subroutine qra_loops(c00,npts2,mode,mode64,nsubmode,nFadingModel, & ndepth,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,jpk0,xdt,f0,width,snr2,irc,dat4) use packjt use timer_module, only: timer parameter (LN=1152*63) character*37 decoded complex c00(0:720000) !Analytic representation of dd(), 6000 Hz complex c0(0:720000) !Ditto, with freq shift real a(3) !twkfreq params f,f1,f2 real s3(LN) !Symbol spectra integer dat4(12),dat4x(12) !Decoded message (as 12 integers) integer nap(0:11) !AP return codes data nap/0,2,3,2,3,4,2,3,6,4,6,6/ irc=-99 s3lim=20. ibwmax=11 if(mode64.le.4) ibwmax=9 ibwmin=ibwmax idtmax=3 call qra_params(ndepth,maxaptype,idfmax,idtmax,ibwmin,ibwmax) LL=64*(mode64+2) NN=63 napmin=99 ncall=0 nsps=3456 !QRA64 if(mode.eq.65) nsps=3840 !QRA65 ### Is 3840 too big? ### maxdist=5 if(ndepth.eq.2) maxdist=10 if(ndepth.eq.3) maxdist=30 do idf=1,idfmax ndf=idf/2 if(mod(idf,2).eq.0) ndf=-ndf a=0. a(1)=-(f0+0.4*ndf) call twkfreq(c00,c0,npts2,6000.0,a) do idt=1,idtmax ndt=idt/2 if(mod(idt,2).eq.0) ndt=-ndt jpk=jpk0 + 240*ndt !240/6000 = 0.04 s = tsym/32 if( jpk=0 call timer('spec64 ',0) call spec64(c0,nsps,mode,jpk,s3,LL,NN) call timer('spec64 ',1) call pctile(s3,LL*NN,40,base) s3=s3/base where(s3(1:LL*NN)>s3lim) s3(1:LL*NN)=s3lim do ibw=ibwmax,ibwmin,-2 ndist=ndf**2 + ndt**2 + ((ibwmax-ibw)/2)**2 if( cycle b90=1.728**ibw if( cycle if(*width) exit ncall=ncall+1 call timer('qra64_de',0) call qra64_dec(s3,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,0,nSubmode,b90, & nFadingModel,dat4,snr2,irc) call timer('qra64_de',1) if(irc.eq.0) go to 200 if( call badmsg(irc,dat4,nc1,nc2,ng2) iirc=max(0,min(irc,11)) if( .and. nap(iirc).lt.napmin) then dat4x=dat4 b90x=b90 snr2x=snr2 napmin=nap(iirc) irckeep=irc xdtkeep=jpk/6000.0 - 1.0 f0keep=-a(1) idfkeep=idf idtkeep=idt ibwkeep=ibw ndistx=ndist go to 100 !### endif enddo ! ibw (b90 loop) !### if(iand(ndepth,3).lt.3 .and. go to 100 enddo ! idt (DT loop) enddo ! idf (f0 loop) 100 if( then dat4=dat4x b90=b90x snr2=snr2x irc=irckeep xdt=xdtkeep f0=f0keep idt=idtkeep idf=idfkeep ibw=ibwkeep ndist=ndistx endif 200 if(mode.eq.65) xdt=xdt+0.4 !### Empirical -- WHY ??? ### !### For tests only: if( then open(53,file='fort.53',status='unknown',position='append') call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded) !Unpack the user message write(53,3053) idf,idt,ibw,b90,xdt,f0,snr2,ndist,irc,decoded(1:22) 3053 format(3i5,f7.1,f7.2,2f7.1,2i5,2x,a22) close(53) endif !### return end subroutine qra_loops