=== Documentation Conventions We include screen shots that illustrate many of the settings and features of _WSJT-X_. Keep in mind that _WSJT-X_ is a multi-platform application: the detailed appearance of windows and user controls may be significantly different in Windows, Linux, or macOS environments. The underlying functionality is the same on all operating systems, however. Where desirable we call special attention to important platform differences. In this manual the following icons call attention to particular types of information: NOTE: *Notes* containing information that may be of interest to particular classes of users. TIP: *Tips* on program features or capabilities that might otherwise be overlooked. IMPORTANT: *Warnings* about usage that could lead to undesired consequences. === User Interface in Other Languages The _WSJT-X_ user interface (UI) is now available in many languages. When a translated UI is available for the computer's default System Language, it will appear automatically on program startup. The UI language may be overridden if desired by starting _WSJT-X_ with a command line option. === How You Can Contribute _WSJT-X_ is part of an open-source project released under the {gnu_gpl} (GPLv3). If you have programming or documentation skills or would like to contribute to the project in other ways, please make your interests known to the development team. We especially encourage those with translation skills to volunteer their help, either for this _User Guide_ or for the program's user interface. The project's source-code repository can be found at {devrepo}, and communication among the developers takes place on the email reflector {devmail}. Bug reports and suggestions for new features, improvements to the _WSJT-X_ User Guide, etc., may be sent there as well. You must join the group before posting to the email list. === License Before using _WSJT-X_, please read our licensing terms <>.