subroutine getfc2w(c,csync,fs,fc1,fc2,fc3) include 'wsprlf_params.f90' complex c(0:NZ-1) !Complex waveform complex cs(0:NZ-1) !For computing spectrum complex csync(0:NZ-1) !Sync symbols only, from cbb real a(5) df=fs/NZ baud=fs/NSPS a(1)=-fc1 a(2:5)=0. call twkfreq1(c,NZ,fs,a,cs) !Mix down by fc1 ! Filter, square, then FFT to get refined carrier frequency fc2. call four2a(cs,NZ,1,-1,1) !To freq domain ia=nint(0.75*baud/df) cs(ia:NZ-1-ia)=0. !Save only freqs around fc1 call four2a(cs,NZ,1,1,1) !Back to time domain cs=cs/NZ cs=cs*cs !Square the data call four2a(cs,NZ,1,-1,1) !Compute squared spectrum ! Find two peaks separated by baud pmax=0. fc2=0. ic=nint(baud/df) ja=nint(0.5*baud/df) do j=-ja,ja f2=j*df ia=nint((f2-0.5*baud)/df) if( ia=ia+NZ ib=nint((f2+0.5*baud)/df) p=real(cs(ia))**2 + aimag(cs(ia))**2 + & real(cs(ib))**2 + aimag(cs(ib))**2 if( then pmax=p fc2=0.5*f2 endif ! write(52,1200) f2,p,db(p) !1200 format(f10.3,2f15.3) enddo a(1)=-fc1 a(2:5)=0. call twkfreq1(c,NZ,fs,a,cs) !Mix down by fc1 cs=cs*conjg(csync) call four2a(cs,NZ,1,-1,1) !To freq domain pmax=0. do i=0,NZ-1 f=i*df if( f=(i-NZ)*df p=real(cs(i))**2 + aimag(cs(i))**2 ! write(51,3001) f,p,db(p) !3001 format(f10.3,e12.3,f10.3) if( then pmax=p fc3=f endif enddo return end subroutine getfc2w