program jt9 ! Decoder for JT9. Can run stand-alone, reading data from *.wav files; ! or as the back end of wsjt-x, with data placed in a shared memory region. use options use prog_args use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use FFTW3 use timer_module, only: timer use timer_impl, only: init_timer, fini_timer use readwav include 'jt9com.f90' integer(C_INT) iret type(wav_header) wav real*4 s(NSMAX) character c character(len=500) optarg, infile character wisfile*80 !### ndepth was defined as 60001. Why??? integer :: arglen,stat,offset,remain,mode=0,flow=200,fsplit=2700, & fhigh=4000,nrxfreq=1500,ntrperiod=1,ndepth=1,nexp_decode=0 logical :: read_files = .true., tx9 = .false., display_help = .false. type (option) :: long_options(23) = [ & option ('help', .false., 'h', 'Display this help message', ''), & option ('shmem',.true.,'s','Use shared memory for sample data','KEY'), & option ('tr-period', .true., 'p', 'Tx/Rx period, default MINUTES=1', & 'MINUTES'), & option ('executable-path', .true., 'e', & 'Location of subordinate executables (KVASD) default PATH="."', & 'PATH'), & option ('data-path', .true., 'a', & 'Location of writeable data files, default PATH="."', 'PATH'), & option ('temp-path', .true., 't', & 'Temporary files path, default PATH="."', 'PATH'), & option ('lowest', .true., 'L', & 'Lowest frequency decoded (JT65), default HERTZ=200', 'HERTZ'), & option ('highest', .true., 'H', & 'Highest frequency decoded, default HERTZ=4007', 'HERTZ'), & option ('split', .true., 'S', & 'Lowest JT9 frequency decoded, default HERTZ=2700', 'HERTZ'), & option ('rx-frequency', .true., 'f', & 'Receive frequency offset, default HERTZ=1500', 'HERTZ'), & option ('patience', .true., 'w', & 'FFTW3 planing patience (0-4), default PATIENCE=1', 'PATIENCE'), & option ('fft-threads', .true., 'm', & 'Number of threads to process large FFTs, default THREADS=1', & 'THREADS'), & option ('jt65', .false., '6', 'JT65 mode', ''), & option ('jt9', .false., '9', 'JT9 mode', ''), & option ('jt4', .false., '4', 'JT4 mode', ''), & option ('sub-mode', .true., 'b', 'Sub mode, default SUBMODE=A', 'A'), & option ('depth', .true., 'd', & 'JT9 decoding depth (1-3), default DEPTH=1', 'DEPTH'), & option ('tx-jt9', .false., 'T', 'Tx mode is JT9', ''), & option ('my-call', .true., 'c', 'my callsign', 'CALL'), & option ('my-grid', .true., 'G', 'my grid locator', 'GRID'), & option ('his-call', .true., 'x', 'his callsign', 'CALL'), & option ('his-grid', .true., 'g', 'his grid locator', 'GRID'), & option ('experience-decode', .true., 'X', & 'experience based decoding flags (1..n), default FLAGS=0', & 'FLAGS') ] type(dec_data), allocatable :: shared_data character(len=12) :: mycall, hiscall character(len=6) :: mygrid, hisgrid common/patience/npatience,nthreads common/decstats/ntry65a,ntry65b,n65a,n65b,num9,numfano data npatience/1/,nthreads/1/ nsubmode = 0 do call getopt('hs:e:a:b:r:m:p:d:f:w:t:964TL:S:H:c:G:x:g:X:',long_options,c, & optarg,arglen,stat,offset,remain,.true.) if (stat .ne. 0) then exit end if select case (c) case ('h') display_help = .true. case ('s') read_files = .false. shm_key = optarg(:arglen) case ('e') exe_dir = optarg(:arglen) case ('a') data_dir = optarg(:arglen) case ('b') nsubmode = ichar (optarg(:1)) - ichar ('A') case ('t') temp_dir = optarg(:arglen) case ('m') read (optarg(:arglen), *) nthreads case ('p') read (optarg(:arglen), *) ntrperiod case ('d') read (optarg(:arglen), *) ndepth case ('f') read (optarg(:arglen), *) nrxfreq case ('L') read (optarg(:arglen), *) flow case ('S') read (optarg(:arglen), *) fsplit case ('H') read (optarg(:arglen), *) fhigh case ('4') mode = 4 case ('6') if ( mode = mode + 65 case ('9') if ( mode = mode + 9 case ('T') tx9 = .true. case ('w') read (optarg(:arglen), *) npatience case ('c') read (optarg(:arglen), *) mycall case ('G') read (optarg(:arglen), *) mygrid case ('x') read (optarg(:arglen), *) hiscall case ('g') read (optarg(:arglen), *) hisgrid case ('X') read (optarg(:arglen), *) nexp_decode end select end do if (display_help .or. stat .lt. 0 & .or. (.not. read_files .and. remain .gt. 0) & .or. (read_files .and. remain .lt. 1)) then print *, 'Usage: jt9 [OPTIONS] file1 [file2 ...]' print *, ' Reads data from *.wav files.' print *, '' print *, ' jt9 -s [-w patience] [-m threads] [-e path] [-a path] [-t path]' print *, ' Gets data from shared memory region with key==' print *, '' print *, 'OPTIONS:' print *, '' do i = 1, size (long_options) call long_options(i) % print (6) end do go to 999 endif iret=fftwf_init_threads() !Initialize FFTW threading ! Default to 1 thread, but use nthreads for the big ones call fftwf_plan_with_nthreads(1) ! Import FFTW wisdom, if available wisfile=trim(data_dir)//'/jt9_wisdom.dat'// C_NULL_CHAR iret=fftwf_import_wisdom_from_filename(wisfile) ntry65a=0 ntry65b=0 n65a=0 n65b=0 num9=0 numfano=0 if (.not. read_files) then call jt9a() !We're running under control of WSJT-X go to 999 endif allocate(shared_data) nflatten=0 do iarg = offset + 1, offset + remain call get_command_argument (iarg, optarg, arglen) infile = optarg(:arglen) call wav%read (infile) nfsample=wav%audio_format%sample_rate i1=index(infile,'.wav') if( i1=index(infile,'.WAV') if(infile(i1-5:i1-5).eq.'_') then read(infile(i1-4:i1-1),*,err=1) nutc else read(infile(i1-6:i1-3),*,err=1) nutc endif go to 2 1 nutc=0 2 nsps=0 if(ntrperiod.eq.1) then nsps=6912 shared_data%params%nzhsym=181 else if(ntrperiod.eq.2) then nsps=15360 shared_data%params%nzhsym=178 else if(ntrperiod.eq.5) then nsps=40960 shared_data%params%nzhsym=172 else if(ntrperiod.eq.10) then nsps=82944 shared_data%params%nzhsym=171 else if(ntrperiod.eq.30) then nsps=252000 shared_data%params%nzhsym=167 endif if(nsps.eq.0) stop 'Error: bad TRperiod' kstep=nsps/2 k=0 nhsym0=-999 npts=(60*ntrperiod-6)*12000 if(iarg .eq. offset + 1) then call init_timer (trim(data_dir)//'/timer.out') call timer('jt9 ',0) endif shared_data%id2=0 !??? Why is this necessary ??? do iblk=1,npts/kstep k=iblk*kstep call timer('read_wav',0) read(unit=wav%lun,end=3) shared_data%id2(k-kstep+1:k) go to 4 3 call timer('read_wav',1) print*,'EOF on input file ',infile exit 4 call timer('read_wav',1) nhsym=(k-2048)/kstep if( .and. then if(mode.eq.9 .or. mode.eq.74) then ! Compute rough symbol spectra for the JT9 decoder ingain=0 call timer('symspec ',0) nminw=1 call symspec(shared_data,k,ntrperiod,nsps,ingain,nminw,pxdb,s,df3, & ihsym,npts8) call timer('symspec ',1) endif nhsym0=nhsym if( exit endif enddo close(unit=wav%lun) shared_data%params%nutc=nutc shared_data%params%ndiskdat=.true. shared_data%params%ntr=60 shared_data%params%nfqso=nrxfreq shared_data%params%newdat=.true. shared_data%params%npts8=74736 shared_data%params%nfa=flow shared_data%params%nfsplit=fsplit shared_data%params%nfb=fhigh shared_data%params%ntol=20 shared_data%params%kin=64800 shared_data%params%nzhsym=181 shared_data%params%ndepth=ndepth shared_data%params%dttol=3. shared_data%params%minsync=-1 !### TEST ONLY shared_data%params%nfqso=1500 !### TEST ONLY mycall="K1ABC " !### TEST ONLY shared_data%params%naggressive=10 shared_data%params%n2pass=1 shared_data%params%nranera=8 !### ntrials=10000 if(ndepth.eq.4) shared_data%params%nranera=10 !### ntrials=100,000 shared_data%params%nrobust=.false. shared_data%params%nexp_decode=nexp_decode shared_data%params%mycall=mycall shared_data%params%mygrid=mygrid shared_data%params%hiscall=hiscall shared_data%params%hisgrid=hisgrid if (shared_data%params%mycall == '') shared_data%params%mycall='K1ABC' if (shared_data%params%hiscall == '') shared_data%params%hiscall='W9XYZ' if (shared_data%params%hisgrid == '') shared_data%params%hiscall='EN37' if (tx9) then shared_data%params%ntxmode=9 else shared_data%params%ntxmode=65 end if if (mode.eq.0) then shared_data%params%nmode=65+9 else shared_data%params%nmode=mode end if shared_data%params%nsubmode=nsubmode shared_data%params%datetime="2013-Apr-16 15:13" !### Temp if(mode.eq.9 .and. shared_data%params%nfa=fsplit call multimode_decoder(shared_data%ss,shared_data%id2,shared_data%params,nfsample) enddo call timer('jt9 ',1) call timer('jt9 ',101) 999 continue ! Output decoder statistics call fini_timer () open (unit=12, file=trim(data_dir)//'/timer.out', status='unknown', position='append') write(12,1100) n65a,ntry65a,n65b,ntry65b,numfano,num9 1100 format(58('-')/' JT65_1 Tries_1 JT65_2 Tries_2 JT9 Tries'/ & 58('-')/6i8) ! Save wisdom and free memory iret=fftwf_export_wisdom_to_filename(wisfile) call four2a(a,-1,1,1,1) call filbig(a,-1,1,0.0,0,0,0,0,0) !used for FFT plans call fftwf_cleanup_threads() call fftwf_cleanup() end program jt9