subroutine fil658(c1,n1,c2,n2) C FIR lowpass filter designed using ScopeFIR C Pass #1 Pass #2 Pass #3 C----------------------------------------------- C fsample (Hz) 96000.0 24000 6000 Input sample rate C Ntaps 47 47 47 Number of filter taps C fc (Hz) 6000 1500 375 Cutoff frequency (-3 dB) C fstop (Hz) 11025.0 2756.25 689.0625 Lower limit of stopband C Ripple (dB) 0.06 0.06 0.06 Ripple in passband C Stop Atten (dB) 41 41 41 Stopband attenuation C fout (Hz) 24000.0 6000 1500 Output sample rate parameter (NTAPS=47) parameter (NH=NTAPS/2) parameter (NDOWN=4) !Downsample ratio = 1/4 complex c1(n1) complex c2(n1/NDOWN) C Filter coefficients: real a(-NH:NH) data a/ + 0.004066057444,-0.000483030239,-0.002085155775,-0.004036668720, + -0.005338083014,-0.004952374329,-0.002267639582, 0.002499787691, + 0.008113543743, 0.012522509052, 0.013441779030, 0.009233544068, + -0.000256999594,-0.013156485907,-0.025660797518,-0.032755808092, + -0.029602578877,-0.013013352845, 0.017249853203, 0.057885304099, + 0.102497204557, 0.142897857652, 0.171067807479, 0.181167084990, + 0.171067807479, 0.142897857652, 0.102497204557, 0.057885304099, + 0.017249853203,-0.013013352845,-0.029602578877,-0.032755808092, + -0.025660797518,-0.013156485907,-0.000256999594, 0.009233544068, + 0.013441779030, 0.012522509052, 0.008113543743, 0.002499787691, + -0.002267639582,-0.004952374329,-0.005338083014,-0.004036668720, + -0.002085155775,-0.000483030239, 0.004066057444/ n2=(n1-NTAPS+NDOWN)/NDOWN k0=NH-NDOWN+1 C Loop over all output samples do i=1,n2 c2(i)=0. k=k0 + NDOWN*i do j=-NH,NH c2(i)=c2(i) + c1(j+k)*a(j) enddo enddo return end