program m65 ! Decoder for map65. Can run stand-alone, reading data from *.tf2 files; ! or as the back end of map65, with data placed in a shared memory region. parameter (NSMAX=60*96000) parameter (NFFT=32768) integer*2 i2(4,87) real*8 hsym real*4 ssz5a(NFFT) logical*1 lstrong(0:1023) common/tracer/limtrace,lu real*8 fc0,fcenter character*80 arg,infile character mycall*12,hiscall*12,mygrid*6,hisgrid*6,datetime*20 common/datcom/dd(4,5760000),ss(4,322,NFFT),savg(4,NFFT),fc0,nutc0,junk(36) common/npar/fcenter,nutc,idphi,mousedf,mousefqso,nagain, & ndepth,ndiskdat,neme,newdat,nfa,nfb,nfcal,nfshift, & mcall3,nkeep,ntol,nxant,nrxlog,nfsample,nxpol,nmode, & nfast,nsave,mycall,mygrid,hiscall,hisgrid,datetime nargs=iargc() if( .or. nargs.eq.2) then print*,'Usage: m65 <95238|96000> file1 [file2 ...]' print*,' (Reads data from *.tf2 files.)' print*,'' print*,' m65 -s' print*,' (Gets data from MAP65, via shared memory region.)' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,arg) if(arg(1:2).eq.'-s') then call m65a call ftnquit go to 999 endif !### These need fixing: if(arg(1:1).eq.'A') nmode=1 if(arg(1:1).eq.'B') nmode=2 if(arg(1:1).eq.'C') nmode=3 !### nfast=1 if(arg(2:2).eq.'2') nfast=2 nfsample=96000 call getarg(2,arg) if(arg.eq.'95238') then nfsample=95238 call getarg(3,arg) endif nxpol=1 ifile1=3 limtrace=0 lu=12 nfa=100 nfb=162 nfshift=6 ndepth=2 nfcal=344 idphi=-50 ntol=500 nkeep=10 call ftninit('.') do ifile=ifile1,nargs call getarg(ifile,infile) open(10,file=infile,access='stream',status='old',err=998) i1=index(infile,'.tf2') read(infile(i1-4:i1-1),*,err=1) nutc0 go to 2 1 nutc0=0 2 hsym=2048.d0*96000.d0/11025.d0 !Samples per half symbol nhsym0=-999 k=0 fcenter=144.125d0 mousedf=0 mousefqso=126 newdat=1 mycall='K1JT' if(ifile.eq.ifile1) call timer('m65 ',0) do irec=1,9999999 call timer('read_tf2',0) read(10) i2 call timer('read_tf2',1) call timer('float ',0) do i=1,87 k=k+1 dd(1,k)=i2(1,i) dd(2,k)=i2(2,i) dd(3,k)=i2(3,i) dd(4,k)=i2(4,i) enddo call timer('float ',1) nhsym=(k-2048)/hsym if( .and. then ndiskdat=1 nb=0 ! Emit signal readyForFFT call timer('symspec ',0) fgreen=-13.0 iqadjust=0 iqapply=0 nbslider=100 gainx=0.9962 gainy=1.0265 phasex=0.01426 phasey=-0.01195 call symspec(k,nfast,nxpol,ndiskdat,nb,nbslider,idphi,nfsample, & fgreen,iqadjust,iqapply,gainx,gainy,phasex,phasey,rejectx, & rejecty,pxdb,pydb,ssz5a,nkhz,ihsym,nzap,slimit,lstrong) call timer('symspec ',1) nhsym0=nhsym if( go to 10 endif enddo 10 continue if( write(*,3002) rejectx,rejecty 3002 format('Image rejection:',2f7.1,' dB') nutc=nutc0 nstandalone=1 call decode0(dd,ss,savg,nstandalone,nfsample) enddo call timer('m65 ',1) call timer('m65 ',101) call ftnquit go to 999 998 print*,'Cannot open file:' print*,infile 999 end program m65