module astro_module implicit none private public :: astrosub logical :: initialized = .false. integer :: azel_extra_lines = 0 contains subroutine astrosub(nyear,month,nday,uth8,freq8,mygrid_cp, & hisgrid_cp,AzSun8,ElSun8,AzMoon8,ElMoon8,AzMoonB8,ElMoonB8, & ntsky,ndop,ndop00,RAMoon8,DecMoon8,Dgrd8,poloffset8,xnr8,techo8,width1, & width2,bTx,AzElFileName_cp,jpleph_file_name_cp) & bind (C, name="astrosub") use :: types, only: dp use :: C_interface_module, only: C_int, C_double, C_bool, C_ptr, C_string_value, assignment(=) integer(C_int), intent(in), value :: nyear, month, nday real(C_double), intent(in), value :: uth8, freq8 real(C_double), intent(out) :: AzSun8, ElSun8, AzMoon8, ElMoon8, AzMoonB8, & ElMoonB8, Ramoon8, DecMoon8, Dgrd8, poloffset8, xnr8, techo8, width1, & width2 integer(C_int), intent(out) :: ntsky, ndop, ndop00 logical(C_bool), intent(in), value :: bTx type(C_ptr), value, intent(in) :: mygrid_cp, hisgrid_cp, AzElFileName_cp, & jpleph_file_name_cp character(len=6) :: mygrid, hisgrid character(len=:), allocatable :: AzElFileName character(len=1) :: c1 character(len=32) :: envvar integer :: ih, im, imin, is, isec, nfreq, env_status real(dp) :: AzAux, ElAux, dbMoon8, dfdt, dfdt0, doppler, doppler00, HA8, sd8, xlst8 character*256 jpleph_file_name common/jplcom/jpleph_file_name if (.not.initialized) then call get_environment_variable ('WSJT_AZEL_EXTRA_LINES', envvar, status=env_status) if (env_status.eq.0) read (envvar, *, iostat=env_status) azel_extra_lines initialized = .true. end if mygrid = mygrid_cp hisgrid = hisgrid_cp AzElFileName = C_string_value (AzElFileName_cp) jpleph_file_name = jpleph_file_name_cp call astro0(nyear,month,nday,uth8,freq8,mygrid,hisgrid, & AzSun8,ElSun8,AzMoon8,ElMoon8,AzMoonB8,ElMoonB8,ntsky,ndop,ndop00, & dbMoon8,RAMoon8,DecMoon8,HA8,Dgrd8,sd8,poloffset8,xnr8,dfdt,dfdt0, & width1,width2,xlst8,techo8) if (len_trim(AzElFileName) .eq. 0) go to 999 if(len(trim(hisgrid)).eq.0) then !If DX grid is blank, set these to zero: AzMoonB8=0 ElMoonB8=0 ndop=0 width2=0 endif imin=60*uth8 isec=3600*uth8 ih=uth8 im=mod(imin,60) is=mod(isec,60) open(15,file=AzElFileName,status='unknown',err=900) c1='R' if(bTx) then c1='T' endif AzAux=0. ElAux=0. nfreq=freq8/1000000 doppler=ndop doppler00=ndop00 write(15,1010,err=10) ih,im,is,AzMoon8,ElMoon8, & ih,im,is,AzSun8,ElSun8, & ih,im,is,AzAux,ElAux, & nfreq,doppler,dfdt,doppler00,dfdt0,c1 if ( write(15, 1020, err=10) poloffset8, & xnr8,Dgrd8,width1,width2 1010 format( & i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2,',',f5.1,',',f5.1,',Moon'/ & i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2,',',f5.1,',',f5.1,',Sun'/ & i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2,',',f5.1,',',f5.1,',Source'/ & i5,',',f8.1,',',f8.2,',',f8.1,',',f8.2,',Doppler, ',a1) 1020 format(f8.1,',',f8.1,',',f8.1,',',f8.1,',',f8.1,',Pol') 10 close(15) go to 999 900 print*,'Error opening azel.dat' 999 return end subroutine astrosub end module astro_module