subroutine deep24(sym,neme,flip,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,decoded,qual) ! Have barely begun converting this from JT65 to JT4 parameter (MAXCALLS=7000,MAXRPT=63) real*4 sym(206) character callsign*12,grid*4,message*22,hisgrid*6,c*1,ceme*3 character*12 mycall,hiscall character mycall0*12,hiscall0*12,hisgrid0*6 character*22 decoded character*22 testmsg(2*MAXCALLS + 2 + MAXRPT) character*15 callgrid(MAXCALLS) character*180 line character*4 rpt(MAXRPT) integer ncode(206) real*4 code(206,2*MAXCALLS + 2 + MAXRPT) real pp(2*MAXCALLS + 2 + MAXRPT) ! common/c3com/ mcall3a data neme0/-99/ data rpt/'-01','-02','-03','-04','-05', & '-06','-07','-08','-09','-10', & '-11','-12','-13','-14','-15', & '-16','-17','-18','-19','-20', & '-21','-22','-23','-24','-25', & '-26','-27','-28','-29','-30', & 'R-01','R-02','R-03','R-04','R-05', & 'R-06','R-07','R-08','R-09','R-10', & 'R-11','R-12','R-13','R-14','R-15', & 'R-16','R-17','R-18','R-19','R-20', & 'R-21','R-22','R-23','R-24','R-25', & 'R-26','R-27','R-28','R-29','R-30', & 'RO','RRR','73'/ save if(mycall.eq.mycall0 .and. hiscall.eq.hiscall0 .and. & hisgrid.eq.hisgrid0 .and. mcall3a.eq.0 .and. neme.eq.neme0) go to 30 mcall3a=0 rewind 23 k=0 icall=0 do n=1,MAXCALLS if(n.eq.1) then callsign=hiscall do i=4,12 if(ichar(callsign(i:i)).eq.0) callsign(i:i)=' ' enddo grid=hisgrid(1:4) if(ichar(grid(3:3)).eq.0) grid(3:3)=' ' if(ichar(grid(4:4)).eq.0) grid(4:4)=' ' else read(23,1002,end=20) line 1002 format (A80) if(line(1:4).eq.'ZZZZ') go to 20 if(line(1:2).eq.'//') go to 10 i1=index(line,',') if( go to 10 i2=index(line(i1+1:),',') if( go to 10 i2=i2+i1 i3=index(line(i2+1:),',') if( i3=index(line(i2+1:),' ') i3=i2+i3 callsign=line(1:i1-1) grid=line(i1+1:i2-1) ceme=line(i2+1:i3-1) if(neme.eq.1 .and.'EME') go to 10 endif icall=icall+1 j1=index(mycall,' ') - 1 if(j1.le.-1) j1=12 if( j1=6 j2=index(callsign,' ') - 1 if(j2.le.-1) j2=12 if( j2=6 j3=index(mycall,'/') ! j3>0 means compound mycall j4=index(callsign,'/') ! j4>0 means compound hiscall callgrid(icall)=callsign(1:j2) mz=1 ! Allow MyCall + HisCall + rpt (?) if(n.eq.1 .and. .and. .and. & .and. callsign(1:6).ne.' ') mz=MAXRPT+1 do m=1,mz if( grid=rpt(m-1) if( callgrid(icall)=callsign(1:j2)//' '//grid message=mycall(1:j1)//' '//callgrid(icall) k=k+1 testmsg(k)=message call encode4(message,ncode) code(1:206,k)=2*ncode(1:206)-1 if( then ! Insert CQ message if( callgrid(icall)=callsign(1:j2)//' '//grid message='CQ '//callgrid(icall) k=k+1 testmsg(k)=message call encode4(message,ncode) code(1:206,k)=2*ncode(1:206)-1 endif enddo 10 continue enddo 20 continue ntot=k neme0=neme 30 mycall0=mycall hiscall0=hiscall hisgrid0=hisgrid sq=0. do j=1,206 sq=sq + sym(j)**2 enddo rms=sqrt(sq/206.0) sym=sym/rms p1=-1.e30 p2=-1.e30 do k=1,ntot pp(k)=0. ! Test all messages if flip=+1; skip the CQ messages if flip=-1. if( .or. testmsg(k)(1:3).ne.'CQ ') then p=0. do j=1,206 i=code(j,k)+1 p=p + code(j,k)*sym(j) enddo pp(k)=p if( then p1=p ip1=k endif endif enddo do i=1,ntot if(pp(i).gt.p2 .and. pp(i).ne.p1) p2=pp(i) enddo ! ### DO NOT REMOVE ### ! rewind 77 ! write(77,*) p1,p2 ! ### Works OK without it (in both Windows and Linux) if compiled ! ### without optimization. However, in Windows this is a colossal ! ### pain because of the way F2PY wants to run the compile step. bias=1.1*p2 ! if(mode65.eq.1) bias=max(1.12*p2,0.335) ! if(mode65.eq.2) bias=max(1.08*p2,0.405) ! if( bias=max(1.04*p2,0.505) if(p2.eq.p1 .and. stop 'Error in deep24' qual=10.0*(p1-bias) decoded=' ' c=' ' if( then if( c='?' decoded=testmsg(ip1) else qual=0. endif decoded(22:22)=c ! Make sure everything is upper case. do i=1,22 if(decoded(i:i).ge.'a' .and. decoded(i:i).le.'z') & decoded(i:i)=char(ichar(decoded(i:i))-32) enddo ! write(*,3010) p1,p2,p1-p2,p1/p2,qual,decoded !3010 format('DS:',5f9.1,2x,a22) return end subroutine deep24