program msk32d parameter (NZ=15*12000,NZ0=262144) parameter (NSPM=6*32) complex c0(0:NZ0-1) complex c(0:NZ-1) complex cmsg(0:NSPM-1,0:63) complex z real a(3) real p0(0:NSPM-1) real p(0:NSPM-1) real s0(0:63) real dd(NZ) integer itone(144) integer ihdr(11) integer ipk0(1) integer*2 id2(NZ) character*22 msg,msgsent character mycall*8,hiscall*6,arg*12,infile*80,datetime*13 character*4 rpt(0:63) equivalence (ipk0,ipk) nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: msk32d Call_1 Call_2 f1 f2 file1 [file2 ...]' print*,'Example: msk32d K9AN K1JT 1500 1500 fort.61' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,mycall) call getarg(2,hiscall) call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) nf1 call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) nf2 idf1=nf1-1500 idf2=nf2-1500 do i=0,30 if( ) then write(rpt(i),'(a1,i2.2,a1)') '-',abs(i-5) write(rpt(i+31),'(a2,i2.2,a1)') 'R-',abs(i-5) else write(rpt(i),'(a1,i2.2,a1)') '+',i-5 write(rpt(i+31),'(a2,i2.2,a1)') 'R+',i-5 endif enddo rpt(62)='RRR ' rpt(63)='73 ' ! Generate the test messages twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) nsym=32 freq=1500.0 dphi0=twopi*(freq-500.0)/12000.0 dphi1=twopi*(freq+500.0)/12000.0 do imsg=0,63 i=index(hiscall," ") msg="<"//mycall//" "//hiscall(1:i-1)//"> "//rpt(imsg) call fmtmsg(msg,iz) ichk=0 call genmsk32(msg,msgsent,ichk,itone,itype) phi=0.0 k=0 do i=1,nsym dphi=dphi0 if(itone(i).eq.1) dphi=dphi1 do j=1,6 x=cos(phi) y=sin(phi) cmsg(k,imsg)=cmplx(x,y) k=k+1 phi=phi+dphi if( phi=phi-twopi enddo enddo enddo ! Process the specified files nfiles=nargs-4 do ifile=1,nfiles !Loop over all files call getarg(ifile+4,infile) open(10,file=infile,access='stream',status='old') read(10) ihdr,id2 dd=0.03*id2 npts=NZ n=log(float(npts))/log(2.0) + 1.0 nfft=min(2**n,1024*1024) call analytic(dd,npts,nfft,c0) !Convert to analytic signal sbest=0. do imsg=0, 63 !Try all short messages do idf=idf1,idf2,10 !Frequency dither a(1)=-idf a(2:3)=0. call twkfreq(c0,c,npts,12000.0,a) smax=0. p=0. fac=1.0/192 do j=0,npts-NSPM,2 z=fac*dot_product(c(j:j+NSPM-1),cmsg(0:NSPM-1,imsg)) s=real(z)**2 + aimag(z)**2 k=mod(j,NSPM) p(k)=p(k)+s ! if(imsg.eq.30) write(13,1010) j/12000.0,s,k !1010 format(2f12.6,i5) if( then smax=s jpk=j f0=idf if( then sbest=smax p0=p ibest=imsg endif endif enddo s0(imsg)=smax enddo enddo ipk0=maxloc(p0) ps=0. sq=0. ns=0 pmax=0. do i=0,NSPM-1,2 j=ipk-i if( j=j-192 if( j=j+192 if(abs(j).gt.4) then ps=ps+p0(i) sq=sq+p0(i)**2 ns=ns+1 endif enddo avep=ps/ns rmsp=sqrt(sq/ns - avep*avep) p0=(p0-avep)/rmsp p1=maxval(p0) do i=0,NSPM-1,2 write(14,1030) i,i/12000.0,p0(i) 1030 format(i5,f10.6,f10.3) enddo ave=(sum(s0)-sbest)/31 s0=s0-ave s1=sbest-ave s2=0. do i=0,63 if( .and. s0(i).gt.s2) s2=s0(i) write(15,1020) i,idf,jpk/12000.0,s0(i) 1020 format(2i6,2f10.2) enddo i=index(infile,".wav") datetime=infile(i-13:i-1) r1=s1/s2 r2=r1+p1 msg=" " ! if( .or. then if( then i=index(hiscall," ") msg="<"//mycall//" "//hiscall(1:i-1)//"> "//rpt(ibest) call fmtmsg(msg,iz) endif write(*,1040) datetime,r1,p1,r2,msg 1040 format(a13,3f7.1,2x,a22) enddo 999 end program msk32d