Plans for WSJT-X Version 2.0 ---------------------------- This white paper describes a number of important enhancements planned for WSJT-X Version 2.0. Most of them involve the FT8 and MSK144 protocols, which will be upgraded to use use 77-bit information payloads rather than the present 72 or 75 bits. This modest increase in information content will make possible new message types that support the following special types of QSOs and exchanged information: 1. NA VHF Contest operation with full support of grid exchanges and "/R" (Rover) callsigns 2. EU VHF Contest operation with the exchange of 6-digit grids, QSO serial numbers, and "/P" (portable) callsigns 3. ARRL Field Day operation with standard Field Day exchanges 4. ARRL RTTY Roundup operation with standard contest exchanges 5. Better and more user-friendly support for compound and nonstandard callsigns 6. A special "telemetry" message format for exchange of arbitrary information up to 71 bits Decoding sensitivity for the new messages will be atleast as good as for the FT8 and MSK144 modes presently in WSJT-X v1.9.1. The existing FT8 DXpedition mode will be supported, and a more powerful DXpedition mode may be offered as well. In this document we'll call the new FT8 protocol "FT8+". It will be a superset of the FT8 implemented in v1.9.1, providing at least temporary compatibility and inter-operability with older program versions. We may decide to remove the support for backward compatibility in FT8 after a specified switchover interval. In contrast, the new MSK144 protocol will replace the old one without backward compatibility. We believe the smaller and more specialized group of MSK144 users will upgrade quickly and not find this restriction to be a problem. To minimize any confusion that may arise during a switchover from v1.9.1 to v2.0, we tentatively propose the following schedule: September 15, 2018: ------------------- A beta-test version v2.0.0-rc1 will be made available for download. FT8+ will support the old (v1.9.1) protocol as well as the new message types described below. Frequencies formerly used for JT9 on the HF and VHF bands will be recommended for testing the new features in FT8+. MSK144 will be fully functional between any two stations using v2.0.0-rc1, but will not be backward compatible with earlier program versions. The original MSK144 protocol will be declared obsolete. Program version v2.0.0-rc1 (and any subsequent versions 2.0.0-rc#) will probably include an automatic "timeout date" or other mechanism to force upgrading when newer versions become available. November 1, 2018: ----------------- Official GA release of WSJT-X v2.0.0. Dates of relevant upcoming ARRL contests ----------------------------------------- VHF QSO Party: September 8-10, 2018 RTTY Roundup: January 5-6, 2019 VHF SS: January 19-21, 2019 Note that our proposed schedule makes v2.0 available for relevant ARRL contests in 2019. However, the ARRL September 2018 VHF QSO Party will need to use v1.9.1. Here are some examples of messages that will be supported by FT8+ and MSK144 in WSJT-X v2.0. The list is not exhaustive. Parameters i3 and n3 are used in the software to define major and minor message types. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i3.n3 Example Messages Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 TNX BOB 73 GL Free text 0.1 K1ABC RR73; W9XYZ -08 DXpedition Mode (Fox only) 0.2 G4ABC/P R 570007 JO22DB EU VHF Contest 0.2 PA9XYZ 590003 IO91NP EU VHF Contest 0.3 K1ABC W9XYZ 6A WI ARRL Field Day 0.3 W9XYZ K1ABC R 2B EMA ARRL Field Day 0.5 123456789ABCD Telemetry (18 hex digits) 1. W9XYZ Compound call 1. W9XYZ 73 1. CQ FD K1ABC FN42 1. CQ K1ABC FN42 1. CQ TEST K1ABC FN42 NA VHF Contest ("TEST" is optional) 1. CQ TEST K1ABC/R FN42 1. K1ABC W9XYZ EN37 1. K1ABC W9XYZ -09 1. K1ABC W9XYZ R-17 1. K1ABC W9XYZ RRR 1. K1ABC W9XYZ 73 1. K1ABC W9XYZ RR73 1. K1ABC/R W9XYZ EN37 1. K1ABC W9XYZ/R RR73 1. W9XYZ -13 Nonstandard call 1. W9XYZ R+02 1. W9XYZ RRR 1. W9XYZ RR73 2. CQ G4ABC/P IO91 2. G4ABC/P PA9XYZ JO22 2. PA9XYZ G4ABC/P RR73 3. K1ABC KA0DEF 559 MO ARRL RTTY Roundup 3. K1ABC W9XYZ 579 WI ARRL RTTY Roundup 3. KA1ABC G3AAA 529 0013 ARRL RTTY Roundup 3. TU; G3AAA K1ABC R 559 MA ARRL RTTY Roundup 3. TU; KA0DEF K1ABC R 569 MA ARRL RTTY Roundup 3. W9XYZ K1ABC R 589 MA ARRL RTTY Roundup 4. CQ KH1/KH7Z Compound call 4. CQ YW18FIFA Nonstandard call ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some examples of minimal QSO sequences that take advantage (where necessary) of the new protocol capabilities: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Standard QSO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ K1ABC FN42 K1ABC W9XYZ EN37 W9XYZ K1ABC -11 K1ABC W9XYZ R-09 W9XYZ K1ABC RRR K1ABC W9XYZ 73 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Short-cycle QSO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ K1ABC FN42 K1ABC W9XYZ -09 W9XYZ K1ABC R-11 K1ABC W9XYZ RR73 W9XYZ K1ABC 73 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. FT8 DXpedition Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ KH1/KH7Z KH7Z K1ABC FN42 K1ABC KH7Z -12 KH7Z K1ABC R-14 KH7Z W9XYZ EN37 K1ABC RR73; W9XYZ -08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. ARRL Field Day ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ FD K1ABC FN42 K1ABC W9XYZ 6A WI W9XYZ K1ABC R 2B EMA K1ABC W9XYZ RR73 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. ARRL VHF Contests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ TEST K1ABC/R FN42 K1ABC/R W9XYZ EN37 W9XYZ K1ABC/R R FN42 K1ABC/R W9XYZ RR73 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ARRL RTTY Contest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ TEST K1ABC FN42 K1ABC W9XYZ 579 WI W9XYZ K1ABC R 589 MA K1ABC W9XYZ RR73 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. EU VHF Contest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ TEST G4ABC/P IO91 G4ABC/P PA9XYZ JO22 PA9XYZ 590003 IO91NP G4ABC/P R 570007 JO22DB PA9XYZ G4ABC/P RR73 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Compound calls ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQ PJ4/K1ABC W9XYZ W9XYZ K1ABC -11 K1ABC W9XYZ R-09 W9XYZ RRR W9XYZ 73