subroutine sync66(iwave,nmax,mode66,nsps,nfqso,ntol,xdt,f0,snr1) parameter (NSTEP=4) !Quarter-symbol steps integer*2 iwave(0:nmax-1) !Raw data integer b11(11) !Barker 11 code integer ijpk(2) !Indices i and j at peak of sync_sig real, allocatable :: s1(:,:) !Symbol spectra real, allocatable :: x(:) !Work array; demoduated 2FSK sync signal real sync(4*85) !sync vector real sync_sig(-64:64,-15:15) complex, allocatable :: c0(:) !Complex spectrum of symbol data b11/1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0/ !Barker 11 code data sync(1)/99.0/ save sync nfft=2*nsps df=12000.0/nfft istep=nsps/NSTEP iz=5000.0/df !Uppermost frequency bin, at 5000 Hz txt=85.0*nsps/12000.0 jz=(txt+1.0)*12000.0/istep !Number of quarter-symbol steps if( jz=(txt+2.0)*12000.0/istep !For TR 60 s and higher allocate(s1(iz,jz)) allocate(x(jz)) allocate(c0(0:nsps)) if(sync(1).eq.99.0) then sync=0. do k=1,22 kk=k if( kk=k-11 i=4*NSTEP*(k-1) + 1 sync(i)=2.0*b11(kk) - 1.0 enddo endif fac=1/32767.0 do j=1,jz !Compute symbol spectra at quarter-symbol steps ia=(j-1)*istep ib=ia+nsps-1 k=-1 do i=ia,ib,2 xx=iwave(i) yy=iwave(i+1) k=k+1 c0(k)=fac*cmplx(xx,yy) enddo c0(k+1:nfft/2)=0. call four2a(c0,nfft,1,-1,0) !r2c FFT do i=1,iz s1(i,j)=real(c0(i))**2 + aimag(c0(i))**2 enddo enddo i0=nint(nfqso/df) call pctile(s1(i0-64:i0+192,1:jz),129*jz,40,base) s1=s1/base s1max=20.0 ! Apply AGC do j=1,jz x(j)=maxval(s1(i0-64:i0+192,j)) if(x(j).gt.s1max) s1(i0-64:i0+192,j)=s1(i0-64:i0+192,j)*s1max/x(j) enddo sync_sig=0. ia=min(64,nint(ntol/df)) dt4=nsps/(NSTEP*12000.0) !duration of 1/4 symbol ! lag2=nint(0.5/dt4) ! if( lag2=nint(1.0/dt4) ! lag1=-lag2 jadd=11 if( jadd=7 if( jadd=6 if( jadd=3 if( jadd=1 do i=-ia,ia x=s1(i0+2*mode66+i,:)-s1(i0+i,:) !Do the 2FSK demodulation ! do lag=lag1,lag2 do lag=-15,15 do k=1,22 n=4*NSTEP*(k-1) + 1 j=n+lag+jadd if( .and. j.le.jz) sync_sig(i,lag)=sync_sig(i,lag) + sync(n)*x(j) enddo enddo enddo ijpk=maxloc(sync_sig) ii=ijpk(1)-65 jj=ijpk(2)-16 ! Use peakup() here? f0=nfqso + ii*df jdt=jj ! j0=0.5/dt4 ! if( j0=1.0/dt4 tsym=nsps/12000.0 xdt=jdt*tsym/4.0 snr1=maxval(sync_sig)/22.0 ! do i=-64,64 ! write(62,3062) nfqso+i*df,sync_sig(i,jj) !3062 format(2f12.3) ! enddo ! do j=-15,15 ! write(63,3063) j,j*dt4,sync_sig(ii,j) !3063 format(i5,2f12.3) ! enddo return end subroutine sync66