subroutine display(nkeep,ftol) parameter (MAXLINES=400,MX=400,MAXCALLS=500) integer indx(MAXLINES),indx2(MX) character*83 line(MAXLINES),line2(MX),line3(MAXLINES) character out*52,out0*52,cfreq0*3,livecq*58 character*6 callsign,callsign0 character*12 freqcall(MAXCALLS) real freqkHz(MAXLINES) integer utc(MAXLINES),utc2(MX),utcz real*8 f0 save out0=' ' rewind(26) do i=1,MAXLINES read(26,1010,end=10) line(i) 1010 format(a77) read(line(i),1020) f0,ndf,nh,nm 1020 format(f8.3,i5,25x,i3,i2) utc(i)=60*nh + nm freqkHz(i)=1000.d0*(f0-144.d0) + 0.001d0*ndf enddo 10 backspace(26) nz=i-1 utcz=utc(nz) nz=nz-1 if( go to 999 nquad=max(nkeep/4,3) do i=1,nz nage=utcz-utc(i) if( nage=nage+1440 iage=nage/nquad write(line(i)(73:74),1021) iage 1021 format(i2) enddo nage=utcz-utc(1) if( nage=nage+1440 if( then do i=1,nz nage=utcz-utc(i) if( nage=nage+1440 if(nage.le.nkeep) go to 20 enddo 20 i0=i nz=nz-i0+1 rewind(26) if( go to 999 do i=1,nz j=i+i0-1 line(i)=line(j) utc(i)=utc(j) freqkHz(i)=freqkHz(j) write(26,1022) line(i) 1022 format(a77) enddo endif call flush(26) call indexx(freqkHz,nz,indx) nstart=1 k3=0 k=1 m=indx(1) if( .or. then print*,'Error in display.f90: ',nz,m m=1 endif line2(1)=line(m) utc2(1)=utc(m) do i=2,nz j0=indx(i-1) j=indx(i) if(freqkHz(j)-freqkHz(j0).gt.2.0*ftol) then if(nstart.eq.0) then k=k+1 line2(k)="" utc2(k)=-1 endif kz=k if(nstart.eq.1) then call indexx(float(utc2(1:kz)),kz,indx2) k3=0 do k=1,kz k3=min(k3+1,400) line3(k3)=line2(indx2(k)) enddo nstart=0 else call indexx(float(utc2(1:kz)),kz,indx2) do k=1,kz k3=min(k3+1,400) line3(k3)=line2(indx2(k)) enddo endif k=0 endif if( then k=k+1 line2(k)="" utc2(k)=-1 endif k=k+1 line2(k)=line(j) utc2(k)=utc(j) j0=j enddo kz=k call indexx(float(utc2(1:kz)),kz,indx2) do k=1,kz k3=min(k3+1,400) line3(k3)=line2(indx2(k)) enddo rewind 19 rewind 20 cfreq0=' ' nc=0 callsign0=' ' do k=1,k3 out=line3(k)(6:13)//line3(k)(28:31)//line3(k)(39:45)// & line3(k)(35:38)//line3(k)(46:74) if(out(1:3).ne.' ') then cfreq0=out(1:3) livecq=line3(k)(6:13)//line3(k)(28:31)//line3(k)(39:45)// & line3(k)(23:27)//line3(k)(35:38)//line3(k)(46:70)// & line3(k)(73:77) if(livecq(56:56).eq.':') livecq(56:58)=' '//livecq(56:57) if(index(livecq,' CQ ').gt.0 .or. index(livecq,' QRZ ').gt.0 .or. & index(livecq,' QRT ').gt.0 .or. index(livecq,' CQV ').gt.0 .or. & index(livecq,' CQH ').gt.0) write(19,1029) livecq 1029 format(a58) ! Suppress listing duplicate (same time, decoded message, and frequency) if(out(14:17).ne.out0(14:17) .or. out(26:50).ne.out0(26:50) .or. & out(1:3).ne.out0(1:3)) then write(*,1030) out !Messages 1030 format('@',a52) out0=out endif i1=index(out(26:),' ') callsign=out(i1+26:) i2=index(callsign,' ') if( callsign(i2:)=' ' if(' ' .and. then len=i2-1 if( len=6 if( then !Omit short "callsigns" if( nc=nc+1 freqcall(nc)=cfreq0//' '//callsign//line3(k)(73:74) callsign0=callsign endif endif if(' ' .and. callsign.eq.callsign0) then freqcall(nc)=cfreq0//' '//callsign//line3(k)(73:74) endif endif enddo flush(19) if( nc=nc+1 freqcall(nc)=' ' if( nc=nc+1 freqcall(nc)=' ' freqcall(nc+1)=' ' freqcall(nc+2)=' ' do i=1,nc write(*,1042) freqcall(i) !Band Map 1042 format('&',a12) enddo 999 continue return end subroutine display