! Variable             Purpose                              Set in Thread
real ps0               !Spectrum of best ping, FSK441/JT6m      Decoder
real psavg             !Average spectrum                        Decoder
real s2                !2d spectrum for horizontal waterfall    GUI
real ccf               !CCF in time (blue curve)                Decoder
real green             !Data for green line                     GUI
real fselect           !Specified QSO frequency                 GUI
real pctlost           !Percent of lost packets                 Decoder
real fcenter           !Linrad center freq, from pkt header   recvpkt
real rxnoise           !Rx noise in dB                        recvpkt
real dphi              !Phase shift between pol'n channels   GUI,Decoder
integer ngreen         !Length of green                         GUI
real dgain             !Digital audio gain setting              GUI
integer iter           !(why is this here??)
integer ndecoding      !Decoder status (see decode2.f90)     GUI,Decoder
integer ndecoding0     !Status on previous decode            GUI,Decoder
integer mousebutton    !Which button was clicked?               GUI
integer multicast      !1 for multicast data, 0 for unicast     GUI
integer ndecdone       !Is decoder finished?                 GUI,Decoder
integer npingtime      !Time in file of mouse-selected ping  GUI,Decoder
integer ierr           !(why is this here?)
integer lauto          !Are we in Auto mode?                    GUI
integer mantx          !Manual transmission requested?       GUI,SoundIn
integer nrestart       !True if transmission should restart  GUI,SoundIn
integer ntr            !Are we in 2nd sequence?                 SoundIn
integer nmsg           !Length of Tx message                    SoundIn
integer nsave          !Which files to save?                    GUI
integer nadd5          !Prepend 5 sec of 0's before decoding?   GUI 
integer dftolerance    !DF tolerance (Hz)                       GUI
logical LDecoded       !Was a message decoded?                  Decoder
logical rxdone         !Has the Rx sequence finished?      SoundIn,Decoder
integer monitoring     !Are we monitoring?                      GUI
integer nzap           !Is Zap checked?                         GUI
integer minsigdb       !Decoder threshold setting               GUI
integer nclearave      !Set to 1 to clear JT65 avg         GUI,Decoder
integer nfreeze        !Is Freeze checked?                      GUI
integer nafc           !Is AFC checked?                         GUI
integer ncsmin         !Minimum length of callsign in bandmap   GUI
integer newspec        !New spectra in ss(4,322,NSMAX)     GUI,Decoder
integer nfa            !Low end of map65 search (def 100 kHz)   GUI
integer nfb            !High end of map65 search (def 160 kHz)  GUI
integer nfcal          !Calibration offset, Hz                  GUI
integer idphi          !Phase offset in Y channel (deg)         GUI
integer nkeep          !Timeout limit for band maps (min)       GUI
integer nmode          !Which WSJT mode?                   GUI,Decoder
integer mode65         !JT65 sub-mode (A/B/C ==> 1/2/4) GUI,SoundIn,Decoder
integer nbpp           !# FFT Bins/pixel, wideband waterfall   Spec
integer nfullspec      !Set to 1 to display full spectrum       GUI
integer ndebug         !Write debugging info?                   GUI
integer ndphi          !Set to 1 to compute dphi             GUI,Decoder
integer nhispol        !Pol angle matching HisCall or HisGrid Decoder
integer nt1            !Time to start FFTs                      GUI
integer nt2            !Time to start quick decode              GUI
integer nblank         !Is NB checked?                          GUI
integer nfmid          !Center frequency of main display        GUI
integer nfrange        !Frequency range of main display         GUI
integer nport          !Requested COM port number               GUI
integer mousedf        !Mouse-selected freq offset, DF          GUI
integer mousefqso      !Mouse-selected QSO freq                 GUI
integer neme           !EME calls only in deep search?          GUI
integer nrw26          !Request to rewind lu 26 (tmp26.txt)  GUI,Decoder
integer naggressive    !Is "Aggressive decoding" checked?       GUI
integer ntx2           !Is "No shorthands if Tx1" checked?      GUI
integer nagain         !Decode same file again?                 GUI
integer shok           !Shorthand messages OK?                  GUI
integer sendingsh      !Sending a shorthand message?            SoundIn
integer*2 d2a          !Rx data, extracted from y1              Decoder
integer*2 d2b          !Rx data, selected by mouse-pick         Decoder
integer*2 b            !Pixel values for waterfall spectrum     GUI
integer jza            !Length of data in d2a                GUI,Decoder
integer jzb            !(why is this here?)
integer ntime          !Integer Unix time (now)               SoundIn
integer idinterval     !Interval between CWIDs, minutes         GUI
integer msmax          !(why is this here?)
integer lenappdir      !Length of Appdir string                 GUI
integer idf            !Frequency offset in Hz                  Decoder
integer ndiskdat       !1 if data read from disk, 0 otherwise   GUI
integer nlines         !Available lines of waterfall data       GUI
integer nflat          !Is waterfall to be flattened?           GUI
integer ntxreq         !Tx msg# requested                       GUI
integer ntxnow         !Tx msg# being sent now                  GUI
integer ndepth         !Requested "depth" of JT65 decoding      GUI
integer nspecial       !JT65 shorthand msg#: RO=2 RRR=3 73=4    Decoder
integer ndf            !Measured DF in Hz                       Decoder
real ss1               !Magenta curve for JT65 shorthand msg    Decoder
real ss2               !Orange curve for JT65 shorthand msg     Decoder
character mycall*12    !My call sign                            GUI
character hiscall*12   !His call sign                           GUI
character hisgrid*6    !His grid locator                        GUI
character txmsg*28     !Message to be transmitted               GUI
character sending*28   !Message being sent                      SoundIn
character mode*6       !WSJT operating mode                     GUI
character utcdate*12   !UTC date                                GUI
character*24 fname0    !Filenames to be recorded, read, ...     Decoder
character*24 fnamea
character*24 fnameb
character*24 decodedfile
character*80 AppDir      !WSJT installation directory           GUI
character*80 AzElDir     !Directory for azel.dat                GUI
character*80 SaveDir     !Directory for saved data files        GUI
character*80 filetokilla !Filenames (full path)                 Decoder
character*80 filetokillb
character*12 pttport
character*8 utcdata     !HHMM UTC for the processed data       Decoder

common/gcom2/ps0(431),psavg(450),s2(64,3100),ccf(-5:540),                   &
     green(500),fselect,pctlost,fcenter,rxnoise,dphi,ngreen,dgain,iter,     &
     ndecoding,ndecoding0,mousebutton,multicast,                            &
     ndecdone,npingtime,ierr,lauto,mantx,nrestart,ntr,nmsg,nsave,nadd5,     &
     dftolerance,LDecoded,rxdone,monitoring,nzap,minsigdb,                  &
     nclearave,nfreeze,nafc,ncsmin,newspec,nfa,nfb,nfcal,idphi,nkeep,       &
     nmode,mode65,nbpp,nfullspec,ndebug,ndphi,nhispol,nt1,nt2,              &
     nblank,nport,mousedf,mousefqso,neme,nrw26,naggressive,ntx2,nagain,     &
     shok,sendingsh,d2a(661500),d2b(661500),b(60000),jza,jzb,ntime,         &
     idinterval,msmax,lenappdir,idf,ndiskdat,nlines,nflat,ntxreq,ntxnow,    &
     ndepth,nspecial,ndf,nfmid,nfrange,ss1(-224:224),ss2(-224:224),         &
     mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,txmsg,sending,mode,fname0,fnamea,               &
     fnameb,decodedfile,AppDir,AzElDir,SaveDir,filetokilla,filetokillb,     &

!### volatile /gcom2/