subroutine detectmsk32(cbig,n,mycall,partnercall,lines,nmessages,nutc,ntol,t00) use timer_module, only: timer parameter (NSPM=192, NPTS=3*NSPM, MAXSTEPS=7500, NFFT=3*NSPM, MAXCAND=5) character*4 rpt(0:63) character*6 mycall,partnercall character*22 msg,msgsent,msgreceived,allmessages(32) character*80 lines(100) complex bb(6) complex cbig(n) complex cdat(NPTS) !Analytic signal complex ctmp(NPTS) !Analytic signal complex cft(512) complex cwaveforms(192,64) integer, dimension(1) :: iloc integer indices(MAXSTEPS) integer itone(144) logical ismask(NFFT) real detmet(-2:MAXSTEPS+3) real detfer(MAXSTEPS) real ferrs(MAXCAND) real f2(64) real peak(64) real pp(12) real rcw(12) real snrs(MAXCAND) real times(MAXCAND) real tonespec(NFFT) real*8 dt, df, fs, pi, twopi logical first data first/.true./ save df,first,cb,cbr,fs,nhashes,pi,twopi,dt,rcw,pp,nmatchedfilter,cwaveforms,rpt if(first) then nmatchedfilter=1 ! define half-sine pulse and raised-cosine edge window pi=4d0*datan(1d0) twopi=8d0*datan(1d0) fs=12000.0 dt=1.0/fs df=fs/NFFT do i=1,12 angle=(i-1)*pi/12.0 pp(i)=sin(angle) rcw(i)=(1-cos(angle))/2 enddo do i=0,30 if( ) then write(rpt(i),'(a1,i2.2,a1)') '-',abs(i-5) write(rpt(i+31),'(a2,i2.2,a1)') 'R-',abs(i-5) else write(rpt(i),'(a1,i2.2,a1)') '+',i-5 write(rpt(i+31),'(a2,i2.2,a1)') 'R+',i-5 endif enddo rpt(62)='RRR ' rpt(63)='73 ' dphi0=twopi*(freq-500)/12000.0 dphi1=twopi*(freq+500)/12000.0 do i=1,64 msg='<'//trim(mycall)//' '//trim(partnercall)//'> '//rpt(i-1) call genmsk32(msg,msgsent,0,itone,itype) ! write(*,*) i,msg,msgsent,itype nsym=32 phi=0.0 indx=1 nreps=1 do jrep=1,nreps do isym=1,nsym if( itone(isym) .eq. 0 ) then dphi=dphi0 else dphi=dphi1 endif do j=1,6 cwaveforms(indx,i)=cmplx(cos(phi),sin(phi)); indx=indx+1 phi=mod(phi+dphi,twopi) enddo enddo enddo enddo first=.false. endif ! Fill the detmet, detferr arrays nstepsize=48 ! 4ms steps nstep=(n-NPTS)/nstepsize detmet=0 detmax=-999.99 detfer=-999.99 do istp=1,nstep ns=1+nstepsize*(istp-1) ne=ns+NPTS-1 if( ne .gt. n ) exit ctmp=cmplx(0.0,0.0) ctmp(1:NPTS)=cbig(ns:ne) ! Coarse carrier frequency sync - seek tones at 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz in ! squared signal spectrum. ! search range for coarse frequency error is +/- 100 Hz ctmp=ctmp**2 ctmp(1:12)=ctmp(1:12)*rcw ctmp(NPTS-11:NPTS)=ctmp(NPTS-11:NPTS)*rcw(12:1:-1) call four2a(ctmp,NFFT,1,-1,1) tonespec=abs(ctmp)**2 ihlo=(4000-2*ntol)/df+1 ihhi=(4000+2*ntol)/df+1 ismask=.false. ismask(ihlo:ihhi)=.true. ! high tone search window iloc=maxloc(tonespec,ismask) ihpk=iloc(1) deltah=-real( (ctmp(ihpk-1)-ctmp(ihpk+1)) / (2*ctmp(ihpk)-ctmp(ihpk-1)-ctmp(ihpk+1)) ) ah=tonespec(ihpk) illo=(2000-2*ntol)/df+1 ilhi=(2000+2*ntol)/df+1 ismask=.false. ismask(illo:ilhi)=.true. ! window for low tone iloc=maxloc(tonespec,ismask) ilpk=iloc(1) deltal=-real( (ctmp(ilpk-1)-ctmp(ilpk+1)) / (2*ctmp(ilpk)-ctmp(ilpk-1)-ctmp(ilpk+1)) ) al=tonespec(ilpk) fdiff=(ihpk+deltah-ilpk-deltal)*df i2000=2000/df+1 i4000=4000/df+1 ferrh=(ihpk+deltah-i4000)*df/2.0 ferrl=(ilpk+deltal-i2000)*df/2.0 if( ah .ge. al ) then ferr=ferrh else ferr=ferrl endif detmet(istp)=max(ah,al) detfer(istp)=ferr ! write(*,*) istp,ilpk,ihpk,ah,al enddo ! end of detection-metric and frequency error estimation loop call indexx(detmet(1:nstep),nstep,indices) !find median of detection metric vector xmed=detmet(indices(nstep/4)) detmet=detmet/xmed ! noise floor of detection metric is 1.0 ndet=0 !do i=1,nstep !write(77,*) i,detmet(i),detfer(i) !enddo do ip=1,MAXCAND ! find candidates iloc=maxloc(detmet(1:nstep)) il=iloc(1) if( (detmet(il) .lt. 4.2) ) exit if( abs(detfer(il)) .le. ntol ) then ndet=ndet+1 times(ndet)=((il-1)*nstepsize+NPTS/2)*dt ferrs(ndet)=detfer(il) snrs(ndet)=12.0*log10(detmet(il)-1)/2-8.0 endif detmet(max(1,il-3):min(nstep,il+3))=0.0 ! detmet(il)=0.0 enddo nmessages=0 lines=char(0) pkbest=-1.0 ratbest=0.0 imsgbest=-1 fbest=0.0 ipbest=-1 nsnrbest=-1 do ip=1,ndet !run through the candidates and try to sync/demod/decode imid=times(ip)*fs if( imid .lt. NPTS/2 ) imid=NPTS/2 if( imid .gt. n-NPTS/2 ) imid=n-NPTS/2 t0=times(ip) + t00 cdat=cbig(imid-NPTS/2+1:imid+NPTS/2) ferr=ferrs(ip) nsnr=nint(snrs(ip)) if( nsnr .lt. -5 ) nsnr=-5 if( nsnr .gt. 25 ) nsnr=25 ic0=NSPM do i=1,6 ! if( ic0+11+NSPM .le. NPTS ) then bb(i) = sum( ( cdat(ic0+i-1+6:ic0+i-1+6+NSPM:6) * conjg( cdat(ic0+i-1:ic0+i-1+NSPM:6) ) )**2 ) ! else ! bb(i) = sum( ( cdat(ic0+i-1+6:NPTS:6) * conjg( cdat(ic0+i-1:NPTS-6:6) ) )**2 ) ! endif ! write(*,*) ip,i,abs(bb(i)) enddo iloc=maxloc(abs(bb)) ibb=iloc(1) bba=abs(bb(ibb)) bbp=atan2(-imag(bb(ibb)),-real(bb(ibb)))/(2*twopi*6*dt) if( ibb .le. 3 ) ibb=ibb-1 if( ibb .gt. 3 ) ibb=ibb-7 ! write(*,*) ibb ic0=ic0+ibb+2 do istart=ic0,ic0+32*6-1,6 do imsg=1,64 cft(1:144)=cdat(istart:istart+144-1)*conjg(cwaveforms(1:144,imsg)) cft(145:512)=0. df=12000.0/512.0 call four2a(cft,512,1,-1,1) iloc=maxloc(abs(cft)) ipk=iloc(1) pk=abs(cft(ipk)) fpk=(ipk-1)*df if( ) fpk=fpk-12000.0 f2(imsg)=fpk peak(imsg)=pk enddo iloc=maxloc(peak) imsg1=iloc(1) pk1=peak(imsg1) peak(imsg1)=-1 pk2=maxval(peak) rat=pk1/pk2 if( abs(f2(imsg1)-1500) .le. ntol .and. (pk1 .gt. pkbest) ) then pkbest=pk1 ratbest=rat imsgbest=imsg1 fbest=f2(imsg1) ipbest=ip t0best=t0 nsnrbest=nsnr istartbest=istart endif enddo ! write(*,*) ip,imid,istart,imsgbest,pkbest,ratbest,nsnrbest ! if( pkbest .gt. 110.0 .and. ratbest .gt. 1.2 ) goto 999 enddo ! candidate loop 999 continue msgreceived=' ' if( imsgbest .gt. 0 .and. pkbest .ge. 110.0 .and. ratbest .ge. 1.20) then nrxrpt=iand(imsgbest-1,63) !write(*,*) ipbest,pkbest,fbest,imsgbest,istartbest,nsnrbest,t0best nmessages=1 write(msgreceived,'(a1,a,1x,a,a1,1x,a4)') "<",trim(mycall), & trim(partnercall),">",rpt(nrxrpt) write(lines(nmessages),1020) nutc,nsnrbest,t0best,nint(fbest),msgreceived 1020 format(i6.6,i4,f5.1,i5,' & ',a22) endif return end subroutine detectmsk32