999/ save n2hr0,tx call grayline(nyear,month,nday,uth,mygrid,nduration,isun) ns0=uth*3600.0 pctx=npctx nrx=0 ntxnext=0 nsec=(ns0+10)/120 !Round up to start of next 2-min slot nsec=nsec*120 n2hr=nsec/7200 !2-hour slot number if( then ! Compute a new Rx/Tx pattern for this 2-hour interval n2hr0=n2hr !Mark this one as done tx=0 !Clear the tx array do j=1,10 !Loop over all 10 bands call random_number(r) do i=1,6,2 !Select one each of 3 pairs of the if(r(i).gt.r(i+1)) then ! 6 slots for Tx tx(j,i)=1 r(i+1)=0. else tx(j,i+1)=1 r(i)=0. endif enddo if( then !If pctx < 50, we may kill one Tx slot ii=maxloc(r) i=ii(1) call random_number(rr) rrtest=(50.0-pctx)/16.667 if( then tx(j,i)=0 r(i)=0. endif endif if( then !If pctx < 33, may kill another ii=maxloc(r) i=ii(1) call random_number(rr) rrtest=(33.333-pctx)/16.667 if( then tx(j,i)=0 r(i)=0. endif endif enddo ! We now have 1 to 3 Tx periods per band in the 2-hour interval. ! Now, iteratively massage the array to try to satisfy the constraints ntxlimit=2 if( pctx .lt. 33.333 ) then minperband=1 elseif( (pctx .ge. 33.333) .and. (pctx .lt. 50.0) ) then minperband=2 else minperband=3 endif n_needed=60*pctx/100+0.5 ! Allow up to 20 iterations do k=1,20 call txtrim(tx,ntxlimit,ntot) call txbandtot(tx,ibtot) ! write(*,3001) ibtot do j=1,10 if( ibtot(j).le.minperband) then do m=1,minperband-ibtot(j) call txadd(tx,j) enddo endif enddo call txtrim(tx,ntxlimit,ntot) if( abs(ntot-n_needed) .le. 1 ) then write(*,*) "Success! Iteration converged" exit endif ! write(*,*) "Iteration: ",k,ntot,n_needed ! iteration loop enddo actual_pct=ntot/60.0 write(*,*) "Actual percentage: ",actual_pct endif iband=mod(nsec/120,10) + 1 iseq=mod(nsec/1200,6) + 1 if( iseq=1 if(tx(iband,iseq).eq.1) then ntxnext=1 else nrx=1 endif iband=iband-1 write(*,3000) iband+1,iseq,nrx,ntxnext 3000 format('Fortran iband, iseq,nrx,ntxnext:',4i5) write(*,3001) int(tx) 3001 format(10i2) return end subroutine hopping