#include "displaytext.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Configuration.hpp" #include "LotWUsers.hpp" #include "DecodeHighlightingModel.hpp" #include "logbook/logbook.h" #include "qt_helpers.hpp" #include "moc_displaytext.cpp" DisplayText::DisplayText(QWidget *parent) : QTextEdit(parent) , m_config {nullptr} , erase_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Erase"), this}} { setReadOnly (true); setUndoRedoEnabled (false); viewport ()->setCursor (Qt::ArrowCursor); setWordWrapMode (QTextOption::NoWrap); // max lines to limit heap usage document ()->setMaximumBlockCount (5000); // context menu erase action setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect (this, &DisplayText::customContextMenuRequested, [this] (QPoint const& position) { auto * menu = createStandardContextMenu (position); menu->addAction (erase_action_); menu->exec (mapToGlobal (position)); delete menu; }); connect (erase_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisplayText::erase); } void DisplayText::erase () { clear (); Q_EMIT erased (); } void DisplayText::setContentFont(QFont const& font) { char_font_ = font; selectAll (); auto cursor = textCursor (); cursor.beginEditBlock (); auto char_format = cursor.charFormat (); char_format.setFont (char_font_); cursor.mergeCharFormat (char_format); cursor.clearSelection (); cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End); // position so viewport scrolled to left cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::Up); cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::StartOfLine); cursor.endEditBlock (); setTextCursor (cursor); ensureCursorVisible (); } void DisplayText::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { Q_EMIT selectCallsign(e->modifiers ()); QTextEdit::mouseDoubleClickEvent(e); } void DisplayText::insertLineSpacer(QString const& line) { appendText (line, "#d3d3d3"); } namespace { using highlight_types = std::vector; void set_colours (Configuration const * config, QColor * bg, QColor * fg, highlight_types const& types) { if (config) { QListIterator it {config->decode_highlighting ().items ()}; // iterate in reverse to honor priorities it.toBack (); while (it.hasPrevious ()) { auto const& item = it.previous (); auto const& type = std::find (types.begin (), types.end (), item.type_); if (type != types.end () && item.enabled_) { if (item.background_.style () != Qt::NoBrush) { *bg = item.background_.color (); } if (item.foreground_.style () != Qt::NoBrush) { *fg = item.foreground_.color (); } } } } } } void DisplayText::appendText(QString const& text, QColor bg, QColor fg , QString const& call1, QString const& call2) { auto cursor = textCursor (); cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End); auto block_format = cursor.blockFormat (); auto format = cursor.blockCharFormat (); format.setFont (char_font_); block_format.clearBackground (); if (bg.isValid ()) { block_format.setBackground (bg); } format.clearForeground (); if (fg.isValid ()) { format.setForeground (fg); } if (call2.size () && m_config && m_config->lotw_users ().user (call2)) { QColor bg; QColor fg; highlight_types types {DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::LotW}; set_colours (m_config, &bg, &fg, types); if (bg.isValid ()) block_format.setBackground (bg); if (fg.isValid ()) format.setForeground (fg); } if (cursor.position ()) { cursor.insertBlock (block_format, format); } else { cursor.setBlockFormat (block_format); cursor.setBlockCharFormat (format); } int text_index {0}; auto temp_format = format; if (call1.size ()) { auto call_index = text.indexOf (call1); if (call_index != -1) // sanity check { auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (call1); if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ()) { cursor.insertText(text.left (call_index)); if (pos.value ().first.isValid ()) { temp_format.setBackground (pos.value ().first); } if (pos.value ().second.isValid ()) { temp_format.setForeground (pos.value ().second); } cursor.insertText(text.mid (call_index, call1.size ()), temp_format); text_index = call_index + call1.size (); } } } if (call2.size ()) { auto call_index = text.indexOf (call2, text_index); if (call_index != -1) // sanity check { auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (call2); if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ()) { temp_format = format; cursor.insertText(text.mid (text_index, call_index - text_index), format); if (pos.value ().second.isValid ()) { temp_format.setBackground (pos.value ().first); } if (pos.value ().second.isValid ()) { temp_format.setForeground (pos.value ().second); } cursor.insertText(text.mid (call_index, call2.size ()), temp_format); text_index = call_index + call2.size (); } } } cursor.insertText(text.mid (text_index), format); // position so viewport scrolled to left cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::StartOfLine); setTextCursor (cursor); ensureCursorVisible (); document ()->setMaximumBlockCount (document ()->maximumBlockCount ()); } QString DisplayText::appendWorkedB4 (QString message, QString const& callsign, QString const& grid, QColor * bg, QColor * fg, LogBook const& logBook, QString const& currentBand, QString const& currentMode) { // allow for seconds int padding {message.indexOf (" ") > 4 ? 2 : 0}; QString call = callsign; QString countryName; bool callWorkedBefore; bool callB4onBand; bool countryWorkedBefore; bool countryB4onBand; bool gridB4; bool gridB4onBand; if(call.length()==2) { int i0=message.indexOf("CQ "+call); call=message.mid(i0+6,-1); i0=call.indexOf(" "); call=call.mid(0,i0); } if(call.length()<3) return message; if(!call.contains(QRegExp("[0-9]|[A-Z]"))) return message; logBook.match(/*in*/call,currentMode,grid,/*out*/countryName,callWorkedBefore,countryWorkedBefore,gridB4); logBook.match(/*in*/call,currentMode,grid,/*out*/countryName,callB4onBand,countryB4onBand,gridB4onBand, /*in*/ currentBand); if(grid=="") { gridB4=true; gridB4onBand=true; } message = message.trimmed (); QString appendage; highlight_types types; // no shortcuts here as some types may be disabled if (!countryWorkedBefore) { types.push_back (DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::DXCC); } if(!countryB4onBand) { types.push_back (DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::DXCCBand); } if(!gridB4) { types.push_back (DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::Grid); } if(!gridB4onBand) { types.push_back (DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::GridBand); } if (!callWorkedBefore) { types.push_back (DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::Call); } if(!callB4onBand) { types.push_back (DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::CallBand); } types.push_back (DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::CQ); set_colours (m_config, bg, fg, types); int i1=countryName.indexOf(";"); if(m_bPrincipalPrefix) { int i2=countryName.lastIndexOf(";"); if(i1>0) countryName=countryName.mid(i1+2,i2-i1-2); } else { if(i1>0) countryName=countryName.mid(0,i1); // do some obvious abbreviations countryName.replace ("Islands", "Is."); countryName.replace ("Island", "Is."); countryName.replace ("North ", "N. "); countryName.replace ("Northern ", "N. "); countryName.replace ("South ", "S. "); countryName.replace ("East ", "E. "); countryName.replace ("Eastern ", "E. "); countryName.replace ("West ", "W. "); countryName.replace ("Western ", "W. "); countryName.replace ("Central ", "C. "); countryName.replace (" and ", " & "); countryName.replace ("Republic", "Rep."); countryName.replace ("United States", "U.S.A."); countryName.replace ("Fed. Rep. of ", ""); countryName.replace ("French ", "Fr."); countryName.replace ("Asiatic", "AS"); countryName.replace ("European", "EU"); countryName.replace ("African", "AF"); } appendage += countryName; // use a nbsp to save the start of appended text so we can find // it again later, align appended data at a fixed column if // there is space otherwise let it float to the right int space_count {40 + padding - message.size ()}; if (space_count > 0) { message += QString {space_count, QChar {' '}}; } message += QChar::Nbsp + appendage; return message; } void DisplayText::displayDecodedText(DecodedText const& decodedText, QString const& myCall, QString const& mode, bool displayDXCCEntity, LogBook const& logBook, QString const& currentBand, bool ppfx, bool bCQonly) { m_bPrincipalPrefix=ppfx; QColor bg; QColor fg; bool CQcall = false; if (decodedText.string ().contains (" CQ ") || decodedText.string ().contains (" CQDX ") || decodedText.string ().contains (" QRZ ")) { CQcall = true; highlight_types types {DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::CQ}; set_colours (m_config, &bg, &fg, types); } if(bCQonly and !CQcall) return; if (myCall != "" and (decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + " ") >= 0 or decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + "/") >= 0 or decodedText.indexOf ("<" + myCall + "/") >= 0 or decodedText.indexOf ("/" + myCall + " ") >= 0 or decodedText.indexOf ("/" + myCall + ">") >= 0 or decodedText.indexOf ("<" + myCall + " ") >= 0 or decodedText.indexOf ("<" + myCall + ">") >= 0 or decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + ">") >= 0)) { highlight_types types {DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::MyCall}; set_colours (m_config, &bg, &fg, types); } auto message = decodedText.string(); QString dxCall; QString dxGrid; decodedText.deCallAndGrid (/*out*/ dxCall, dxGrid); QRegularExpression grid_regexp {"\\A(?![Rr]{2}73)[A-Ra-r]{2}[0-9]{2}([A-Xa-x]{2}){0,1}\\z"}; if(!dxGrid.contains(grid_regexp)) dxGrid=""; message = message.left (message.indexOf (QChar::Nbsp)); // strip appended info if (displayDXCCEntity && CQcall) { // if enabled add the DXCC entity and B4 status to the end of the // preformated text line t1 auto currentMode = mode; if ("JT9+JT65" == mode) { currentMode = decodedText.isJT65 () ? "JT65" : "JT9"; } message = appendWorkedB4 (message, decodedText.CQersCall(), dxGrid, &bg, &fg , logBook, currentBand, currentMode); } appendText (message.trimmed (), bg, fg, decodedText.call (), dxCall); } void DisplayText::displayTransmittedText(QString text, QString modeTx, qint32 txFreq,bool bFastMode) { QString t1=" @ "; if(modeTx=="FT8") t1=" ~ "; if(modeTx=="JT4") t1=" $ "; if(modeTx=="JT65") t1=" # "; if(modeTx=="MSK144") t1=" & "; QString t2; t2.sprintf("%4d",txFreq); QString t; if(bFastMode or modeTx=="FT8") { t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmmss") + \ " Tx " + t2 + t1 + text; } else if(modeTx.mid(0,6)=="FT8fox") { t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmmss") + \ " Tx" + modeTx.mid(7) + " " + text; } else { t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmm") + \ " Tx " + t2 + t1 + text; } QColor bg; QColor fg; highlight_types types {DecodeHighlightingModel::Highlight::Tx}; set_colours (m_config, &bg, &fg, types); appendText (t, bg, fg); } void DisplayText::displayQSY(QString text) { QString t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmmss") + " " + text; appendText (t, "hotpink"); } void DisplayText::displayFoxToBeCalled(QString t, QColor bg, QColor fg) { appendText (t, bg, fg); } namespace { void update_selection (QTextCursor& cursor, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg) { if (!cursor.isNull ()) { QTextCharFormat format {cursor.charFormat ()}; if (bg.isValid ()) { format.setBackground (bg); } else { format.clearBackground (); } if (fg.isValid ()) { format.setForeground (fg); } else { format.clearForeground (); } cursor.mergeCharFormat (format); } } void reset_selection (QTextCursor& cursor) { if (!cursor.isNull ()) { // restore previous text format, we rely on the text // char format at he start of the selection being the // old one which should be the case auto c2 = cursor; c2.setPosition (c2.selectionStart ()); cursor.setCharFormat (c2.charFormat ()); } } } void DisplayText::highlight_callsign (QString const& callsign, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg, bool last_only) { QTextCharFormat old_format {currentCharFormat ()}; QTextCursor cursor {document ()}; if (last_only) { cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End); cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor , QTextDocument::FindBackward | QTextDocument::FindWholeWords); if (bg.isValid () || fg.isValid ()) { update_selection (cursor, bg, fg); } else { reset_selection (cursor); } } else { auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (callsign); if (bg.isValid () || fg.isValid ()) { auto colours = qMakePair (bg, fg); if (pos == highlighted_calls_.end ()) { pos = highlighted_calls_.insert (callsign.toUpper (), colours); } else { pos.value () = colours; // update colours } while (!cursor.isNull ()) { cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords); update_selection (cursor, bg, fg); } } else if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ()) { highlighted_calls_.erase (pos); QTextCursor cursor {document ()}; while (!cursor.isNull ()) { cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords); reset_selection (cursor); } } } setCurrentCharFormat (old_format); }