// Status=edited Download and execute the package file {win32} (Win 7, Win 8, Win10, 32-bit) or {win64} (Win 7, Win 8, Win10, 64-bit) following these instructions: * Install _WSJT-X_ into its own directory, for example `C:\WSJTX` or `C:\WSJT\WSJTX`, rather than the conventional location `C:\Program Files ...\WSJTX`. * All program files relating to _WSJT-X_ are stored in the chosen installation directory and its subdirectories. * Logs and other writeable files are normally found in the directory + `C:\Users\\AppData\Local\WSJT-X`. TIP: Your computer may be configured so that this directory is "`invisible`". It's there, however, and accessible. An alternative (shortcut) directory name is `"%LocalAppData%\WSJT-X\"`. * The built-in Windows facility for time synchronization is usually not adequate. We recommend the program _Meinberg NTP Client_ (see {ntpsetup} for downloading and installation instructions). Recent versions of Windows 10 are now shipped with a more capable Internet time synchronization service that is suitable if configured appropriately. We do not recommend SNTP time setting tools or others that make periodic correction steps, _WSJT-X_ requires that the PC clock be monotonic. NOTE: Having a PC clock that appears to be synchronized to UTC is not sufficient, monotonicity means that the clock must not be stepped backwards or forwards during corrections, instead the clock frequency must be adjusted to correct synchronization errors gradually. [[OPENSSL]] image:LoTW_TLS_error.png[_WSJT-X_ LoTW download TLS error, align="center"] * _WSJT-X_ requires installation of the _OpenSSL_ libraries. Suitable libraries may already be installed on your system. If they are not, you will see this error shortly after requesting a fetch of the latest LoTW users database. To fix this, install the _OpenSSL_ libraries. ** You can download a suitable _OpenSSL_ package for Windows from {win_openssl_packages}; you need the latest *Windows Light* version. For the 32-bit _WSJT-X_ build, use the latest Win32 v1.1.1 version of the _OpenSSL_ libraries, for the 64-bit _WSJT-X_ use the latest Win64 v1.1.1 version of the _OpenSSL_ libraries (Note: it is OK to install both versions on a 64-bit system) which, at the time of writing, were {win32_openssl} and {win64_openssl} respectively. ** Install the package and accept the default options, including the option to copy the _OpenSSL_ DLLs to the Windows system directory. There is no obligation to donate to the _OpenSSL_ project. Un-check all the donation options if desired. + NOTE: If you still get the same network error after installing the _OpenSSL_ libraries then you also need to install the {msvcpp_redist} component. From the download page select `vcredist_x86.exe` for use with the 32-bit _WSJT-X_ build or `vcredist_x64.exe` with the 64-bit build, then run it to install. TIP: If you cannot install the _OpenSSL_ libraries or do not have an Internet connection on the computer used to run _WSJT-X_ {VERSION_MAJOR}.{VERSION_MINOR}, you can download the _LoTW_ file manually. Go to https://lotw.arrl.org/lotw-user-activity.csv in a web browser, download the file, then move it to the _WSJT-X_ log files directory. This directory can be opened by selecting *File|Open log directory* from the main menu. * _WSJT-X_ expects your sound card to do its raw sampling at 48000 Hz. To ensure that this will be so when running under recent versions of Windows, open the system's *Sound* control panel and select in turn the *Recording* and *Playback* tabs. Click *Properties*, then *Advanced*, and select *16 bit, 48000 Hz (DVD Quality)*. Switch off all audio enhancement features for these devices. * You can uninstall _WSJT-X_ by clicking its *Uninstall* link in the Windows *Start* menu, or by using *Uninstall a Program* on the *Windows Control Panel|Programs and Features* option or in *Settings|Apps* on Windows 10.