!------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This file is part of the WSPR application, Weak Signal Propagation Reporter ! ! File Name: wspr_old_subs.f90 ! Description: Utility subroutines from WSPR 2.0 ! ! Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Joseph Taylor, K1JT ! License: GPL-3 ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ! the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ! ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS ! FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more ! details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin ! Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine deg2grid(dlong0,dlat,grid) real dlong !West longitude (deg) real dlat !Latitude (deg) character grid*6 dlong=dlong0 if(dlong.lt.-180.0) dlong=dlong+360.0 if(dlong.gt.180.0) dlong=dlong-360.0 ! Convert to units of 5 min of longitude, working east from 180 deg. nlong=60.0*(180.0-dlong)/5.0 n1=nlong/240 !20-degree field n2=(nlong-240*n1)/24 !2 degree square n3=nlong-240*n1-24*n2 !5 minute subsquare grid(1:1)=char(ichar('A')+n1) grid(3:3)=char(ichar('0')+n2) grid(5:5)=char(ichar('a')+n3) ! Convert to units of 2.5 min of latitude, working north from -90 deg. nlat=60.0*(dlat+90)/2.5 n1=nlat/240 !10-degree field n2=(nlat-240*n1)/24 !1 degree square n3=nlat-240*n1-24*n2 !2.5 minuts subsquare grid(2:2)=char(ichar('A')+n1) grid(4:4)=char(ichar('0')+n2) grid(6:6)=char(ichar('a')+n3) return end subroutine deg2grid subroutine encode232(dat,nbytes,symbol,maxsym) ! Convolutional encoder for a K=32, r=1/2 code. integer*1 dat(nbytes) !User data, packed 8 bits per byte integer*1 symbol(maxsym) !Channel symbols, one bit per byte integer*1 i1 ! Layland-Lushbaugh polynomials for a K=32, r=1/2 convolutional code, ! and 8-bit parity lookup table. data npoly1/-221228207/,npoly2/-463389625/ integer*1 partab(0:255) data partab/ & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0/ nstate=0 k=0 do j=1,nbytes do i=7,0,-1 i1=dat(j) i4=i1 if (i4.lt.0) i4=i4+256 nstate=ior(ishft(nstate,1),iand(ishft(i4,-i),1)) n=iand(nstate,npoly1) n=ieor(n,ishft(n,-16)) k=k+1 symbol(k)=partab(iand(ieor(n,ishft(n,-8)),255)) n=iand(nstate,npoly2) n=ieor(n,ishft(n,-16)) k=k+1 symbol(k)=partab(iand(ieor(n,ishft(n,-8)),255)) enddo enddo return end subroutine encode232 subroutine fano232(symbol,nbits,mettab,ndelta,maxcycles,dat,ncycles,metric,ierr) ! Sequential decoder for K=32, r=1/2 convolutional code using ! the Fano algorithm. Translated from C routine for same purpose ! written by Phil Karn, KA9Q. parameter (MAXBITS=103) parameter (MAXDAT=(MAXBITS+7)/8) integer*1 symbol(0:2*MAXBITS-1) integer*1 dat(MAXDAT) !Decoded user data, 8 bits per byte integer mettab(0:255,0:1) !Metric table ! These were the "node" structure in Karn's C code: integer nstate(0:MAXBITS-1) !Encoder state of next node integer gamma(0:MAXBITS-1) !Cumulative metric to this node integer metrics(0:3,0:MAXBITS-1) !Metrics indexed by all possible Tx syms integer tm(0:1,0:MAXBITS-1) !Sorted metrics for current hypotheses integer ii(0:MAXBITS-1) !Current branch being tested logical noback ! Layland-Lushbaugh polynomials for a K=32, r=1/2 convolutional code, ! and 8-bit parity lookup table. data npoly1/-221228207/,npoly2/-463389625/ integer*1 partab(0:255) data partab/ & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, & 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0/ ntail=nbits-31 ! Compute all possible branch metrics for each symbol pair. ! This is the only place we actually look at the raw input symbols i4a=0 i4b=0 do np=0,nbits-1 j=2*np i4a=symbol(j) i4b=symbol(j+1) if (i4a.lt.0) i4a=i4a+256 if (i4b.lt.0) i4b=i4b+256 metrics(0,np) = mettab(i4a,0) + mettab(i4b,0) metrics(1,np) = mettab(i4a,0) + mettab(i4b,1) metrics(2,np) = mettab(i4a,1) + mettab(i4b,0) metrics(3,np) = mettab(i4a,1) + mettab(i4b,1) enddo np=0 nstate(np)=0 ! Compute and sort branch metrics from the root node n=iand(nstate(np),npoly1) n=ieor(n,ishft(n,-16)) lsym=partab(iand(ieor(n,ishft(n,-8)),255)) n=iand(nstate(np),npoly2) n=ieor(n,ishft(n,-16)) lsym=lsym+lsym+partab(iand(ieor(n,ishft(n,-8)),255)) m0=metrics(lsym,np) m1=metrics(ieor(3,lsym),np) if(m0.gt.m1) then tm(0,np)=m0 !0-branch has better metric tm(1,np)=m1 else tm(0,np)=m1 !1-branch is better tm(1,np)=m0 nstate(np)=nstate(np) + 1 !Set low bit endif ! Start with best branch ii(np)=0 gamma(np)=0 nt=0 ! Start the Fano decoder do i=1,nbits*maxcycles ! Look forward ngamma=gamma(np) + tm(ii(np),np) if(ngamma.ge.nt) then ! Node is acceptable. If first time visiting this node, tighten threshold: if(gamma(np).lt.(nt+ndelta)) nt=nt + & ndelta * ((ngamma-nt)/ndelta) ! Move forward gamma(np+1)=ngamma nstate(np+1)=ishft(nstate(np),1) np=np+1 if(np.eq.nbits-1) go to 100 !We're done! n=iand(nstate(np),npoly1) n=ieor(n,ishft(n,-16)) lsym=partab(iand(ieor(n,ishft(n,-8)),255)) n=iand(nstate(np),npoly2) n=ieor(n,ishft(n,-16)) lsym=lsym+lsym+partab(iand(ieor(n,ishft(n,-8)),255)) if(np.ge.ntail) then tm(0,np)=metrics(lsym,np) !We're in the tail, all zeros else m0=metrics(lsym,np) m1=metrics(ieor(3,lsym),np) if(m0.gt.m1) then tm(0,np)=m0 !0-branch has better metric tm(1,np)=m1 else tm(0,np)=m1 !1-branch is better tm(1,np)=m0 nstate(np)=nstate(np) + 1 !Set low bit endif endif ii(np)=0 !Start with best branch go to 99 endif ! Threshold violated, can't go forward 10 noback=.false. if(np.eq.0) noback=.true. if(np.gt.0) then if(gamma(np-1).lt.nt) noback=.true. endif if(noback) then ! Can't back up, either. Relax threshold and look forward again ! to a better branch. nt=nt-ndelta if(ii(np).ne.0) then ii(np)=0 nstate(np)=ieor(nstate(np),1) endif go to 99 endif ! Back up np=np-1 if(np.lt.ntail .and. ii(np).ne.1) then ! Search the next best branch ii(np)=ii(np)+1 nstate(np)=ieor(nstate(np),1) go to 99 endif go to 10 99 continue enddo i=nbits*maxcycles 100 metric=gamma(np) !Final path metric ! Copy decoded data to user's buffer nbytes=(nbits+7)/8 np=7 do j=1,nbytes-1 i4a=nstate(np) dat(j)=i4a np=np+8 enddo dat(nbytes)=0 ncycles=i+1 ierr=0 if(i.ge.maxcycles*nbits) ierr=-1 return end subroutine fano232 subroutine grid2deg(grid0,dlong,dlat) ! Converts Maidenhead grid locator to degrees of West longitude ! and North latitude. character*6 grid0,grid character*1 g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6 grid=grid0 i=ichar(grid(5:5)) if(grid(5:5).eq.' ' .or. i.le.64 .or. i.ge.128) grid(5:6)='mm' if(grid(1:1).ge.'a' .and. grid(1:1).le.'z') grid(1:1)= & char(ichar(grid(1:1))+ichar('A')-ichar('a')) if(grid(2:2).ge.'a' .and. grid(2:2).le.'z') grid(2:2)= & char(ichar(grid(2:2))+ichar('A')-ichar('a')) if(grid(5:5).ge.'A' .and. grid(5:5).le.'Z') grid(5:5)= & char(ichar(grid(5:5))-ichar('A')+ichar('a')) if(grid(6:6).ge.'A' .and. grid(6:6).le.'Z') grid(6:6)= & char(ichar(grid(6:6))-ichar('A')+ichar('a')) g1=grid(1:1) g2=grid(2:2) g3=grid(3:3) g4=grid(4:4) g5=grid(5:5) g6=grid(6:6) nlong = 180 - 20*(ichar(g1)-ichar('A')) n20d = 2*(ichar(g3)-ichar('0')) xminlong = 5*(ichar(g5)-ichar('a')+0.5) dlong = nlong - n20d - xminlong/60.0 nlat = -90+10*(ichar(g2)-ichar('A')) + ichar(g4)-ichar('0') xminlat = 2.5*(ichar(g6)-ichar('a')+0.5) dlat = nlat + xminlat/60.0 return end subroutine grid2deg subroutine hash(string,len,ihash) parameter (MASK15=32767) character*(*) string integer*1 ic(12) do i=1,len ic(i)=ichar(string(i:i)) enddo i=nhash(ic,len,146) ihash=iand(i,MASK15) ! print*,'C',ihash,len,string return end subroutine hash subroutine inter_mept(id,ndir) ! Interleave (ndir=1) or de-interleave (ndir=-1) the array id. integer*1 id(0:161),itmp(0:161) integer j0(0:161) logical first data first/.true./ save if(first) then ! Compute the interleave table using bit reversal. k=-1 do i=0,255 n=0 ii=i do j=0,7 n=n+n if(iand(ii,1).ne.0) n=n+1 ii=ii/2 enddo if(n.le.161) then k=k+1 j0(k)=n endif enddo first=.false. endif if(ndir.eq.1) then do i=0,161 itmp(j0(i))=id(i) enddo else do i=0,161 itmp(i)=id(j0(i)) enddo endif do i=0,161 id(i)=itmp(i) enddo return end subroutine inter_mept function nchar(c) ! Convert ASCII number, letter, or space to 0-36 for callsign packing. character c*1 data n/0/ !Silence compiler warning if(c.ge.'0' .and. c.le.'9') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('0') else if(c.ge.'A' .and. c.le.'Z') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('A') + 10 else if(c.ge.'a' .and. c.le.'z') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('a') + 10 else if(c.ge.' ') then n=36 else Print*,'Invalid character in callsign ',c,' ',ichar(c) stop endif nchar=n return end function nchar subroutine pack50(n1,n2,dat) integer*1 dat(11),i1 i1=iand(ishft(n1,-20),255) !8 bits dat(1)=i1 i1=iand(ishft(n1,-12),255) !8 bits dat(2)=i1 i1=iand(ishft(n1, -4),255) !8 bits dat(3)=i1 i1=16*iand(n1,15)+iand(ishft(n2,-18),15) !4+4 bits dat(4)=i1 i1=iand(ishft(n2,-10),255) !8 bits dat(5)=i1 i1=iand(ishft(n2, -2),255) !8 bits dat(6)=i1 i1=64*iand(n2,3) !2 bits dat(7)=i1 dat(8)=0 dat(9)=0 dat(10)=0 dat(11)=0 return end subroutine pack50 subroutine packcall(callsign,ncall,text) ! Pack a valid callsign into a 28-bit integer. parameter (NBASE=37*36*10*27*27*27) character callsign*6,c*1,tmp*6,digit*10 logical text data digit/'0123456789'/ text=.false. ! Work-around for Swaziland prefix: if(callsign(1:4).eq.'3DA0') callsign='3D0'//callsign(5:6) if(callsign(1:3).eq.'CQ ') then ncall=NBASE + 1 if(callsign(4:4).ge.'0' .and. callsign(4:4).le.'9' .and. & callsign(5:5).ge.'0' .and. callsign(5:5).le.'9' .and. & callsign(6:6).ge.'0' .and. callsign(6:6).le.'9') then nfreq=100*(ichar(callsign(4:4))-48) + & 10*(ichar(callsign(5:5))-48) + & ichar(callsign(6:6))-48 ncall=NBASE + 3 + nfreq endif return else if(callsign(1:4).eq.'QRZ ') then ncall=NBASE + 2 return endif tmp=' ' if(callsign(3:3).ge.'0' .and. callsign(3:3).le.'9') then tmp=callsign else if(callsign(2:2).ge.'0' .and. callsign(2:2).le.'9') then if(callsign(6:6).ne.' ') then text=.true. return endif tmp=' '//callsign else text=.true. return endif do i=1,6 c=tmp(i:i) if(c.ge.'a' .and. c.le.'z') & tmp(i:i)=char(ichar(c)-ichar('a')+ichar('A')) enddo n1=0 if((tmp(1:1).ge.'A'.and.tmp(1:1).le.'Z').or.tmp(1:1).eq.' ') n1=1 if(tmp(1:1).ge.'0' .and. tmp(1:1).le.'9') n1=1 n2=0 if(tmp(2:2).ge.'A' .and. tmp(2:2).le.'Z') n2=1 if(tmp(2:2).ge.'0' .and. tmp(2:2).le.'9') n2=1 n3=0 if(tmp(3:3).ge.'0' .and. tmp(3:3).le.'9') n3=1 n4=0 if((tmp(4:4).ge.'A'.and.tmp(4:4).le.'Z').or.tmp(4:4).eq.' ') n4=1 n5=0 if((tmp(5:5).ge.'A'.and.tmp(5:5).le.'Z').or.tmp(5:5).eq.' ') n5=1 n6=0 if((tmp(6:6).ge.'A'.and.tmp(6:6).le.'Z').or.tmp(6:6).eq.' ') n6=1 if(n1+n2+n3+n4+n5+n6 .ne. 6) then text=.true. return endif ncall=nchar(tmp(1:1)) ncall=36*ncall+nchar(tmp(2:2)) ncall=10*ncall+nchar(tmp(3:3)) ncall=27*ncall+nchar(tmp(4:4))-10 ncall=27*ncall+nchar(tmp(5:5))-10 ncall=27*ncall+nchar(tmp(6:6))-10 return end subroutine packcall subroutine packgrid(grid,ng,text) parameter (NGBASE=180*180) character*4 grid logical text text=.false. if(grid.eq.' ') go to 90 !Blank grid is OK ! Test for numerical signal report, etc. if(grid(1:1).eq.'-') then n=10*(ichar(grid(2:2))-48) + ichar(grid(3:3)) - 48 ng=NGBASE+1+n go to 100 else if(grid(1:2).eq.'R-') then n=10*(ichar(grid(3:3))-48) + ichar(grid(4:4)) - 48 if(n.eq.0) go to 90 ng=NGBASE+31+n go to 100 else if(grid(1:2).eq.'RO') then ng=NGBASE+62 go to 100 else if(grid(1:3).eq.'RRR') then ng=NGBASE+63 go to 100 else if(grid(1:2).eq.'73') then ng=NGBASE+64 go to 100 endif if(grid(1:1).lt.'A' .or. grid(1:1).gt.'R') text=.true. if(grid(2:2).lt.'A' .or. grid(2:2).gt.'R') text=.true. if(grid(3:3).lt.'0' .or. grid(3:3).gt.'9') text=.true. if(grid(4:4).lt.'0' .or. grid(4:4).gt.'9') text=.true. if(text) go to 100 call grid2deg(grid//'mm',dlong,dlat) long=dlong lat=dlat+ 90.0 ng=((long+180)/2)*180 + lat go to 100 90 ng=NGBASE + 1 100 return end subroutine packgrid subroutine packpfx(call1,n1,ng,nadd) character*12 call1,call0 character*3 pfx logical text i1=index(call1,'/') if(call1(i1+2:i1+2).eq.' ') then ! Single-character add-on suffix (maybe also fourth suffix letter?) call0=call1(:i1-1) call packcall(call0,n1,text) nadd=1 nc=ichar(call1(i1+1:i1+1)) if(nc.ge.48 .and. nc.le.57) then n=nc-48 else if(nc.ge.65 .and. nc.le.90) then n=nc-65+10 else n=38 endif nadd=1 ng=60000-32768+n else if(call1(i1+3:i1+3).eq.' ') then ! Two-character numerical suffix, /10 to /99 call0=call1(:i1-1) call packcall(call0,n1,text) nadd=1 n=10*(ichar(call1(i1+1:i1+1))-48) + ichar(call1(i1+2:i1+2)) - 48 nadd=1 ng=60000 + 26 + n else ! Prefix of 1 to 3 characters pfx=call1(:i1-1) if(pfx(3:3).eq.' ') pfx=' '//pfx if(pfx(3:3).eq.' ') pfx=' '//pfx call0=call1(i1+1:) call packcall(call0,n1,text) ng=0 do i=1,3 nc=ichar(pfx(i:i)) if(nc.ge.48 .and. nc.le.57) then n=nc-48 else if(nc.ge.65 .and. nc.le.90) then n=nc-65+10 else n=36 endif ng=37*ng + n enddo nadd=0 if(ng.ge.32768) then ng=ng-32768 nadd=1 endif endif return end subroutine packpfx subroutine unpack50(dat,n1,n2) integer*1 dat(11) i=dat(1) i4=iand(i,255) n1=ishft(i4,20) i=dat(2) i4=iand(i,255) n1=n1 + ishft(i4,12) i=dat(3) i4=iand(i,255) n1=n1 + ishft(i4,4) i=dat(4) i4=iand(i,255) n1=n1 + iand(ishft(i4,-4),15) n2=ishft(iand(i4,15),18) i=dat(5) i4=iand(i,255) n2=n2 + ishft(i4,10) i=dat(6) i4=iand(i,255) n2=n2 + ishft(i4,2) i=dat(7) i4=iand(i,255) n2=n2 + iand(ishft(i4,-6),3) return end subroutine unpack50 subroutine unpackcall(ncall,word) character word*12,c*37 data c/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '/ n=ncall word='......' if(n.ge.262177560) go to 999 !Plain text message ... i=mod(n,27)+11 word(6:6)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,27)+11 word(5:5)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,27)+11 word(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,10)+1 word(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/10 i=mod(n,36)+1 word(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/36 i=n+1 word(1:1)=c(i:i) do i=1,4 if(word(i:i).ne.' ') go to 10 enddo go to 999 10 word=word(i:) 999 if(word(1:3).eq.'3D0') word='3DA0'//word(4:) return end subroutine unpackcall subroutine unpackgrid(ng,grid) parameter (NGBASE=180*180) character grid*4,grid6*6,digit*10 data digit/'0123456789'/ grid=' ' if(ng.ge.32400) go to 10 dlat=mod(ng,180)-90 dlong=(ng/180)*2 - 180 + 2 call deg2grid(dlong,dlat,grid6) grid=grid6(1:4) !XXX explicitly truncate this -db go to 100 10 n=ng-NGBASE-1 if(n.ge.1 .and.n.le.30) then grid(1:1)='-' grid(2:2)=char(48+n/10) grid(3:3)=char(48+mod(n,10)) else if(n.ge.31 .and.n.le.60) then n=n-30 grid(1:2)='R-' grid(3:3)=char(48+n/10) grid(4:4)=char(48+mod(n,10)) else if(n.eq.61) then grid='RO' else if(n.eq.62) then grid='RRR' else if(n.eq.63) then grid='73' endif 100 return end subroutine unpackgrid subroutine unpackpfx(ng,call1) character*12 call1 character*3 pfx if(ng.lt.60000) then ! Add-on prefix of 1 to 3 characters n=ng do i=3,1,-1 nc=mod(n,37) if(nc.ge.0 .and. nc.le.9) then pfx(i:i)=char(nc+48) else if(nc.ge.10 .and. nc.le.35) then pfx(i:i)=char(nc+55) else pfx(i:i)=' ' endif n=n/37 enddo call1=pfx//'/'//call1 if(call1(1:1).eq.' ') call1=call1(2:) if(call1(1:1).eq.' ') call1=call1(2:) else ! Add-on suffix, one or teo characters i1=index(call1,' ') nc=ng-60000 if(nc.ge.0 .and. nc.le.9) then call1=call1(:i1-1)//'/'//char(nc+48) else if(nc.ge.10 .and. nc.le.35) then call1=call1(:i1-1)//'/'//char(nc+55) else if(nc.ge.36 .and. nc.le.125) then nc1=(nc-26)/10 nc2=mod(nc-26,10) call1=call1(:i1-1)//'/'//char(nc1+48)//char(nc2+48) endif endif return end subroutine unpackpfx subroutine wqdecode(data0,message,ntype) parameter (N15=32768) integer*1 data0(11) character*22 message character*12 callsign character*3 cdbm character grid4*4,grid6*6 logical first character*12 dcall(0:N15-1) data first/.true./ save first,dcall ! May want to have a timeout (say, one hour?) on calls fetched ! from the hash table. if(first) then dcall=' ' first=.false. endif message=' ' call unpack50(data0,n1,n2) call unpackcall(n1,callsign) i1=index(callsign,' ') call unpackgrid(n2/128,grid4) ntype=iand(n2,127) -64 ! Standard WSPR message (types 0 3 7 10 13 17 ... 60) if(ntype.ge.0 .and. ntype.le.62) then nu=mod(ntype,10) if(nu.eq.0 .or. nu.eq.3 .or. nu.eq.7) then write(cdbm,'(i3)'),ntype if(cdbm(1:1).eq.' ') cdbm=cdbm(2:) if(cdbm(1:1).eq.' ') cdbm=cdbm(2:) message=callsign(1:i1)//grid4//' '//cdbm call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1) else nadd=nu if(nu.gt.3) nadd=nu-3 if(nu.gt.7) nadd=nu-7 ng=n2/128 + 32768*(nadd-1) call unpackpfx(ng,callsign) ndbm=ntype-nadd write(cdbm,'(i3)'),ndbm if(cdbm(1:1).eq.' ') cdbm=cdbm(2:) if(cdbm(1:1).eq.' ') cdbm=cdbm(2:) i2=index(callsign,' ') message=callsign(:i2)//cdbm call hash(callsign,i2-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i2) endif else if(ntype.lt.0) then ndbm=-(ntype+1) grid6=callsign(6:6)//callsign(1:5) ih=(n2-ntype-64)/128 callsign=dcall(ih) write(cdbm,'(i3)'),ndbm if(cdbm(1:1).eq.' ') cdbm=cdbm(2:) if(cdbm(1:1).eq.' ') cdbm=cdbm(2:) i2=index(callsign,' ') if(dcall(ih)(1:1).ne.' ') then message='<'//callsign(:i2-1)//'> '//grid6//' '//cdbm else message='<...> '//grid6//' '//cdbm endif endif return end subroutine wqdecode subroutine wqencode(msg,ntype,data0) ! Parse and encode a WSPR message. parameter (MASK15=32767) character*22 msg character*12 call1,call2 character grid4*4,grid6*6 logical lbad1,lbad2 integer*1 data0(11) integer nu(0:9) data nu/0,-1,1,0,-1,2,1,0,-1,1/ ! Standard WSPR message (types 0 3 7 10 13 17 ... 60) i1=index(msg,' ') i2=index(msg,'/') i3=index(msg,'<') call1=msg(:i1-1) if(i1.lt.3 .or. i1.gt.7 .or. i2.gt.0 .or. i3.gt.0) go to 10 grid4=msg(i1+1:i1+4) call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) call packgrid(grid4,ng,lbad2) if(lbad1 .or. lbad2) go to 10 ndbm=0 read(msg(i1+5:),*) ndbm if(ndbm.lt.0) ndbm=0 if(ndbm.gt.60) ndbm=60 ndbm=ndbm+nu(mod(ndbm,10)) n2=128*ng + (ndbm+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) ntype=ndbm go to 900 10 if(i2.ge.2 .and. i3.lt.1) then call packpfx(call1,n1,ng,nadd) ndbm=0 read(msg(i1+1:),*) ndbm if(ndbm.lt.0) ndbm=0 if(ndbm.gt.60) ndbm=60 ndbm=ndbm+nu(mod(ndbm,10)) ntype=ndbm + 1 + nadd n2=128*ng + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) else if(i3.eq.1) then i4=index(msg,'>') call1=msg(2:i4-1) call hash(call1,i4-2,ih) grid6=msg(i1+1:i1+6) call2=grid6(2:6)//grid6(1:1)//' ' call packcall(call2,n1,lbad1) ndbm=0 read(msg(i1+8:),*) ndbm if(ndbm.lt.0) ndbm=0 if(ndbm.gt.60) ndbm=60 ndbm=ndbm+nu(mod(ndbm,10)) ntype=-(ndbm+1) n2=128*ih + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) endif go to 900 900 continue return end subroutine wqencode