subroutine timer(dname,k) ! Times procedure number n between a call with k=0 (tstart) and with ! k=1 (tstop). Accumulates sums of these times in array ut (user time). ! Also traces all calls (for debugging purposes) if ! ! If this is used with OpenMP than the /tracer_priv/ common block must ! be copyed into each thread of a thread team by using the copyin() ! clause on the !$omp parallel directive that creates the team. !$ use omp_lib character*8 dname !$ integer tid integer onlevel(0:10) common/tracer/ limtrace,lu common/tracer_priv/level,onlevel parameter (MAXCALL=100) character*8 name(MAXCALL),space logical on(MAXCALL) real ut(MAXCALL),ut0(MAXCALL) !$ integer ntid(MAXCALL) integer nmax,ncall(MAXCALL),nlevel(MAXCALL),nparent(MAXCALL) common/data/nmax,name,on,ut,ut0,dut,ntid,ncall,nlevel,nparent,total,sum,sumf,space data eps/0.000001/,ntrace/0/ data level/0/,nmax/0/,space/' '/ data limtrace/0/,lu/-1/ !$omp threadprivate(/tracer_priv/) !$omp critical(timer) if( go to 999 if( lu=6 if( go to 40 !Check for "all done" (k>1) onlevel(0)=0 !$ tid=omp_get_thread_num() do n=1,nmax !Check for existing name/parent[/thread] if(name(n).eq.dname & !$ .and.ntid(n).eq.tid & ) then if (on(n)) then if (nparent(n).eq.onlevel(level-1)) goto 20 else if (nparent(n).eq.onlevel(level)) goto 20 end if end if enddo nmax=nmax+1 !This is a new one n=nmax !$ ntid(n)=tid ncall(n)=0 on(n)=.false. ut(n)=eps name(n)=dname 20 if(k.eq.0) then !Get start times (k=0) if(on(n)) then print*,'Error in timer: ',dname,' already on.' end if level=level+1 !Increment the level on(n)=.true. ! call system_clock(icount,irate) ! ut0(n)=float(icount)/irate ! call cpu_time(ut0(n)) ut0(n)=secnds(0.0) ncall(n)=ncall(n)+1 if(ncall(n).gt.1.and.nlevel(n).ne.level) then !recursion is happening ! !TODO: somehow need to account for this deeper call at the !shallowest instance in the call chain and this needs to be !done without incrementing anything here other than counters !and timers ! nlevel(n)=-1 else nlevel(n)=level endif nparent(n)=onlevel(level-1) onlevel(level)=n else if(k.eq.1) then !Get stop times and accumulate sums. (k=1) if(on(n)) then on(n)=.false. ! call system_clock(icount,irate) ! ut1=float(icount)/irate ! call cpu_time(ut1) ut1=secnds(0.0) ut(n)=ut(n)+ut1-ut0(n) endif level=level-1 endif ntrace=ntrace+1 if( write(lu,1020) ntrace,tname,k,level,nparent(n) 1020 format(i8,': ',a8,3i5) go to 998 ! Write out the timer statistics 40 write(lu,1040) 1040 format(/' name time frac dtime', & ' dfrac calls'/56('-')) !$ !walk backwards through the database rolling up thread data by call chain !$ do i=nmax,1,-1 !$ do j=1,i-1 !$ l=j !$ m=i !$ do while (name(l) !$ l=nparent(l) !$ m=nparent(m) !$ if (l.eq.0.or.m.eq.0) exit !$ end do !$ if (l.eq.0.and.m.eq.0) then !$ !same call chain so roll up data !$ ncall(j)=ncall(j)+ncall(i) !$ ut(j)=ut(j)+ut(i) !$ do n=1,nmax !$ if (nparent(n).eq.i) nparent(n)=j !$ end do !$ name(i)=space !$ exit !$ end if !$ end do !$ end do if( then ndiv=k-100 do i=1,nmax ncall(i)=ncall(i)/ndiv ut(i)=ut(i)/ndiv enddo endif total=ut(1) sum=0. sumf=0. i=1 call print_root(i) write(lu,1070) sum,sumf 1070 format(/32x,f10.3,f6.2) nmax=0 eps=0.000001 ntrace=0 level=0 onlevel(0)=0 998 flush(lu) 999 continue !$omp end critical(timer) return end subroutine timer recursive subroutine print_root(i) character*16 sname common/tracer/ limtrace,lu parameter (MAXCALL=100) character*8 name(MAXCALL),space logical on(MAXCALL) real ut(MAXCALL),ut0(MAXCALL) !$ integer ntid(MAXCALL) integer nmax,ncall(MAXCALL),nlevel(MAXCALL),nparent(MAXCALL) common/data/nmax,name,on,ut,ut0,dut,ntid,ncall,nlevel,nparent,total,sum,sumf,space if (i.le.nmax) then if (name(i) then dut=ut(i) do j=i,nmax if(nparent(j).eq.i) dut=dut-ut(j) enddo if( dut=0.0 utf=ut(i)/total dutf=dut/total sum=sum+dut sumf=sumf+dutf kk=nlevel(i) sname=space(1:kk)//name(i)//space(1:8-kk) write(lu,2000) sname,ut(i),utf,dut,dutf,ncall(i) do j=i,nmax if(nparent(j).eq.i) call print_root(j) enddo end if end if 2000 format(a16,2(f10.3,f6.2),i7,i5) return end subroutine print_root