// Status=review The _WSJT_ project was started by *K1JT* in 2001. Since 2005 it has been an Open Source project, which now includes the programs _WSJT_, _MAP65_, _WSPR_, _WSJT-X_, and _WSPR-X_. *G4WJS* (since 2013), *K9AN* (since 2015), and *IV3NWV* (since 2016) have made major contributions to _WSJT-X_. Together with K1JT they now form the core development team. *G4WJS* and *W9MDB* have made major contributiions to _hamlib_, on which _WSJT-X_ depends for rig control. All code in the _WSJT_ project is licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL). Many users of these programs, too numerous to mention here individually, have contributed suggestions and advice that have greatly aided the development of _WSJT_ and its sister programs. For _WSJT-X_ in particular, we acknowledge contributions from *AC6SL, AE4JY, DF2ET, DJ0OT, G3WDG, G4KLA, IW3RAB, K3WYC, KA1GT, KA6MAL, KA9Q, KB1ZMX, KD6EKQ, KI7MT, KK1D, ND0B, PY2SDR, VE1SKY, VK3ACF, VK4BDJ, VK7MO, W3DJS, W4TI, W4TV, and W9MDB*. Each of these amateurs has helped to bring the program’s design, code, testing, and/or documentation to its present state. Most of the color palettes for the _WSJT-X_ waterfall were copied from the excellent, well documented, open-source program _fldigi_, by *W1HKJ* and friends. We use development tools and libraries from many sources. We particularly wish to acknowledge importance of the GNU Compiler Collection from the Free Software Foundation, the "clang" compiler from LLVM at the University of Illinois, and the Qt Project from Digia PLC. Other important resources include the FFTW library by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson; SLALIB, the Positional Astronomy Library by P. T. Wallace; and a high-precision planetary ephemeris and associated software from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.