import sys, os.path def rsplit(toSplit, sub, max=-1): """ str.rsplit seems to have been introduced in 2.4 :( """ l = [] i = 0 while i != max: try: idx = toSplit.rindex(sub) except ValueError: break toSplit, splitOff = toSplit[:idx], toSplit[idx + len(sub):] l.insert(0, splitOff) i += 1 l.insert(0, toSplit) return l sconsDir = os.path.join("build", "scons") SConscript(os.path.join(sconsDir, "SConscript_common")) Import("Platform", "Posix", "ApiVer") # SConscript_opts exports PortAudio options optsDict = SConscript(os.path.join(sconsDir, "SConscript_opts")) optionsCache = os.path.join(sconsDir, "options.cache") # Save options between runs in this cache options = Options(optionsCache, args=ARGUMENTS) for k in ("Installation Dirs", "Build Targets", "Host APIs", "Build Parameters", "Bindings"): options.AddOptions(*optsDict[k]) # Propagate options into environment env = Environment(options=options) # Save options for next run options.Save(optionsCache, env) # Generate help text for options env.Help(options.GenerateHelpText(env)) buildDir = os.path.join("#", sconsDir, env["PLATFORM"]) # Determine parameters to build tools if Platform in Posix: baseLinkFlags = threadCFlags = "-pthread" baseCxxFlags = baseCFlags = "-Wall -pedantic -pipe " + threadCFlags debugCxxFlags = debugCFlags = "-g" optCxxFlags = optCFlags = "-O2" env["CCFLAGS"] = baseCFlags.split() env["CXXFLAGS"] = baseCxxFlags.split() env["LINKFLAGS"] = baseLinkFlags.split() if env["enableDebug"]: env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=debugCFlags.split()) env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=debugCxxFlags.split()) if env["enableOptimize"]: env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=optCFlags.split()) env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=optCxxFlags.split()) if not env["enableAsserts"]: env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=["-DNDEBUG"]) if env["customCFlags"]: env.Append(CCFLAGS=env["customCFlags"]) if env["customCxxFlags"]: env.Append(CXXFLAGS=env["customCxxFlags"]) if env["customLinkFlags"]: env.Append(LINKFLAGS=env["customLinkFlags"]) env.Append(CPPPATH=[os.path.join("#", "include"), "common"]) # Store all signatures in one file, otherwise .sconsign files will get installed along with our own files env.SConsignFile(os.path.join(sconsDir, ".sconsign")) env.SConscriptChdir(False) sources, sharedLib, staticLib, tests, portEnv = env.SConscript(os.path.join("src", "SConscript"), build_dir=buildDir, duplicate=False, exports=["env"]) if Platform in Posix: prefix = env["prefix"] includeDir = os.path.join(prefix, "include") libDir = os.path.join(prefix, "lib") env.Alias("install", includeDir) env.Alias("install", libDir) # pkg-config def installPkgconfig(env, target, source): tgt = str(target[0]) src = str(source[0]) f = open(src) try: txt = finally: f.close() txt = txt.replace("@prefix@", prefix) txt = txt.replace("@exec_prefix@", prefix) txt = txt.replace("@libdir@", libDir) txt = txt.replace("@includedir@", includeDir) txt = txt.replace("@LIBS@", " ".join(["-l%s" % l for l in portEnv["LIBS"]])) txt = txt.replace("@THREAD_CFLAGS@", threadCFlags) f = open(tgt, "w") try: f.write(txt) finally: f.close() pkgconfigTgt = "portaudio-%d.0.pc" % int(ApiVer.split(".", 1)[0]) env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "pkgconfig", pkgconfigTgt), os.path.join("#", pkgconfigTgt + ".in"), installPkgconfig) # Default to None, since if the user disables all targets and no Default is set, all targets # are built by default env.Default(None) if env["enableTests"]: env.Default(tests) if env["enableShared"]: env.Default(sharedLib) if Platform in Posix: def symlink(env, target, source): trgt = str(target[0]) src = str(source[0]) if os.path.islink(trgt) or os.path.exists(trgt): os.remove(trgt) os.symlink(os.path.basename(src), trgt) major, minor, micro = [int(c) for c in ApiVer.split(".")] soFile = "%s.%s" % (os.path.basename(str(sharedLib[0])), ApiVer) env.InstallAs(target=os.path.join(libDir, soFile), source=sharedLib) # Install symlinks symTrgt = os.path.join(libDir, soFile) env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "" % (major, minor)), symTrgt, symlink) symTrgt = rsplit(symTrgt, ".", 1)[0] env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "" % major), symTrgt, symlink) symTrgt = rsplit(symTrgt, ".", 1)[0] env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, ""), symTrgt, symlink) if env["enableStatic"]: env.Default(staticLib) env.Install(libDir, staticLib) env.Install(includeDir, os.path.join("include", "portaudio.h")) if env["enableCxx"]: env.SConscriptChdir(True) cxxEnv = env.Copy() sharedLibs, staticLibs, headers = env.SConscript(os.path.join("bindings", "cpp", "SConscript"), exports={"env": cxxEnv, "buildDir": buildDir}, build_dir=os.path.join(buildDir, "portaudiocpp"), duplicate=False) if env["enableStatic"]: env.Default(staticLibs) env.Install(libDir, staticLibs) if env["enableShared"]: env.Default(sharedLibs) env.Install(libDir, sharedLibs) env.Install(os.path.join(includeDir, "portaudiocpp"), headers)