program msksim ! Simulate characteristics of a potential "MSK10" mode using LDPC (168,84) ! code, OQPDK modulation, and 30 s T/R sequences. ! Reception and Demodulation algorithm: ! 1. Compute coarse spectrum; find fc1 = approx carrier freq ! 2. Mix from fc1 to 0; LPF at +/- 0.75*R ! 3. Square, FFT; find peaks near -R/2 and +R/2 to get fc2 ! 4. Mix from fc2 to 0 ! 5. Fit cb13 (central part of csync) to c -> lag, phase ! 6. Fit complex ploynomial for channel equalization ! 7. Get soft bits from equalized data parameter (KK=84) !Information bits (72 + CRC12) parameter (ND=168) !Data symbols: LDPC (168,84), r=1/2 parameter (NS=65) !Sync symbols (2 x 26 + Barker 13) parameter (NR=3) !Ramp up/down parameter (NN=NR+NS+ND) !Total symbols (236) parameter (NSPS=16) !Samples per MSK symbol (16) parameter (N2=2*NSPS) !Samples per OQPSK symbol (32) parameter (N13=13*N2) !Samples in central sync vector (416) parameter (NZ=NSPS*NN) !Samples in baseband waveform (3760) parameter (NFFT1=4*NSPS,NH1=NFFT1/2) character*8 arg complex cbb(0:NZ-1) !Complex baseband waveform complex csync(0:NZ-1) !Sync symbols only, from cbb complex cb13(0:N13-1) !Barker 13 waveform complex c(0:NZ-1) !Complex waveform complex zz(NS+ND) !Complex symbol values (intermediate) complex z real xnoise(0:NZ-1) !Generated random noise real ynoise(0:NZ-1) !Generated random noise real rxdata(ND),llr(ND) !Soft symbols real pp(2*NSPS) !Shaped pulse for OQPSK real a(5) !For twkfreq1 real aa(20),bb(20) !Fitted polyco's integer id(NS+ND) !NRZ values (+/-1) for Sync and Data integer ierror(NS+ND) integer icw(NN) integer*1 msgbits(KK),decoded(KK),apmask(ND),cw(ND) ! integer*1 codeword(ND) data msgbits/0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1, & 1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1, & 1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0/ nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: mskhfsim f0(Hz) delay(ms) fspread(Hz) maxn iters snr(dB)' print*,'Example: mskhfsim 0 0 0 5 10 -20' print*,'Set snr=0 to cycle through a range' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,*) f0 !Generated carrier frequency call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) delay !Delta_t (ms) for Watterson model call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) fspread !Fspread (Hz) for Watterson model call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) maxn !Max nterms for polyfit call getarg(5,arg) read(arg,*) iters !Iterations at each SNR call getarg(6,arg) read(arg,*) snrdb !Specified SNR_2500 twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) fs=12000.0/72.0 !Sample rate = 166.6666667 Hz dt=1.0/fs !Sample interval (s) tt=NSPS*dt !Duration of "itone" symbols (s) ts=2*NSPS*dt !Duration of OQPSK symbols (s) baud=1.0/tt !Keying rate for "itone" symbols (baud) txt=NZ*dt !Transmission length (s) bandwidth_ratio=2500.0/(fs/2.0) write(*,1000) f0,delay,fspread,maxn,iters,baud,1.5*baud,txt 1000 format('f0:',f5.1,' Delay:',f4.1,' fSpread:',f5.2,' maxn:',i3, & ' Iters:',i6/'Baud:',f7.3,' BW:',f5.1,' TxT:',f5.1,f5.2/) write(*,1004) 1004 format(/' SNR err ber fer fsigma'/37('-')) do i=1,N2 !Half-sine pulse shape pp(i)=sin(0.5*(i-1)*twopi/(2*NSPS)) enddo call genmskhf(msgbits,id,icw,cbb,csync) !Generate baseband waveform and csync cb13=csync(1680:2095) !Copy the Barker 13 waveform a=0. a(1)=f0 call twkfreq1(cbb,NZ,fs,a,cbb) !Mix to specified frequency isna=-10 isnb=-30 if( then isna=nint(snrdb) isnb=isna endif do isnr=isna,isnb,-1 !Loop over SNR range snrdb=isnr sig=sqrt(bandwidth_ratio) * 10.0**(0.05*snrdb) if( sig=1.0 nhard=0 nhardsync=0 nfe=0 sqf=0. do iter=1,iters !Loop over requested iterations nhard0=0 nhardsync0=0 c=cbb if( .or. call watterson(c,fs,delay,fspread) c=sig*c !Scale to requested SNR if( then do i=0,NZ-1 !Generate gaussian noise xnoise(i)=gran() ynoise(i)=gran() enddo c=c + cmplx(xnoise,ynoise) !Add AWGN noise endif call getfc1(c,fc1) !First approx for freq call getfc2(c,fc1,fc2) !Refined freq sqf=sqf + (fc1+fc2-f0)**2 a(1)=-(fc1+fc2) a(2:5)=0. call twkfreq1(c,NZ,fs,a,c) !Mix c down by fc1+fc2 ! The following may not be necessary? ! z=sum(c(1680:2095)*cb13)/208.0 !Get phase from Barker 13 vector ! z0=z/abs(z) ! c=c*conjg(z0) !---------------------------------------------------------------- DT ! Not presently used: amax=0. jpk=0 do j=-20*NSPS,20*NSPS !Get jpk z=sum(c(1680+j:2095+j)*cb13)/208.0 if(abs(z).gt.amax) then amax=abs(z) jpk=j endif enddo xdt=jpk/fs call cpolyfit(c,pp,id,maxn,aa,bb,zz) nterms=maxn call msksoftsym(zz,aa,bb,id,nterms,ierror,rxdata,nhard0,nhard, & nhardsync0,nhardsync) !---------------------------------------------------------------- Decode rxav=sum(rxdata)/ND rx2av=sum(rxdata*rxdata)/ND rxsig=sqrt(rx2av-rxav*rxav) rxdata=rxdata/rxsig ss=0.84 llr=2.0*rxdata/(ss*ss) apmask=0 max_iterations=40 call bpdecode168(llr,apmask,max_iterations,decoded,niterations,cw) nbadcrc=0 ifer=0 if( call chkcrc12(decoded,nbadcrc) if( .or. count( .or. & ifer=1 nfe=nfe+ifer enddo fsigma=sqrt(sqf/iters) ber=float(nhard)/((NS+ND)*iters) fer=float(nfe)/iters write(*,1050) snrdb,nhard,ber,fer,fsigma write(60,1050) snrdb,nhard,ber,fer,fsigma 1050 format(f6.1,i7,f8.4,f7.3,f8.2) enddo 999 end program msksim