subroutine sun(y,m,DD,UT,lon,lat,RA,Dec,LST,Az,El,mjd) implicit none integer y !Year integer m !Month integer DD !Day integer mjd !Modified Julian Date real UT !UTC in hours real RA,Dec !RA and Dec of sun C NB: Double caps here are single caps in the writeup. C Orbital elements of the Sun (also N=0, i=0, a=1): real w !Argument of perihelion real e !Eccentricity real MM !Mean anomaly real Ls !Mean longitude C Other standard variables: real v !True anomaly real EE !Eccentric anomaly real ecl !Obliquity of the ecliptic real d !Ephemeris time argument in days real r !Distance to sun, AU real xv,yv !x and y coords in ecliptic real lonsun !Ecliptic long and lat of sun C Ecliptic coords of sun (geocentric) real xs,ys C Equatorial coords of sun (geocentric) real xe,ye,ze real lon,lat real GMST0,LST,HA real xx,yy,zz real xhor,yhor,zhor real Az,El real rad data rad/57.2957795/ C Time in days, with Jan 0, 2000 equal to 0.0: d=367*y - 7*(y+(m+9)/12)/4 + 275*m/9 + DD - 730530 + UT/24.0 mjd=d + 51543 ecl = 23.4393 - 3.563e-7 * d C Compute updated orbital elements for Sun: w = 282.9404 + 4.70935e-5 * d e = 0.016709 - 1.151e-9 * d MM = mod(356.0470d0 + 0.9856002585d0 * d + 360000.d0,360.d0) Ls = mod(w+MM+720.0,360.0) EE = MM + e*rad*sin(MM/rad) * (1.0 + e*cos(M/rad)) EE = EE - (EE - e*rad*sin(EE/rad)-MM) / (1.0 - e*cos(EE/rad)) xv = cos(EE/rad) - e yv = sqrt(1.0-e*e) * sin(EE/rad) v = rad*atan2(yv,xv) r = sqrt(xv*xv + yv*yv) lonsun = mod(v + w + 720.0,360.0) C Ecliptic coordinates of sun (rectangular): xs = r * cos(lonsun/rad) ys = r * sin(lonsun/rad) C Equatorial coordinates of sun (rectangular): xe = xs ye = ys * cos(ecl/rad) ze = ys * sin(ecl/rad) C RA and Dec in degrees: RA = rad*atan2(ye,xe) Dec = rad*atan2(ze,sqrt(xe*xe + ye*ye)) GMST0 = (Ls + 180.0)/15.0 LST = mod(GMST0+UT+lon/15.0+48.0,24.0) !LST in hours HA = 15.0*LST - RA !HA in degrees xx = cos(HA/rad)*cos(Dec/rad) yy = sin(HA/rad)*cos(Dec/rad) zz = sin(Dec/rad) xhor = xx*sin(lat/rad) - zz*cos(lat/rad) yhor = yy zhor = xx*cos(lat/rad) + zz*sin(lat/rad) Az = mod(rad*atan2(yhor,xhor) + 180.0 + 360.0,360.0) El = rad*asin(zhor) return end