subroutine unpackmsg(dat,msg) parameter (NBASE=37*36*10*27*27*27) parameter (NGBASE=180*180) integer dat(12) character c1*12,c2*12,grid*4,msg*22,grid6*6,psfx*4,junk2*4 logical cqnnn cqnnn=.false. nc1=ishft(dat(1),22) + ishft(dat(2),16) + ishft(dat(3),10) + & ishft(dat(4),4) + iand(ishft(dat(5),-2),15) nc2=ishft(iand(dat(5),3),26) + ishft(dat(6),20) + & ishft(dat(7),14) + ishft(dat(8),8) + ishft(dat(9),2) + & iand(ishft(dat(10),-4),3) ng=ishft(iand(dat(10),15),12) + ishft(dat(11),6) + dat(12) if( then call unpacktext(nc1,nc2,ng,msg) go to 100 endif call unpackcall(nc1,c1,iv2,psfx) if(iv2.eq.0) then ! This is an "original JT65" message if(nc1.eq.NBASE+1) c1='CQ ' if(nc1.eq.NBASE+2) c1='QRZ ' nfreq=nc1-NBASE-3 if( .and. nfreq.le.999) then write(c1,1002) nfreq 1002 format('CQ ',i3.3) cqnnn=.true. endif endif call unpackcall(nc2,c2,junk1,junk2) call unpackgrid(ng,grid) if( then ! This is a JT65v2 message n1=len_trim(psfx) n2=len_trim(c2) if(iv2.eq.1) msg='CQ '//psfx(:n1)//'/'//c2(:n2)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.2) msg='QRZ '//psfx(:n1)//'/'//c2(:n2)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.3) msg='DE '//psfx(:n1)//'/'//c2(:n2)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.4) msg='CQ '//c2(:n2)//'/'//psfx(:n1)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.5) msg='QRZ '//c2(:n2)//'/'//psfx(:n1)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.6) msg='DE '//c2(:n2)//'/'//psfx(:n1)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.7) msg='DE '//c2(:n2)//' '//grid go to 100 else endif grid6=grid//'ma' call grid2k(grid6,k) if( .and. k.le.450) call getpfx2(k,c1) if( .and. k.le.900) call getpfx2(k,c2) i=index(c1,char(0)) if( c1=c1(1:i-1)//' ' i=index(c2,char(0)) if( c2=c2(1:i-1)//' ' msg=' ' j=0 if(cqnnn) then msg=c1//' ' j=7 !### ??? ### go to 10 endif do i=1,12 j=j+1 msg(j:j)=c1(i:i) if(c1(i:i).eq.' ') go to 10 enddo j=j+1 msg(j:j)=' ' 10 do i=1,12 if(j.le.21) j=j+1 msg(j:j)=c2(i:i) if(c2(i:i).eq.' ') go to 20 enddo if(j.le.21) j=j+1 msg(j:j)=' ' 20 if(k.eq.0) then do i=1,4 if(j.le.21) j=j+1 msg(j:j)=grid(i:i) enddo if(j.le.21) j=j+1 msg(j:j)=' ' endif 100 return end subroutine unpackmsg