subroutine synciscat(cdat,npts,nh,npct,s0,jsym,df,ntol,NFreeze, & MouseDF,mousebutton,mode4,nafc,psavg,xsync,sig,ndf0,msglen, & ipk,jpk,idf,df1) ! Synchronize an ISCAT signal ! cdat() is the downsampled analytic signal. ! Sample rate = fsample = BW = 11025 * (9/32) = 3100.78125 Hz ! npts, nsps, etc., are all reduced by 9/32 parameter (NMAX=30*3101) parameter (NSZ=4*1400) complex cdat(NMAX) complex c(288) real s0(288,NSZ) real fs0(288,96) !108 = 96 + 3*4 real savg(288) real sref(288) real psavg(72) !Average spectrum of whole file integer icos(4) data icos/0,1,3,2/ data nsync/4/,nlen/2/,ndat/18/ ! Silence compiler warnings: sigbest=-20.0 ndf0best=0 msglenbest=0 ipkbest=0 jpkbest=0 ipk2=0 idfbest=mousebutton fsample=3100.78125 !New sample rate nsps=144/mode4 nsym=npts/nsps - 1 nblk=nsync+nlen+ndat nfft=2*nsps !FFTs at twice the symbol length, kstep=nsps/4 ! stepped by 1/4 symbol df=fsample/nfft fac=1.0/1000.0 !Somewhat arbitrary savg=0. ia=1-kstep do j=1,4*nsym !Compute symbol spectra ia=ia+kstep ib=ia+nsps-1 if( exit c(1:nsps)=fac*cdat(ia:ib) c(nsps+1:nfft)=0. call four2a(c,nfft,1,-1,1) do i=1,nfft s0(i,j)=real(c(i))**2 + aimag(c(i))**2 savg(i)=savg(i) + s0(i,j) !Accumulate avg spectrum enddo i0=40 enddo jsym=4*nsym savg=savg/jsym do i=1,71 !Compute spectrum in dB, for plot if(mode4.eq.1) then psavg(i)=2*db(savg(4*i)+savg(4*i-1)+savg(4*i-2)+savg(4*i-3)) + 1.0 else psavg(i)=2*db(savg(2*i)+savg(2*i-1)) + 7.0 endif enddo do i=nh+1,nfft-nh call pctile(savg(i-nh),2*nh+1,npct,sref(i)) enddo sref(1:nh)=sref(nh+11) sref(nfft-nh+1:nfft)=sref(nfft-nh) do i=1,nfft !Normalize the symbol spectra fac=1.0/sref(i) if( fac=1.0/savg(11) do j=1,jsym s0(i,j)=fac*s0(i,j) enddo enddo nfold=jsym/96 jb=96*nfold ttot=npts/fsample !Length of record (s) df1=df/ttot !Step size for f1=fdot idf1=-25.0/df1 idf2=5.0/df1 if(nafc.eq.0) then idf1=0 idf2=0 else if(mod(-idf1,2).eq.1) then idf1=idf1-1 endif xsyncbest=0. do idf=idf1,idf2 !Loop over fdot fs0=0. do j=1,jb !Fold s0 into fs0, modulo 4*nblk k=mod(j-1,4*nblk)+1 ii=nint(idf*float(j-jb/2)/float(jb)) ia=max(1-ii,1) ib=min(nfft-ii,nfft) do i=ia,ib fs0(i,k)=fs0(i,k) + s0(i+ii,j) enddo enddo ref=nfold*4 i0=27 ia=i0-400/df !Set search range in frequency... ib=i0+400/df if(mode4.eq.1) then i0=95 ia=i0-600/df !Set search range in frequency... ib=i0+600/df endif if(nfreeze.eq.1) then ia=i0+(mousedf-ntol)/df ib=i0+(mousedf+ntol)/df endif if( ia=1 if( ib=nfft-3 smax=0. ipk=1 jpk=1 do j=0,4*nblk-1 !Find sync pattern: lags 0-95 do i=ia,ib !Search specified freq range ss=0. do n=1,4 !Sum over 4 sync tones k=j+4*n-3 if( k=k-96 ss=ss + fs0(i+2*icos(n),k) enddo if( then smax=ss ipk=i !Frequency offset, DF jpk=j+1 !Time offset, DT endif enddo enddo xsync=smax/ref - 1.0 if( xsync=xsync * sqrt(nfold/26.0) xsync=xsync-0.5 !Empirical sig=db(smax/ref - 1.0) - 15.0 if(mode4.eq.1) sig=sig-5.0 ! if( .or. sig=-20.0 ! if( sig=-20.0 ndf0=nint(df*(ipk-i0)) smax=0. ja=jpk+16 if(*nblk) ja=ja-4*nblk jj=jpk+20 if(*nblk) jj=jj-4*nblk do i=ipk,ipk+60,2 !Find User's message length ss=fs0(i,ja) + fs0(i+10,jj) if( then smax=ss ipk2=i endif enddo msglen=(ipk2-ipk)/2 if( .or. msglen=3 if( then xsyncbest=xsync sigbest=sig ndf0best=ndf0 msglenbest=msglen ipkbest=ipk jpkbest=jpk idfbest=idf endif enddo xsync=xsyncbest sig=sigbest ndf0=ndf0best msglen=msglenbest ipk=ipkbest jpk=jpkbest idf=idfbest if(nafc.eq.0) idf=0 return end subroutine synciscat