subroutine decode1(iarg) ! Get data and parameters from gcom, then call the decoders when needed. ! This routine runs in a background thread and will never return. #ifdef Win32 use dflib #endif character sending0*28,mode0*6,cshort*11 integer sendingsh0 include 'datcom.f90' include 'gcom1.f90' include 'gcom2.f90' include 'gcom3.f90' include 'gcom4.f90' data sending0/' '/ save kkdone=-99 ntr0=ntr ns0=999999 10 continue if( then call getfile2(fname80,nlen) newdat2=0 kbuf=1 kk=NSMAX kkdone=0 newdat=1 endif if((ndiskdat.eq.1 .or. ndecoding.eq.0) .and. ((kk-kkdone).gt.32768)) & call symspec(id,kbuf,kk,kkdone,nutc,t00,newdat) if( .and. mode(1:4).eq.'JT65') then ndecdone=0 call map65a(newdat) if(mousebutton.eq.0) ndecoding0=ndecoding ndecoding=0 endif if( then rewind 21 ns0=999999 endif n=Tsec if( .and. utcdate(1:1).eq.'2') then write(21,1001) utcdate(:11) 1001 format(/'UTC Date: ',a11/'---------------------') ns0=n endif if(transmitting.eq.1 .and. ( .or. & .or. then ih=n/3600 im=mod(n/60,60) is=mod(n,60) cshort=' ' if(sendingsh.eq.1) cshort='(Shorthand)' write(21,1010) ih,im,is,mode,sending,cshort 1010 format(3i2.2,' Transmitting: ',a6,2x,a28,2x,a11) sending0=sending sendingsh0=sendingsh mode0=mode endif call sleep_msec(1000) !### was 100 go to 10 end subroutine decode1