subroutine MoonDop(nyear,month,nday,uth4,lon4,lat4,RAMoon4,DecMoon4, & LST4,HA4,AzMoon4,ElMoon4,vr4,dist4) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) real*4 uth4 !UT in hours real*4 lon4 !West longitude, degrees real*4 lat4 !Latitude, degrees real*4 RAMoon4 !Topocentric RA of moon, hours real*4 DecMoon4 !Topocentric Dec of Moon, degrees real*4 LST4 !Locat sidereal time, hours real*4 HA4 !Local Hour angle, degrees real*4 AzMoon4 !Topocentric Azimuth of moon, degrees real*4 ElMoon4 !Topocentric Elevation of moon, degrees real*4 vr4 !Radial velocity of moon wrt obs, km/s real*4 dist4 !Echo time, seconds real*8 LST real*8 RME(6) !Vector from Earth center to Moon real*8 RAE(6) !Vector from Earth center to Obs real*8 RMA(6) !Vector from Obs to Moon real*8 pvsun(6) real*8 rme0(6) logical km,bary data rad/57.2957795130823d0/,twopi/6.28310530717959d0/ km=.true. dlat=lat4/rad dlong1=lon4/rad elev1=200.d0 call geocentric(dlat,elev1,dlat1,erad1) dt=100.d0 !For numerical derivative, in seconds UT=uth4 ! NB: geodetic latitude used here, but geocentric latitude used when ! determining Earth-rotation contribution to Doppler. call moon2(nyear,month,nDay,UT-dt/3600.d0,dlong1*rad,dlat*rad, & RA,Dec,topRA,topDec,LST,HA,Az0,El0,dist) call toxyz(RA/rad,Dec/rad,dist,rme0) !Convert to rectangular coords call moon2(nyear,month,nDay,UT,dlong1*rad,dlat*rad, & RA,Dec,topRA,topDec,LST,HA,Az,El,dist) call toxyz(RA/rad,Dec/rad,dist,rme) !Convert to rectangular coords phi=LST*twopi/24.d0 call toxyz(phi,dlat1,erad1,rae) !Gencentric numbers used here! radps=twopi/(86400.d0/1.002737909d0) rae(4)=-rae(2)*radps !Vel of Obs wrt Earth center rae(5)=rae(1)*radps rae(6)=0.d0 do i=1,3 rme(i+3)=(rme(i)-rme0(i))/dt rma(i)=rme(i)-rae(i) rma(i+3)=rme(i+3)-rae(i+3) enddo call fromxyz(rma,alpha1,delta1,dtopo0) !Get topocentric coords vr=dot(rma(4),rma)/dtopo0 RAMoon4=topRA DecMoon4=topDec LST4=LST HA4=HA AzMoon4=Az ElMoon4=El vr4=vr dist4=dist return end subroutine MoonDop