import sys from datetime import datetime mycall="K1JT" mygrid="FN20" # Keyed with hiscall: Freq={} T0={} RcvdExch={} Grid={} # Keyed with hiscall_band: Staged={} TimeLogged={} QSOinProgress={} # QSOinProgress bit values: # 1 He called me # 2 I called him # 4 Received his exchange # 8 Received his Roger # 16 Sent Roger # 32 Staged for logging def isGrid(g): """Return True if g is a valid grid4 and not RR73""" if len(g)!=4 or g=="RR73": return False if ord(g[0:1])<ord('A') or ord(g[0:1])>ord('R'): return False if ord(g[1:2])<ord('A') or ord(g[1:2])>ord('R'): return False if ord(g[2:3])<ord('0') or ord(g[2:3])>ord('9'): return False if ord(g[3:4])<ord('0') or ord(g[3:4])>ord('9'): return False return True if len(sys.argv)!=4: print "Usage: python <mycall> <mygrid> <infile>" print "Example: python K1JT FN20 all_wwdigi_2019.txt" exit() f=open(sys.argv[3],mode='r') ss=f.readlines() f.close dt0=datetime.strptime(ss[0][0:13],"%y%m%d_%H%M%S") iz=len(ss) nqso=0 hiscall_band="" for i in range(iz): s=ss[i][0:80].strip() dt=datetime.strptime(s[0:13],"%y%m%d_%H%M%S") tx=" Tx " in s #True if this is my transmission w=s.split() if len(w)<10: continue if w[7]=="CQ": cq=True if w[8].isalpha(): s=s.replace(" CQ "," CQ_") w=s.split() if len(w)<10: continue c1=w[7] c2=w[8] c3=w[9] roger = c3=="R" if roger: c3=w[10] cq = (c1=="CQ" or c1[0:3]=="CQ_") if cq: Grid[c2]=c3 hiscall="" if tx and not cq: hiscall=c1 if c1==mycall: freq=int(1000.0*float(s[13:23])) + int((int(s[42:47]))/1000) hiscall=c2 Freq[hiscall]=freq MHz="%3d" % int(float(s[13:23])) hiscall_band=hiscall+MHz n=QSOinProgress.get(hiscall_band,0) n = n | 1 #He called me if roger or c3=="RR73" or c3=="RRR" or c3=="73": n = n | 8 # Rcvd Roger if isGrid(c3): hisgrid=c3 RcvdExch[hiscall]=hisgrid n = n | 4 #Received his exchange else: g=Grid.get(hiscall,"") if isGrid(g): RcvdExch[hiscall]=g n = n | 4 #Received his exchange QSOinProgress[hiscall_band]=n if len(hiscall)>=3: MHz="%3d" % int(float(s[13:23])) hiscall_band=hiscall+MHz if tx: n=QSOinProgress.get(hiscall_band,0) n = n | 2 #I called him if roger or c3=="RR73" or c3=="RRR" or c3=="73": n = n | 4 | 16 #Rcvd Exch, Sent Roger if c3=="RR73" or c3=="RRR" or c3=="73": n = n | 8 #Rcvd Exch, Sent Roger QSOinProgress[hiscall_band]=n T0[hiscall]=dt if len(hiscall_band)<5 or len(hiscall)<3: continue if QSOinProgress.get(hiscall_band,0)>=31: n=QSOinProgress.get(hiscall_band,0) n = n | 32 QSOinProgress[hiscall_band]=n t=str(T0[hiscall])[0:16] t=t[0:13] + t[14:16] buf="QSO: %5d DG %s %-10s %s %-10s %s" % (Freq[hiscall],t,\ mycall,mygrid,hiscall,RcvdExch.get(hiscall," ")) MHz="%3d" % int(float(s[13:23])) hiscall_band=hiscall+MHz t=Staged.get(hiscall_band,"") time_diff=-1 if TimeLogged.get(hiscall_band,0)!=0: time_diff=(T0[hiscall] - TimeLogged[hiscall_band]).total_seconds() if time_diff == -1 or time_diff > 180: #Log only once within 3 min Staged[hiscall_band]=buf #Staged for logging nqso=nqso+1 TimeLogged[hiscall_band]=T0[hiscall] print buf #For now, log anything staged del QSOinProgress[hiscall_band]