// Status=review Many users of WSJT, too numerous to mention here individually, have contributed suggestions and advice that have greatly aided the development of _WSJT-X_ and its sister programs. Since 2005 the overall project (including WSJT, MAP65, WSPR, _WSJT-X_, and WSPR-X) has been “open source”, with all code licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL). For _WSJT-X_ in particular, we acknowledge contributions from *AC6SL, AE4JY, DJ0OT, G4KLA, G4WJS, K3WYC, KA6MAL, KA9Q, KI7MT, KK1D, PY2SDR, VK3ACF, VK4BDJ, and W4TV*. Each of these amateurs has helped to bring the program’s design, code, and documentation to its present state. Most of the color palettes for the _WSJT-X_ waterfall were copied from the excellent, well documented, open-source program _fldigi_, by *W1HKJ* and friends.