subroutine wsjt24(dat,npts,cfile6,NClearAve,MinSigdB, & DFTolerance,NFreeze,mode,mode4,Nseg,MouseDF,NAgain, & idf,lumsg,lcum,nspecial,ndf,NSyncOK,ccfblue,ccfred,ndiag) ! Orchestrates the process of decoding JT4 messages, using data that ! have been 2x downsampled. ! No message averaging and no deep search, at present. parameter (MAXAVE=120) real dat(npts) !Raw data real*4 ccfblue(-5:540) !CCF in time real*4 ccfred(-224:224) !CCF in frequency integer DFTolerance logical first logical lcum character decoded*22,cfile6*6,special*5,cooo*3 character*22 avemsg1,avemsg2,deepmsg character*77 line,ave1,ave2 character*1 csync,c1 character*12 mycall character*12 hiscall character*6 hisgrid character submode*1 real*4 ccfbluesum(-5:540),ccfredsum(-224:224) ! common/ave/ppsave(64,63,MAXAVE),nflag(MAXAVE),nsave,iseg(MAXAVE) !For msg avg integer nflag(MAXAVE),iseg(MAXAVE) data first/.true./,ns10/0/,ns20/0/ save if(first) then nsave=0 first=.false. ave1=' ' ave2=' ' ccfblue=0. ccfred=0. if(nspecial.eq.999) go to 900 !Silence compiler warning endif naggressive=0 if( naggressive=1 nq1=3 nq2=6 if(naggressive.eq.1) nq1=1 if( then nsave=0 !Clear the averaging accumulators ns10=0 ns20=0 ave1=' ' ave2=' ' endif if(MinSigdB.eq.99 .or. MinSigdB.eq.-99) then ns10=0 !For Include/Exclude ? ns20=0 endif ! Attempt to synchronize: look for sync pattern, get DF and DT. call sync24(dat,npts,DFTolerance,NFreeze,MouseDF,mode, & mode4,dtx,dfx,snrx,snrsync,ccfblue,ccfred,flip,width) csync=' ' decoded=' ' deepmsg=' ' special=' ' cooo=' ' ncount=-1 !Flag for RS decode of current record ncount1=-1 !Flag for RS Decode of ave1 ncount2=-1 !Flag for RS Decode of ave2 NSyncOK=0 nqual1=0 nqual2=0 if( .and. (NAgain.eq.0 .or. NClearAve.eq.1)) nsave=nsave+1 if(nsave.le.0) go to 900 !Prevent bounds error nflag(nsave)=0 !Clear the "good sync" flag iseg(nsave)=Nseg !Set the RX segment to 1 or 2 nsync=nint(snrsync-3.0) nsnr=nint(snrx) if( .or. nsync=0 nsnrlim=-33 if( .or. go to 200 ! If we get here, we have achieved sync! NSyncOK=1 nflag(nsave)=1 !Mark this RX file as good csync='*' if( then csync='#' cooo='O ?' endif call decode24(dat,npts,dtx,dfx,flip,mode,mode4,decoded, & ncount,deepmsg,qual,submode) 200 kvqual=0 if( kvqual=1 nqual=qual if(ndiag.eq.0 .and. nqual=10 if( .and.kvqual.eq.0) decoded=deepmsg ndf=nint(dfx) if( .and. (kvqual.eq.1 .or. cooo='OOO' if( cooo(2:3)=' ?' if(decoded.eq.' ') cooo=' ' do i=1,22 c1=decoded(i:i) if('a' .and. c1.le.'z') decoded(i:i)=char(ichar(c1)-32) enddo jdf=ndf+idf ! call cs_lock('wsjt24') write(line,1010) cfile6,nsync,nsnr,dtx-1.0,jdf,nint(width), & csync,special,decoded(1:19),cooo,kvqual,nqual,submode 1010 format(a6,i3,i5,f5.1,i5,i3,1x,a1,1x,a5,a19,1x,a3,i3,i5,1x,a1) ! Blank all end-of-line stuff if no decode if(line(31:40).eq.' ') line=line(:30) ! if(lcum) write(21,1011) line ! Write decoded msg unless this is an "Exclude" request: if( write(*,1011) line 1011 format(a77) ! if( call avemsg65(1,mode65,ndepth, & ! avemsg1,nused1,nq1,nq2,neme,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,qual1, & ! ns1,ncount1) ! if( call avemsg65(2,mode65,ndepth, & ! avemsg2,nused2,nq1,nq2,neme,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,qual2, & ! ns2,ncount2) nqual1=qual1 nqual2=qual2 if(ndiag.eq.0 .and. nqual1=10 if(ndiag.eq.0 .and. nqual2=10 nc1=0 nc2=0 if( nc1=1 if( nc2=1 ! Write the average line ! if( .and. then ! if( then ! if( write(ave1,1021) cfile6,1,nused1,ns1,avemsg1,nc1,nqual1 !1021 format(a6,i3,i4,'/',i1,20x,a19,i8,i4) ! if( .and. nsave.le.99) write(ave1,1022) cfile6, & ! 1,nused1,ns1,avemsg1,nc1,nqual1 !1022 format(a6,i3,i4,'/',i2,19x,a19,i8,i4) ! if( write(ave1,1023) cfile6,1,nused1,ns1, & ! avemsg1,nc1,nqual1 !1023 format(a6,i3,i4,'/',i3,18x,a19,i8,i4) ! if(lcum .and. (' ')) & ! write(21,1011) ave1 ! ns10=ns1 ! endif ! If Monitor segment #2 is available, write that line also ! if( .and. then !***Why the 2nd part?? *** ! if( then ! if( write(ave2,1021) cfile6,2,nused2,ns2,avemsg2,nc2,nqual2 ! if( .and. nsave.le.99) write(ave2,1022) cfile6, & ! 2,nused2,ns2,avemsg2,nc2,nqual2 ! if( write(ave2,1023) cfile6,2,nused2,ns2,avemsg2,nc2,nqual2 ! if(lcum .and. (' ')) & ! write(21,1011) ave2 ! ns20=ns2 ! endif if(ave1(31:40).eq.' ') ave1=ave1(:30) if(ave2(31:40).eq.' ') ave2=ave2(:30) ! write(12,1011) ave1 ! write(12,1011) ave2 ! call flush(12) ! call cs_unlock 900 continue ccfbluesum=ccfbluesum + ccfblue ccfredsum=ccfredsum + ccfred ! This was for testing message averaging: ! rewind 71 ! rewind 72 ! do i=-5,540 ! write(71,3001) 0.2 + i*0.057143,ccfbluesum(i) !3001 format(2f12.3) ! enddo ! do i=-224,224 ! write(72,3001) i*2.1875,ccfredsum(i) ! enddo ! call flush(71) ! call flush(72) return end subroutine wsjt24