DialogSndCard 0 0 569 493 569 493 Configuration 0 0 0 Station 0 0 80 20 80 16777215 My Call: 0 0 90 0 90 16777215 Station callsign Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 80 20 80 16777215 My Grid: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 100 0 60 16777215 Maidenhead locator 0 0 80 0 80 16777215 PTT method: 0 0 90 0 90 16777215 Select method for T/R switching 1 CAT DTR RTS VOX Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 80 0 80 16777215 PTT Port: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 100 0 100 16777215 Select port for hardware T/R switching None 0 0 146 0 146 16777215 Send spots to PSK Reporter web site Enable PSK Reporter Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Send CW ID after a message with 73 or free text ID after 73 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 20 ID Interval (min): true 60 16777215 Select CW ID interval (0 for none) 0 10 Antenna for PSK Reporter: Qt::Vertical 20 13 0 0 110 0 100 16777215 Enable computer control of transceiver Enable CAT 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 Rig: 0 0 200 0 Select radio type 0 0 110 0 100 16777215 CAT port: 0 0 100 0 90 16777215 Select port for CAT control 0 None Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 40 20 RTS/DTR OFF Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 40 20 0 0 60 0 60 16777215 Data bits: 0 0 50 0 50 16777215 1 7 8 0 0 110 0 100 16777215 Serial rate: 0 0 100 0 90 16777215 1 1200 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 40 20 Use special Tx command for "data" Data Use normal Tx command Mic true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 60 0 60 16777215 Stop bits: 0 0 50 0 50 16777215 1 1 2 0 0 110 0 100 16777215 Handshake: 0 0 100 0 90 16777215 2 None XonXoff Hardware Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 40 20 Split Tx Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 110 0 100 16777215 Check to see if CAT control is working Test CAT Control 0 0 100 0 90 16777215 Test to see if T/R switching is working Test PTT Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 40 20 XIT Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 60 0 Polling interval (s): 50 0 Select interval for reading dial frequency 60 Qt::Vertical 20 13 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 96 20 0 0 90 0 16777215 16777215 Dev Ch API Name 90 0 90 16777215 Audio In: true Select audio input device and driver API 0 0 90 0 90 16777215 Audio Out: select audio output device and driver API 0 0 90 20 Save Directory: Directory for saved audio files C:\Users\joe\wsjt\map65\save Tx Macros Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 7 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 5W DPL 73 GL 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 3 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 20W DPL 73 GL 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 5 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 8 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 9 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 10 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 6 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 4 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 TNX 73 GL 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 10W DPL 73 GL 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 1 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 0 0 20 0 20 16777215 2 0 0 200 0 200 16777215 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Default Frequencies Qt::Vertical 20 40 6 m 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 50.293 Qt::AlignCenter Band Freq (MHz) 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 24.9246 Qt::AlignCenter 80 m 15 m 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 21.078 Qt::AlignCenter 10 m 2200 m 12 m 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 28.078 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 70.091 Qt::AlignCenter 60 m 40 m 4 m 17 m Band Freq (MHz) 30 m 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 432.178 Qt::AlignCenter 160 m 630 m 20 m Other 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 18.1046 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 0.4742 Qt::AlignCenter 2 m 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 144.489 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 0.136 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 1.838 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 5.2872 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 3.578 Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 10.130 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 7.078 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 90 27 90 16777215 14.078 Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 469 16777215 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok myCallEntry myGridEntry pttMethodComboBox pttComboBox cbPSKReporter cbID73 idIntSpinBox pskReporterAntenna cbEnableCAT rigComboBox catPortComboBox dataBitsComboBox serialRateComboBox stopBitsComboBox handshakeComboBox testCATButton testPTTButton pollSpinBox comboBoxSndIn comboBoxSndOut saveDirEntry macro1 macro2 macro3 macro4 macro5 macro6 macro7 macro8 macro9 macro10 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 buttonBox ioTabWidget buttonBox accepted() DialogSndCard accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() DialogSndCard reject() 316 260 286 274