// Status=review // This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time. = WSJT-X User Guide :Author: Joe Taylor, K1JT :Date: January 21, 2014, Copyright © 2012-2014 :Revision: 1.2.2 :badges: :icons: :numbered: // If the list of links gets too long, we can add a url-file that is pulled // in when and where needed with the following: // include:: for example: include::url-list.txt :devsvn: http://developer.berlios.de/projects/wsjt/[wsjt-svn] :devmail: mailto:wsjt-devel@lists.berlios.de[wsjt-devel] :download: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx.html[ Download Page ] :wsjtx: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx.html[ WSJT-X ] :homepage: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/[ WSJT Home Page ] :ntpsetup: http://www.satsignal.eu/ntp/setup.html[Network Time Protocol Setup] :dxlcommander: http://www.dxlabsuite.com/commander/[ Commander ] :hrd: http://www.hrdsoftwarellc.com/[ Ham Radio Deluxe ] :image_dir: :launchpadurl: https://launchpad.net/~jnogatch/+archive/wsjtx[ WSJT-X Linux Packages ] :kvasd: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/kvasd[kvasd] :osx-instructions: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/OSX_Readme[here] :osx-108: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx_3nov13.tar.gz[ OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 ] :osx-109: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx_10.9_29nov13.tar.gz[OS X 10.9] :pskreporter: http://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html[PSK Reporter] :jt65protocol: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/JT65.pdf[QEX article] // These [[X?]] numbers are HTML anchors, and can be used to // navigate though the document easily: <<[X1],See Introduction]>> will // place a hyper-link in your text to take you too the anchored section. // All major sections or points of interest should have one. // == is level (2), section 1.0, === would mean section 1.1, === would // be section 1.1.1. This method is used throughout the document. [[X1]] == Introduction include::introduction.adoc[] [[X2]] == System Requirements include::system-requirments.adoc[] [[X3]] == Installation - Download _WSJT-X_ from the {homepage}. - Click on _WSJT-X_ at the left margin and then on the appropriate link(s) for your operating system. === Windows include::install-windows.adoc[] [[X31]] === Linux include::install-ubuntu.adoc[] // The Mac Section need to be written. The file is a placeholder only. [[X32]] === OS X include::install-mac.adoc[] // Note to developers. The URL http://developer.berlios.de/projects/wsjt/. is // to a very old src version of WSJT 5.7 or so. WSJTX is not listed at all. // Also, all the Qt4 stuff is now obsolete, and needs to be updated. // Instructions for source builds Win, *Nix & Mac all need to be written / // Rreviewd. [[X33]] === Source Code include::install-from-source.adoc[] [[X4]] == Setup and Configuration [[X41]] === Station Tab include::configuration-station.adoc[] [[X42]] === Tx Macros Tab include::configuration-txmacros.adoc[] [[X43]] === Band Settings Tab include::configuration-band-settings.adoc[] [[X44]] === Main Window include::configuration-main-window.adoc[] [[X45]] === Font Sizes include::font-sizes.adoc[] [[X5]] == Basic Operating Tutorial [[X51]] === Main Window Settings include::tutorial-main-window.adoc[] [[X52]] === Wide Graph Settings include::tutorial-wide-graph-settings.adoc[] [[X53]] === Sample File 1 include::tutorial-example1.adoc[] [[X54]] === Sample File 2 include::tutorial-example2.adoc[] [[X55]] === Transceiver Setup include::transceiver-setup.adoc[] [[X6]] == Making QSOs include::make-qso.adoc[] [[X7]] == Controls & Functions include::controls-functions.adoc[] [[X71]] === Wide Graph Controls include::controls-functions-wide-graph.adoc[] [[X72]] === Main Window include::controls-functions-main-window.adoc[] [[X73]] === Misc Controls Left include::controls-functions-left.adoc[] [[X74]] === Misc Controls Center include::controls-functions-center.adoc[] [[X75]] === Tx Messages include::controls-functions-messages.adoc[] [[X76]] === Status Bar include::controls-functions-status-bar.adoc[] [[X77]] === Menus include::controls-functions-menus.adoc[] [[X78]] === Keyboard Shortcuts include::controls-functions-kb-shortcuts.adoc[] [[X79]] === Mouse Commands include::controls-functions-special-mouse-cmds.adoc[] [[X8]] == JT65 & JT9 Differences include::jt65-jt9-differences.adoc[] [[X9]] == The JT9 Protocol include::jt9-protocol.adoc[] [[XA10]] == Appendix A // Note to Dev-Team, this list of files needs to be updated. [[XA11]] === Installed Files include::installed-files.adoc[] [[XA12]] === Runtime Files include::runtime-files.adoc[] [[XB10]] == Appendix B [[XB11]] === Rig Configuration include::rig-config-main.adoc[] [[XACK10]] == Acknowledgments include::acknowledgements.adoc[]