program fer65 ! End-to-end simulator for testing JT65. ! Options ! jt65sim jt65 !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! -a aggressive ! -d Doppler spread -d depth ! -f Number of files -f freq ! -m (sub)mode -m (sub)mode ! -n number of generated sigs -n ntrials ! -t Time offset (s) -r robust sync ! -p Do not seed random #s -c mycall ! -x hiscall ! -g hisgrid ! -X hinted-decode flags ! -s S/N in 2500 Hz -s single-decode mode implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) real*8 s(7),sq(7) character arg*12,cmnd*100,decoded*22,submode*1,csync*1,f1*15,f2*15 character*12 outfile logical syncok nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: fer65 submode fspread snr1 snr2 Navg DS iters' print*,'Example: fer65 C 3.0 -28 -12 8 1 1000' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,submode) call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) d call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) snr1 call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) snr2 call getarg(5,arg) read(arg,*) navg call getarg(6,arg) read(arg,*) nds call getarg(7,arg) read(arg,*) iters write(outfile,1001) submode,d,navg,nds 1001 format(a1,f6.2,'_',i2.2,'_',i1) if(outfile(2:2).eq.' ') outfile(2:2)='0' if(outfile(3:3).eq.' ') outfile(3:3)='0' ndepth=3 if( ndepth=ndepth+16 if( ndepth=ndepth+32 dfmax=3 if(submode.eq.'b' .or. submode.eq.'B') dfmax=6 if(submode.eq.'c' .or. submode.eq.'C') dfmax=11 ntrials=1000 naggressive=10 open(20,file=outfile,status='unknown') open(21,file='fer65.21',status='unknown') write(20,1000) submode,iters,ntrials,naggressive,d,ndepth,navg,nds 1000 format(/'JT65',a1,' Iters:',i5,' T:',i6,' Aggr:',i3, & ' Dop:',f6.2,' Depth:',i2,' Navg:',i3,' DS:',i2) write(20,1002) 1002 format(/' dB nsync ngood nbad sync dsnr ', & 'DT Freq Nsum Width'/85('-')) flush(20) do isnr=0,20 snr=snr1+isnr if( exit nsync=0 ngood=0 nbad=0 s=0. sq=0. do iter=1,iters write(cmnd,1010) submode,d,snr,navg 1010 format('./jt65sim -n 1 -m ',a1,' -d',f7.2,' -s \\',f5.1,' -f',i3,' >devnull') call unlink('000000_????.wav') call system(cmnd) if( then do i=navg,2,-1 j=2*i-1 write(f1,1011) i write(f2,1011) j 1011 format('000000_',i4.4,'.wav') call rename(f1,f2) enddo endif call unlink('decoded.txt') call unlink('fort.13') isync=0 nsnr=0 dt=0. nfreq=0 ndrift=0 nwidth=0 cmnd='./jt65 -m A -a 10 -c K1ABC -f 1500 -n 1000 -d 5 -s 000000_????.wav > decoded.txt' cmnd(11:11)=submode write(cmnd(47:48),'(i2)') ndepth call system(cmnd) open(13,file='fort.13',status='old',err=20) do i=1,navg read(13,1012) nutc,isync,nsnr,dt,nfreq,ndrift,nwidth,decoded, & nft,nsum,nsmo 1012 format(i4,i4,i5,f6.2,i5,i4,i3,1x,a22,5x,3i3) if( exit enddo close(13) syncok=abs(dt).lt.0.2 .and. float(abs(nfreq-1500)).lt.dfmax csync=' ' if(syncok) csync='*' write(21,1014) nutc,isync,nsnr,dt,nfreq,ndrift,nwidth, & nft,nsum,nsmo,csync,decoded(1:16),nft,nsum,nsmo 1014 format(i4,i4,i5,f6.2,i5,i4,3x,4i3,1x,a1,1x,a16,i2,2i3) flush(21) if(syncok) then nsync=nsync+1 s(1)=s(1) + isync sq(1)=sq(1) + isync*isync s(6)=s(6) + nwidth sq(6)=sq(6) + nwidth*nwidth if(decoded.eq.'K1ABC W9XYZ EN37 ') then ngood=ngood+1 s(2)=s(2) + nsnr s(3)=s(3) + dt s(4)=s(4) + nfreq s(5)=s(5) + ndrift s(7)=s(7) + nsum sq(2)=sq(2) + nsnr*nsnr sq(3)=sq(3) + dt*dt sq(4)=sq(4) + nfreq*nfreq sq(5)=sq(5) + ndrift*ndrift sq(7)=sq(7) + nsum*nsum else if(' ') then nbad=nbad+1 print*,'Nbad:',nbad,decoded endif endif 20 continue fsync=float(nsync)/iter fgood=float(ngood)/iter fbad=float(nbad)/iter write(*,1020) nint(snr),iter,isync,nsnr,dt,nfreq,ndrift,nwidth,fsync, & fgood,fbad,decoded(1:16),nft,nsum,nsmo 1020 format(i3,i5,i3,i4,f6.2,i5,i3,i3,2f6.3,f7.4,1x,a16,i2,2i3) enddo if( then xsync=s(1)/nsync xwidth=s(6)/nsync endif esync=0. if( then esync=sqrt(sq(1)/nsync - xsync**2) ewidth=sqrt(sq(6)/nsync - xwidth**2) endif if( then xsnr=s(2)/ngood xdt=s(3)/ngood xfreq=s(4)/ngood xdrift=s(5)/ngood xsum=s(7)/ngood endif if( then esnr=sqrt(sq(2)/ngood - xsnr**2) edt=sqrt(sq(3)/ngood - xdt**2) efreq=sqrt(sq(4)/ngood - xfreq**2) edrift=sqrt(sq(5)/ngood - xdrift**2) esum=sqrt(sq(7)/ngood - xsum**2) endif dsnr=xsnr-snr dfreq=xfreq-1500.0 if(ngood.eq.0) then dsnr=0. dfreq=0. endif write(20,1100) snr,nsync,ngood,nbad,xsync,esync,dsnr,esnr, & xdt,edt,dfreq,efreq,xsum,esum,xwidth,ewidth 1100 format(f5.1,2i6,i4,2f6.1,f6.1,f5.1,f6.2,f5.2,6f5.1) flush(20) if(*iters)) exit enddo 999 end program fer65