#include "soundin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Logger.hpp" #include "moc_soundin.cpp" bool SoundInput::checkStream () { bool result (false); if (m_stream) { switch (m_stream->error ()) { case QAudio::OpenError: Q_EMIT error (tr ("An error opening the audio input device has occurred.")); break; case QAudio::IOError: Q_EMIT error (tr ("An error occurred during read from the audio input device.")); break; // case QAudio::UnderrunError: // Q_EMIT error (tr ("Audio data not being fed to the audio input device fast enough.")); // break; case QAudio::FatalError: Q_EMIT error (tr ("Non-recoverable error, audio input device not usable at this time.")); break; case QAudio::UnderrunError: // TODO G4WJS: stop ignoring this // when we find the cause on macOS case QAudio::NoError: result = true; break; } } return result; } void SoundInput::start(QAudioDeviceInfo const& device, int framesPerBuffer, AudioDevice * sink , unsigned downSampleFactor, AudioDevice::Channel channel) { Q_ASSERT (sink); stop (); m_sink = sink; QAudioFormat format (device.preferredFormat()); // qDebug () << "Preferred audio input format:" << format; format.setChannelCount (AudioDevice::Mono == channel ? 1 : 2); format.setCodec ("audio/pcm"); format.setSampleRate (12000 * downSampleFactor); format.setSampleType (QAudioFormat::SignedInt); format.setSampleSize (16); format.setByteOrder (QAudioFormat::Endian (QSysInfo::ByteOrder)); if (!format.isValid ()) { Q_EMIT error (tr ("Requested input audio format is not valid.")); return; } else if (!device.isFormatSupported (format)) { // qDebug () << "Nearest supported audio format:" << device.nearestFormat (format); Q_EMIT error (tr ("Requested input audio format is not supported on device.")); return; } // qDebug () << "Selected audio input format:" << format; m_stream.reset (new QAudioInput {device, format}); if (!checkStream ()) { return; } connect (m_stream.data(), &QAudioInput::stateChanged, this, &SoundInput::handleStateChanged); connect (m_stream.data(), &QAudioInput::notify, [this] () {checkStream ();}); //qDebug () << "SoundIn default buffer size (bytes):" << m_stream->bufferSize () << "period size:" << m_stream->periodSize (); // the Windows MME version of QAudioInput uses 1/5 of the buffer // size for period size other platforms seem to optimize themselves if (framesPerBuffer > 0) { m_stream->setBufferSize (m_stream->format ().bytesForFrames (framesPerBuffer)); } if (m_sink->initialize (QIODevice::WriteOnly, channel)) { m_stream->start (sink); checkStream (); cummulative_lost_usec_ = -1; // LOG_DEBUG ("Selected buffer size (bytes): " << m_stream->bufferSize () << " period size: " << m_stream->periodSize ()); } else { Q_EMIT error (tr ("Failed to initialize audio sink device")); } } void SoundInput::suspend () { if (m_stream) { m_stream->suspend (); checkStream (); } } void SoundInput::resume () { // qDebug() << "Resume" << fmod(0.001*QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(),6.0); if (m_sink) { m_sink->reset (); } if (m_stream) { m_stream->resume (); checkStream (); } } void SoundInput::handleStateChanged (QAudio::State newState) { switch (newState) { case QAudio::IdleState: Q_EMIT status (tr ("Idle")); break; case QAudio::ActiveState: reset (false); Q_EMIT status (tr ("Receiving")); break; case QAudio::SuspendedState: Q_EMIT status (tr ("Suspended")); break; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 10, 0) case QAudio::InterruptedState: Q_EMIT status (tr ("Interrupted")); break; #endif case QAudio::StoppedState: if (!checkStream ()) { Q_EMIT status (tr ("Error")); } else { Q_EMIT status (tr ("Stopped")); } break; } } void SoundInput::reset (bool report_dropped_frames) { if (m_stream) { auto elapsed_usecs = m_stream->elapsedUSecs (); while (std::abs (elapsed_usecs - m_stream->processedUSecs ()) > 24 * 60 * 60 * 500000ll) // half day { // QAudioInput::elapsedUSecs() wraps after 24 hours elapsed_usecs += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000ll; } // don't report first time as we don't yet known latency if (cummulative_lost_usec_ != std::numeric_limits::min () && report_dropped_frames) { auto lost_usec = elapsed_usecs - m_stream->processedUSecs () - cummulative_lost_usec_; // disable log warnings on dropped audio for now, as detection is not reliable // if (std::abs (lost_usec) > 48000 / 5) // { // LOG_WARN ("Detected dropped audio source samples: " // << m_stream->format ().framesForDuration (lost_usec) // << " (" << std::setprecision (4) << lost_usec / 1.e6 << " S)"); // } // else if (std::abs (lost_usec) > 5 * 48000) if (std::abs (lost_usec) > 5 * 48000) { LOG_ERROR ("Detected excessive dropped audio source samples: " << m_stream->format ().framesForDuration (lost_usec) << " (" << std::setprecision (4) << lost_usec / 1.e6 << " S)"); } } cummulative_lost_usec_ = elapsed_usecs - m_stream->processedUSecs (); } } void SoundInput::stop() { if (m_stream) { m_stream->stop (); } m_stream.reset (); } SoundInput::~SoundInput () { stop (); }