subroutine longx(dat,npts0,ps,DFTolerance,noffset, + msg,msglen,bauderr,MouseButton) C Look for 441-baud modulation, synchronize to it, and decode message. C Longest allowed data analysis is 1 second. parameter (NMAX=11025) parameter (NDMAX=NMAX/25) real dat(npts0) real ps(128),psmo(20) integer DFTolerance real y1(NMAX) real y2(NMAX) real y3(NMAX) real y4(NMAX) real wgt(-2:2) integer dit(NDMAX) integer n4(0:2) character msg*40 character c*48 common/acom/a1,a2,a3,a4 data c/' 123456789.,?/# $ABCD FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 0EZ '/ data wgt/1.0,4.0,6.0,4.0,1.0/ NSPD=25 !Change if FSK110 is implemented LTone=2 NBaud=11025/NSPD npts=min(NMAX,npts0) df=11025.0/256.0 smax=0. C Find the frequency offset of this ping. C NB: this might be improved by including a bandpass correction to ps. ia=nint((LTone*NBaud-DFTolerance)/df) ib=nint((LTone*NBaud+DFTolerance)/df) do i=ia,ib !Search for correct DF sum=0. do j=1,4 !Sum over the 4 tones m=nint((i*df+(j-1)*NBaud)/df) do k=-2,2 !Weighted averages over 5 bins sum=sum+wgt(k)*ps(m+k) enddo enddo k=i-ia+1 psmo(k)=sum kpk=0 if( then smax=sum noffset=nint(i*df-LTone*NBaud) kpk=k endif enddo if( .and. then call peakup(psmo(kpk-1),psmo(kpk),psmo(kpk+1),dx) noffset=nint(noffset+dx*df) endif C Do square-law detection in each of four filters. f1=LTone*NBaud+noffset f2=(LTone+1)*NBaud+noffset f3=(LTone+2)*NBaud+noffset f4=(LTone+3)*NBaud+noffset call detect(dat,npts,f1,y1) call detect(dat,npts,f2,y2) call detect(dat,npts,f3,y3) call detect(dat,npts,f4,y4) C Bandpass correction: npts=npts-(NSPD-1) do i=1,npts y1(i)=y1(i)*a1 y2(i)=y2(i)*a2 y3(i)=y3(i)*a3 y4(i)=y4(i)*a4 enddo call sync(y1,y2,y3,y4,npts,jpk,baud,bauderr) C Decimate y arrays by NSPD ndits=npts/NSPD - 1 do i=1,ndits y1(i)=y1(jpk+(i-1)*NSPD) y2(i)=y2(jpk+(i-1)*NSPD) y3(i)=y3(jpk+(i-1)*NSPD) y4(i)=y4(jpk+(i-1)*NSPD) enddo C Now find the mod3 phase that has no tone 3's n4(0)=0 n4(1)=0 n4(2)=0 do i=1,ndits ymax=max(y1(i),y2(i),y3(i),y4(i)) if(y1(i).eq.ymax) dit(i)=0 if(y2(i).eq.ymax) dit(i)=1 if(y3(i).eq.ymax) dit(i)=2 if(y4(i).eq.ymax) then dit(i)=3 k=mod(i,3) n4(k)=n4(k)+1 endif enddo n4min=min(n4(0),n4(1),n4(2)) if(n4min.eq.n4(0)) jsync=3 if(n4min.eq.n4(1)) jsync=1 if(n4min.eq.n4(2)) jsync=2 C Might want to notify if n4min>0 or if one of the others is equal C to n4min. In both cases, could then decode 2 or 3 times, using C other starting phases. C Finally, decode the message. msg=' ' msglen=ndits/3 msglen=min(msglen,40) do i=1,msglen j=(i-1)*3+jsync nc=16*dit(j) + 4*dit(j+1) +dit(j+2) msg(i:i)=' ' if(nc.le.47) msg(i:i)=c(nc+1:nc+1) enddo return end