subroutine msk144_decode(id2,npts,nutc,nprint,mycall,hiscall, & bShMsgs,ntol,t0,line) ! Calls the experimental decoder for MSK 72ms/16ms messages use timer_module, only: timer parameter (NMAX=30*12000) parameter (NFFTMAX=512*1024) integer*2 id2(0:NMAX) !Raw i*2 data, up to T/R = 30 s integer hist(0:32868) real d(0:NMAX) !Raw r*4 data complex c(NFFTMAX) !Complex (analytic) data character*80 line(100) !Decodes passed back to caller character*6 mycall,hiscall logical*1 bShMsgs line(1:100)(1:1)=char(0) if(maxval(id2(1:npts)).eq.0 .and. minval(id2(1:npts)).eq.0) go to 900 if( npts .lt. 0.25*12000 ) go to 900 !Min record length 0.25s. hist=0 do i=0,npts-1 n=abs(id2(i)) hist(n)=hist(n)+1 enddo ns=0 do n=0,32768 ns=ns+hist(n) if( exit enddo fac=1.0/(1.5*n) d(0:npts-1)=fac*id2(0:npts-1) n=log(float(npts))/log(2.0) + 1.0 nfft=min(2**n,1024*1024) call timer('analytic',0) call analytic(d,npts,nfft,c) !Convert to analytic signal and filter call timer('analytic',1) call timer('detec144',0) call detectmsk144(c,npts,line,nline,nutc,ntol,t0) call timer('detec144',1) if( nline .eq. 0 .and. t0 .gt. 0 ) then !Operator detected signal - try averaging 7 frames call opdetmsk144(c,npts,line,nline,nutc,ntol,t0) endif if( nprint .ne. 0 ) then do i=1,nline write(*,'(a80)') line(i) enddo endif if(nline.eq.0 .and. bShMsgs) then call timer('detect40',0) call detectmsk40(c,npts,mycall,hiscall,line,nline,nutc,ntol,t0) call timer('detect40',1) if( nprint .ne. 0 ) then do i=1,nline write(*,'(a80)') line(i) enddo endif endif if(line(1)(1:6).eq.' ') line(1)(1:1)=char(0) 900 return end subroutine msk144_decode