program chkdec parameter(NMAX=100) character*88 line character*37 msg(NMAX),msg0,msg1 character*2 c2(NMAX) character*1 c1(NMAX) character*1 only integer nsnr(NMAX,0:1),nf(NMAX,0:1) real dt(NMAX,0:1) logical found,eof ! These files are sorted by freq within each Rx sequence open(10,file='all.wsjtx',status='old') open(11,file='all.jtdx',status='old') write(20,1030) 1030 format(' iseq B w j W W+ J E B w j W', & ' W+ J E'/80('-')) nutc0=-1 nbt=0 !Both nwt=0 !WSJT-X only njt=0 !JTDX only net=0 !Either n7t=0 !a7 eof=.false. do iseq=1,9999 j=0 msg=' ' nsnr=-99 nf=-99 dt=-99 c1=' ' c2=' ' do i=1,NMAX read(10,'(a88)',end=8) line !Read from the WSJT-X file if(line(25:30).ne.'Rx FT8') cycle !Ignore any line not an FT8 decode read(line(8:13),*) nutc if( nutc0=nutc !First time only if( then backspace(10) go to 10 !Finished WSJT-X for this sequence endif j=j+1 if(j.eq.1) then nf(j,0)=-1 j=j+1 endif read(line,1001) nsnr(j,0),dt(j,0),nf(j,0),msg(j),c2(j) 1001 format(30x,i7,f5.1,i5,1x,a36,2x,a2) ! if(nutc.eq.180215 .and. c2(j).eq.'a7') print*,'aaa',j,nf(j,0),c2(j) nutc0=nutc enddo ! i 8 eof=.true. 10 jz=j do i=1,NMAX read(11,'(a88)',end=20) line !Read from the JTDX file if(line(31:31).ne.'~') cycle !Ignore any line not an FT8 decode read(line(10:15),*) nutc if( then backspace(11) go to 20 !Finished JTDX for this sequence endif msg1=line(33:58) read(line(25:29),*) nf1 found=.false. do j=1,jz if(msg(j).eq.msg1) then read(line,1002) nsnr(j,1),dt(j,1),nf(j,1),c1(j) 1002 format(15x,i4,f5.1,i5,29x,a1) found=.true. exit endif i1=index(msg(j),'<') if( then i2=index(msg(j),'>') msg0=msg(j)(1:i1-1)//msg(j)(i1+1:i2-1)//msg(j)(i2+1:) if(msg0.eq.msg1) then read(line,1002) nsnr(j,1),dt(j,1),nf(j,1),c1(j) found=.true. exit endif endif enddo ! j if(.not.found) then !Insert this one as a new message do j=1,jz if(,0) .and.,0)) then jj=j+1 exit endif enddo do j=jz+1,jj+1,-1 nsnr(j,0)=nsnr(j-1,0) dt(j,0)=dt(j-1,0) nf(j,0)=nf(j-1,0) msg(j)=msg(j-1) c1(j)=c1(j-1) c2(j)=c2(j-1) enddo ! j read(line,1004) nsnr(jj,1),dt(jj,1),nf(jj,1),msg(jj),c1(jj) 1004 format(15x,i4,f5.1,i5,3x,a26,a1) c2(jj)=' ' nsnr(jj,0)=-99 dt(jj,0)=-99.0 nf(jj,0)=-99 jz=jz+1 endif enddo ! i 20 nb=0 nw=0 nj=0 ne=0 n7=0 do j=2,jz write(line,1020) nutc0,j,nsnr(j,:),dt(j,:),nf(j,:),msg(j)(1:26), & c2(j),c1(j) 1020 format(i6.6,i3,1x,2i4,1x,2f6.1,1x,2i5,1x,a26,1x,a2,1x,a1) if(c2(j).eq.'a7') n7=n7+1 only=' ' if(line(12:14).eq.'-99') then line(12:14)=' ' only='j' nj=nj+1 ! if(c2(j).eq.'a7') print*,'aaa ',trim(line) endif if(line(16:18).eq.'-99') then line(16:18)=' ' only='w' nw=nw+1 endif if(line(12:14).ne.' ' .or. line(16:19).ne.' ') ne=ne+1 if(line(12:14).ne.' ' .and. line(16:19).ne.' ') nb=nb+1 if(line(21:25).eq.'-99.0') line(21:25)=' ' if(line(27:31).eq.'-99.0') line(27:31)=' ' if(line(35:37).eq.'-99') line(35:37)=' ' if(line(40:42).eq.'-99') line(40:42)=' ' ! if(line(12:14).ne.' ') nw=nw+1 ! if(line(16:18).ne.' ') nj=nj+1 write(*,'(a74,1x,a1)') line(1:74),only enddo ! j nbt=nbt+nb nwt=nwt+nw n7t=n7t+n7 njt=njt+nj net=net+ne nutc0=nutc write(*,*) write(20,1031) iseq,nb,nw,nj,nb+nw-n7,nb+nw,nb+nj,ne,nbt,nwt,njt, & nbt+nwt-n7t,nbt+nwt,nbt+njt,net 1031 format(i5,2x,7i4,2x,7i6) if(eof) exit ! if(iseq.eq.2) exit enddo ! iseq end program chkdec