subroutine avemsg65(mseg,mode65,ndepth,decoded,nused, + nq1,nq2,neme,nsked,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,qual, + ns,ncount) C Decodes averaged JT65 data for the specified segment (mseg=1 or 2). parameter (MAXAVE=120) !Max avg count is 120 character decoded*22,deepmsg*22 character mycall*12,hiscall*12,hisgrid*6 real s3(64,63) common/ave/ppsave(64,63,MAXAVE),nflag(MAXAVE),nsave,iseg(MAXAVE) C Count the available spectra for this Monitor segment (mseg=1 or 2), C and the number of spectra flagged as good. nused=0 ns=0 nqual=0 deepmsg=' ' do i=1,nsave if(iseg(i).eq.mseg) then ns=ns+1 if(nflag(i).eq.1) nused=nused+1 endif enddo if( go to 100 C Compute the average of all flagged spectra for this segment. do j=1,63 call zero(s3(1,j),64) do n=1,nsave if(nflag(n).eq.1 .and. iseg(n).eq.mseg) then call add(s3(1,j),ppsave(1,j,n),s3(1,j),64) endif enddo enddo nadd=nused*mode65 call extract(s3,nadd,ncount,decoded) !Extract the message if( decoded=' ' nqual=0 C Possibly should pass nadd=nused, also: if( then flipx=1.0 !Normal flip not relevant for ave msg call deep65(s3,mode65,neme,nsked,flipx, + mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,deepmsg,qual) nqual=qual if( deepmsg=' ' if( .and. deepmsg(19:19)='?' else deepmsg=' ' qual=0. endif if( decoded=deepmsg C Suppress "birdie messages": if(decoded(1:7).eq.'000AAA ') decoded=' ' if(decoded(1:7).eq.'0L6MWK ') decoded=' ' 100 if( decoded=' ' return end