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#include "MultiSettings.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <QObject>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFont>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
#include <QActionGroup>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QRegularExpressionValidator>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QList>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "widgets/MessageBox.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
char const * default_string = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("MultiSettings", "Default");
char const * multi_settings_root_group = "MultiSettings";
char const * multi_settings_current_group_key = "CurrentMultiSettingsConfiguration";
char const * multi_settings_current_name_key = "CurrentName";
char const * multi_settings_place_holder_key = "MultiSettingsPlaceHolder";
QString unescape_ampersands (QString s)
return s.replace ("&&", "&");
// calculate a useable and unique settings file path
QString settings_path ()
auto const& config_directory = QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation);
QDir config_path {config_directory}; // will be "." if config_directory is empty
if (!config_path.mkpath ("."))
throw std::runtime_error {"Cannot find a usable configuration path \"" + config_path.path ().toStdString () + '"'};
return config_path.absoluteFilePath (QApplication::applicationName () + ".ini");
// Dialog to get a valid new configuration name
class NameDialog final
: public QDialog
explicit NameDialog (QString const& current_name,
QStringList const& current_names,
QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
setWindowTitle (tr ("New Configuration Name"));
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout ();
form_layout->addRow (tr ("Old name:"), &old_name_label_);
old_name_label_.setText (current_name);
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&New name:"), &name_line_edit_);
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
main_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto button_box = new QDialogButtonBox {QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel};
button_box->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (false);
main_layout->addWidget (button_box);
auto name_validator = new QRegularExpressionValidator {QRegularExpression {R"([^/\\]+)"}, this};
name_line_edit_.setValidator (name_validator);
connect (&name_line_edit_, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [current_names, button_box] (QString const& name) {
bool valid {!current_names.contains (name.trimmed ())};
button_box->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (valid);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
QString new_name () const
return name_line_edit_.text ().trimmed ();
QLabel old_name_label_;
QLineEdit name_line_edit_;
// Dialog to get a valid new existing name
class ExistingNameDialog final
: public QDialog
explicit ExistingNameDialog (QStringList const& current_names, QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
setWindowTitle (tr ("Configuration to Clone From"));
name_combo_box_.addItems (current_names);
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout ();
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&Source Configuration Name:"), &name_combo_box_);
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
main_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto button_box = new QDialogButtonBox {QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel};
main_layout->addWidget (button_box);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
QString name () const
return name_combo_box_.currentText ();
QComboBox name_combo_box_;
class MultiSettings::impl final
: public QObject
explicit impl (MultiSettings const * parent, QString const& config_name);
bool reposition ();
void create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu);
bool exit ();
QSettings settings_;
QString current_;
// switch to this configuration
void select_configuration (QString const& target_name);
using Dictionary = QMap<QString, QVariant>;
// create a configuration maintenance sub menu
QMenu * create_sub_menu (QMenu * parent,
QString const& menu_title,
QActionGroup * = nullptr);
// extract all settings from the current QSettings group
Dictionary get_settings () const;
// write the settings values from the dictionary to the current group
void load_from (Dictionary const&, bool add_placeholder = true);
// clone this configuration
void clone_configuration (QMenu *, QMenu const *);
// update this configuration from another
void clone_into_configuration (QMenu const *);
// reset configuration to default values
void reset_configuration (QMenu const *);
// change configuration name
void rename_configuration (QMenu *);
// remove a configuration
void delete_configuration (QMenu *);
// action to take on restart
enum class RepositionType {unchanged, replace, save_and_replace};
void restart (RepositionType);
MultiSettings const * parent_; // required for emitting signals
QMainWindow * main_window_;
bool name_change_emit_pending_; // delayed until menu built
QFont original_font_;
RepositionType reposition_type_;
Dictionary new_settings_;
bool exit_flag_; // false means loop around with new
// configuration
QActionGroup * configurations_group_;
#include "MultiSettings.moc"
#include "moc_MultiSettings.cpp"
MultiSettings::MultiSettings (QString const& config_name)
: m_ {this, config_name}
MultiSettings::~MultiSettings ()
QSettings * MultiSettings::settings ()
return &m_->settings_;
QVariant MultiSettings::common_value (QString const& key, QVariant const& default_value) const
QVariant value;
QSettings * mutable_settings {const_cast<QSettings *> (&m_->settings_)};
auto const& current_group = mutable_settings->group ();
if (current_group.size ()) mutable_settings->endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {mutable_settings, multi_settings_root_group};
value = mutable_settings->value (key, default_value);
if (current_group.size ()) mutable_settings->beginGroup (current_group);
return value;
void MultiSettings::set_common_value (QString const& key, QVariant const& value)
auto const& current_group = m_->settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) m_->settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&m_->settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
m_->settings_.setValue (key, value);
if (current_group.size ()) m_->settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::remove_common_value (QString const& key)
if (!key.size ()) return; // we don't allow global delete as it
// would break this classes data model
auto const& current_group = m_->settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) m_->settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&m_->settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
m_->settings_.remove (key);
if (current_group.size ()) m_->settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu)
m_->create_menu_actions (main_window, menu);
void MultiSettings::select_configuration (QString const& name)
m_->select_configuration (name);
QString MultiSettings::configuration_name () const
return m_->current_;
bool MultiSettings::exit ()
return m_->exit ();
MultiSettings::impl::impl (MultiSettings const * parent, QString const& config_name)
: settings_ {settings_path (), QSettings::IniFormat}
, parent_ {parent}
, main_window_ {nullptr}
, name_change_emit_pending_ {true}
, reposition_type_ {RepositionType::unchanged}
, exit_flag_ {true}
, configurations_group_ {new QActionGroup {this}}
if (!settings_.isWritable ())
throw std::runtime_error {QString {"Cannot access \"%1\" for writing"}
.arg (settings_.fileName ()).toStdString ()};
// deal with transient, now defunct, settings key
if (settings_.contains (multi_settings_current_group_key))
current_ = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_group_key).toString ();
settings_.remove (multi_settings_current_group_key);
if (current_.size ())
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup source_group {&settings_, current_};
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, tr (default_string));
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::save_and_replace;
reposition ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, tr (default_string));
// bootstrap
QStringList available_configurations;
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
available_configurations = settings_.childGroups ();
// use last selected configuration
current_ = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key).toString ();
if (!current_.size ())
// no configurations so use default name
current_ = tr (default_string);
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, current_);
if (config_name.size () && available_configurations.contains (config_name) && config_name != current_)
// switch to specified configuration
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
// save the target settings
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, config_name};
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
current_ = config_name;
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::save_and_replace;
reposition ();
settings_.sync ();
// do actions that can only be done once all the windows are closed
bool MultiSettings::impl::reposition ()
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
switch (reposition_type_)
case RepositionType::save_and_replace:
// save the current settings with the other alternatives
Dictionary saved_settings {get_settings ()};
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
// get the current configuration name
auto const& previous_group_name = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key, tr (default_string)).toString ();
SettingsGroup save_group {&settings_, previous_group_name};
load_from (saved_settings);
// fall through
case RepositionType::replace:
// and purge current settings
for (auto const& key: settings_.allKeys ())
if (!key.contains (multi_settings_root_group))
settings_.remove (key);
// insert the new settings
load_from (new_settings_, false);
if (!new_settings_.size ())
// if we are clearing the current settings then we must
// reset the application font and the font in the
// application style sheet, this is necessary since the
// application instance is not recreated
qApp->setFont (original_font_);
qApp->setStyleSheet (qApp->styleSheet () + "* {" + font_as_stylesheet (original_font_) + '}');
// now we have set up the new current we can safely purge it
// from the alternatives
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup purge_group {&settings_, current_};
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
// switch to the specified configuration name
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, current_);
settings_.sync ();
// fall through
case RepositionType::unchanged:
new_settings_.clear ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
reposition_type_ = RepositionType::unchanged; // reset
bool exit {exit_flag_};
exit_flag_ = true; // reset exit flag so normal exit works
return exit;
// populate a pop up menu with the configurations sub-menus for
// maintenance including select, clone, clone from, delete, rename
// and, reset
void MultiSettings::impl::create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu)
main_window_ = main_window;
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
// get the current configuration name
auto const& current_configuration_name = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key, tr (default_string)).toString ();
// add the default configuration sub menu
QMenu * default_menu = create_sub_menu (menu, current_configuration_name, configurations_group_);
// and set as the current configuration
default_menu->menuAction ()->setChecked (true);
// get the existing alternatives
auto const& available_configurations = settings_.childGroups ();
// add all the other configurations
for (auto const& configuration_name: available_configurations)
create_sub_menu (menu, configuration_name, configurations_group_);
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
if (name_change_emit_pending_)
Q_EMIT parent_->configurationNameChanged (unescape_ampersands (current_));
name_change_emit_pending_ = false;
// call this at the end of the main program loop to determine if the
// main window really wants to quit or to run again with a new configuration
bool MultiSettings::impl::exit ()
// ensure that configuration name changed signal gets fired on restart
name_change_emit_pending_ = true;
// do any configuration swap required and return exit flag
return reposition ();
QMenu * MultiSettings::impl::create_sub_menu (QMenu * parent_menu,
QString const& menu_title,
QActionGroup * action_group)
auto sub_menu = parent_menu->addMenu (menu_title);
if (action_group) action_group->addAction (sub_menu->menuAction ());
sub_menu->menuAction ()->setCheckable (true);
// populate sub-menu actions before showing
connect (sub_menu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, [this, parent_menu, sub_menu] () {
// depopulate before populating and showing because on Mac OS X
// there is an issue with depopulating in QMenu::aboutToHide()
// with connections being disconnected before they are actioned
while (!sub_menu->actions ().isEmpty ())
sub_menu->removeAction (sub_menu->actions ().last ());
bool is_current {sub_menu->menuAction ()->text () == current_};
if (!is_current)
auto select_action = new QAction {tr ("&Switch To"), this};
sub_menu->addAction (select_action);
connect (select_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, sub_menu] (bool) {
select_configuration (sub_menu->title ());
sub_menu->addSeparator ();
auto clone_action = new QAction {tr ("&Clone"), this};
sub_menu->addAction (clone_action);
connect (clone_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, parent_menu, sub_menu] (bool) {
clone_configuration (parent_menu, sub_menu);
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
if (settings_.childGroups ().size ())
auto clone_into_action = new QAction {tr ("Clone &Into ..."), this};
sub_menu->addAction (clone_into_action);
connect (clone_into_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, sub_menu] (bool) {
clone_into_configuration (sub_menu);
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
auto reset_action = new QAction {tr ("R&eset"), this};
sub_menu->addAction (reset_action);
connect (reset_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, sub_menu] (bool) {
reset_configuration (sub_menu);
auto rename_action = new QAction {tr ("&Rename ..."), this};
sub_menu->addAction (rename_action);
connect (rename_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, sub_menu] (bool) {
rename_configuration (sub_menu);
if (!is_current)
auto delete_action = new QAction {tr ("&Delete"), this};
sub_menu->addAction (delete_action);
connect (delete_action, &QAction::triggered, [this, sub_menu] (bool) {
delete_configuration (sub_menu);
return sub_menu;
auto MultiSettings::impl::get_settings () const -> Dictionary
Dictionary settings;
for (auto const& key: settings_.allKeys ())
// filter out multi settings group and empty settings
// placeholder
if (!key.contains (multi_settings_root_group)
&& !key.contains (multi_settings_place_holder_key))
settings[key] = settings_.value (key);
return settings;
void MultiSettings::impl::load_from (Dictionary const& dictionary, bool add_placeholder)
if (dictionary.size ())
for (Dictionary::const_iterator iter = dictionary.constBegin ();
iter != dictionary.constEnd (); ++iter)
settings_.setValue (iter.key (), iter.value ());
else if (add_placeholder)
// add a placeholder key to stop the alternative configuration
// name from disappearing
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_place_holder_key, QVariant {});
settings_.sync ();
void MultiSettings::impl::select_configuration (QString const& target_name)
if (main_window_ && target_name != current_)
bool changed {false};
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
// position to the alternative settings
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
if (settings_.childGroups ().contains (target_name))
changed = true;
// save the target settings
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
if (changed)
// and set up the restart
current_ = target_name;
Q_EMIT parent_->configurationNameChanged (unescape_ampersands (current_));
restart (RepositionType::save_and_replace);
void MultiSettings::impl::clone_configuration (QMenu * parent_menu, QMenu const * menu)
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
auto const& source_name = menu->title ();
// settings to clone
Dictionary source_settings;
if (source_name == current_)
// grab the data to clone from the current settings
source_settings = get_settings ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
if (source_name != current_)
SettingsGroup source_group {&settings_, source_name};
source_settings = get_settings ();
// find a new unique name
QString new_name_root {source_name + " - Copy"};;
QString new_name {new_name_root};
unsigned index {0};
if (index++) new_name = new_name_root + '(' + QString::number (index) + ')';
while (settings_.childGroups ().contains (new_name) || new_name == current_);
SettingsGroup new_group {&settings_, new_name};
load_from (source_settings);
// insert the new configuration sub menu in the parent menu
create_sub_menu (parent_menu, new_name, configurations_group_);
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::clone_into_configuration (QMenu const * menu)
Q_ASSERT (main_window_);
if (!main_window_) return;
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
// get the current configuration name
QString current_group_name;
QStringList sources;
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
current_group_name = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key).toString ();
// get the source configuration name for the clone
sources = settings_.childGroups ();
sources << current_group_name;
sources.removeOne (target_name);
// pick a source configuration
ExistingNameDialog dialog {sources, main_window_};
if (sources.size () && (1 == sources.size () || QDialog::Accepted == dialog.exec ()))
QString source_name {1 == sources.size () ? sources.at (0) : dialog.name ()};
if (main_window_
&& MessageBox::Yes == MessageBox::query_message (main_window_,
tr ("Clone Into Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm overwrite of all values for configuration \"%1\" with values from \"%2\"?")
.arg (unescape_ampersands (target_name))
.arg (unescape_ampersands (source_name))))
// grab the data to clone from
if (source_name == current_group_name)
// grab the data to clone from the current settings
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup source_group {&settings_, source_name};
new_settings_ = get_settings ();
// purge target settings and replace
if (target_name == current_)
// restart with new settings
restart (RepositionType::replace);
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
load_from (new_settings_);
new_settings_.clear ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::reset_configuration (QMenu const * menu)
Q_ASSERT (main_window_);
if (!main_window_) return;
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
if (!main_window_
|| MessageBox::Yes != MessageBox::query_message (main_window_,
tr ("Reset Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm reset to default values for configuration \"%1\"?")
.arg (unescape_ampersands (target_name))))
if (target_name == current_)
// restart with default settings
new_settings_.clear ();
restart (RepositionType::replace);
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
// add a placeholder to stop alternative configuration name
// being lost
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_place_holder_key, QVariant {});
settings_.sync ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::rename_configuration (QMenu * menu)
Q_ASSERT (main_window_);
if (!main_window_) return;
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
// gather names we cannot use
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
auto invalid_names = settings_.childGroups ();
invalid_names << settings_.value (multi_settings_current_name_key).toString ();
// get the new name
NameDialog dialog {target_name, invalid_names, main_window_};
if (QDialog::Accepted == dialog.exec ())
if (target_name == current_)
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_name_key, dialog.new_name ());
settings_.sync ();
current_ = dialog.new_name ();
Q_EMIT parent_->configurationNameChanged (unescape_ampersands (current_));
// switch to the target group and fetch the configuration data
Dictionary target_settings;
// grab the target configuration settings
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
target_settings = get_settings ();
// purge the old configuration data
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
// load into new configuration group name
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, dialog.new_name ()};
load_from (target_settings);
// change the action text in the menu
menu->setTitle (dialog.new_name ());
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::delete_configuration (QMenu * menu)
Q_ASSERT (main_window_);
auto const& target_name = menu->title ();
if (target_name == current_)
return; // suicide not allowed here
if (!main_window_
|| MessageBox::Yes != MessageBox::query_message (main_window_,
tr ("Delete Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm deletion of configuration \"%1\"?")
.arg (unescape_ampersands (target_name))))
auto const& current_group = settings_.group ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.endGroup ();
SettingsGroup alternatives {&settings_, multi_settings_root_group};
SettingsGroup target_group {&settings_, target_name};
// purge the configuration data
settings_.remove (QString {}); // purge entire group
settings_.sync ();
if (current_group.size ()) settings_.beginGroup (current_group);
// update the menu
menu->deleteLater ();
void MultiSettings::impl::restart (RepositionType type)
Q_ASSERT (main_window_);
reposition_type_ = type;
exit_flag_ = false;
main_window_->close ();
main_window_ = nullptr;