#include "Detector.hpp" #include #include #include #include "commons.h" extern "C" { void fil4_(qint16*, qint32*, qint16*, qint32*); } Detector::Detector (unsigned frameRate, unsigned periodLengthInSeconds, unsigned framesPerSignal, QObject * parent) : AudioDevice (parent) , m_frameRate (frameRate) , m_period (periodLengthInSeconds) , m_framesPerSignal (framesPerSignal) , m_monitoring (false) , m_starting (false) { clear (); } bool Detector::reset () { clear (); return QIODevice::reset (); } void Detector::clear () { // set index to roughly where we are in time (1ms resolution) // qint64 now (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch ()); // unsigned msInPeriod ((now % 86400000LL) % (m_period * 1000)); // jt9com_.kin = qMin ((msInPeriod * m_frameRate) / 1000, static_cast (sizeof (jt9com_.d2) / sizeof (jt9com_.d2[0]))); jt9com_.kin = 0; // fill buffer with zeros (G4WJS commented out becuase it might cause decoder hangs) // qFill (jt9com_.d2, jt9com_.d2 + sizeof (jt9com_.d2) / sizeof (jt9com_.d2[0]), 0); } qint64 Detector::writeData (char const * data, qint64 maxSize) { if (m_monitoring) { Q_ASSERT (!(maxSize % static_cast (bytesPerFrame ()))); // no torn frames qint64 framesAcceptable (sizeof (jt9com_.d2) / sizeof (jt9com_.d2[0]) - jt9com_.kin); qint64 framesAccepted (qMin (static_cast (maxSize / bytesPerFrame ()), framesAcceptable)); if (framesAccepted < static_cast (maxSize / bytesPerFrame ())) { qDebug () << "dropped " << maxSize / sizeof (jt9com_.d2[0]) - framesAccepted << " frames of data on the floor!"; } qint32 m_n1,m_n2; m_n1 = framesAccepted; fil4_((qint16 *)data, &m_n1, m_translate, &m_n2); store ((char const *) m_translate, m_n2, &jt9com_.d2[jt9com_.kin]); unsigned lastSignalIndex (jt9com_.kin / m_framesPerSignal); jt9com_.kin += m_n2; unsigned currentSignalIndex (jt9com_.kin / m_framesPerSignal); if (currentSignalIndex != lastSignalIndex && m_monitoring) { Q_EMIT framesWritten (currentSignalIndex * m_framesPerSignal); } if (!secondInPeriod ()) { if (!m_starting) { // next samples will be in new period so wrap around to // start of buffer // // we don't bother calling reset () since we expect to fill // the whole buffer and don't need to waste cycles zeroing jt9com_.kin = 0; m_starting = true; } } else if (m_starting) { m_starting = false; } } else { jt9com_.kin = 0; } return maxSize; // we drop any data past the end of // the buffer on the floor until the // next period starts } unsigned Detector::secondInPeriod () const { // we take the time of the data as the following assuming no latency // delivering it to us (not true but close enough for us) qint64 now (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch ()); unsigned secondInToday ((now % 86400000LL) / 1000); return secondInToday % m_period; }