program testfast9 parameter (NMAX=30*12000) integer*2 id2(NMAX) integer narg(0:11) character*80 line(100) character submode*1,infile*80 nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: testfast9 submode infile' print*,'Example: testfast9 E 150806_123300.wav' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,submode) call getarg(2,infile) open(10,file=infile,access='stream',status='old') read(10) id2(1:22) !Skip 44 header bytes npts=NMAX read(10,end=1) id2(1:npts) !Read the raw data 1 i1=index(infile,'.wav') read(infile(i1-6:i1-1),*) narg(0) narg(1)=NMAX n=ichar(submode) narg(2)=n-ichar('A') if( .and. n.le.104) narg(2)=n-ichar('a') narg(3)=1 narg(4)=0 narg(5)=0 narg(6)=0 narg(7)=29951 narg(8)=1 narg(9)=102 narg(10)=700 narg(11)=500 call fast9(id2,narg,line) print*,line(1) 999 end program testfast9