mirror of https://github.com/saitohirga/WSJT-X.git synced 2025-03-27 06:28:33 -04:00
Bill Somerville d80576b1cd Fix font setting
Several issues  mainly related  to the  rather complex  interaction of
style sheets and widget properties with respect to fonts.

Font setting  on the  astro window  should now  be consistent  and not
overridden by application style sheet driven font settings.

Decoded text font setting should now be consistent and not revert back
to Courier 10 on the next decode after a font change.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@5179 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
2015-04-07 12:08:55 +00:00

213 lines
6.1 KiB

#include "astro.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QFont>
#include <QFontDialog>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QDir>
#include <QDebug>
#include "commons.h"
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
#include "ui_astro.h"
#include "moc_astro.cpp"
Astro::Astro(QSettings * settings, QWidget * parent)
: QWidget {parent}
, settings_ {settings}
, ui_ {new Ui::Astro}
setWindowFlags (Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint);
setWindowTitle(QApplication::applicationName () + " - " + tr ("Astronomical Data"));
setStyleSheet ("QWidget {background: cyan;}");
read_settings ();
Astro::~Astro ()
if (isVisible ())
write_settings ();
void Astro::closeEvent (QCloseEvent * e)
write_settings ();
QWidget::closeEvent (e);
void Astro::read_settings ()
settings_->beginGroup ("Astro");
move (settings_->value ("window/pos", pos ()).toPoint ());
QFont font;
if (font.fromString (settings_->value ("font", ui_->text_label->font ().toString ()).toString ()))
ui_->text_label->setStyleSheet ("QLabel {" + font_as_stylesheet (font) + '}');
adjustSize ();
settings_->endGroup ();
void Astro::write_settings ()
settings_->beginGroup ("Astro");
settings_->setValue ("window/pos", pos ());
settings_->setValue ("font", ui_->text_label->font ().toString ());
settings_->endGroup ();
void Astro::on_font_push_button_clicked (bool /* checked */)
bool changed;
auto ss = styleSheet ();
setStyleSheet ("");
auto font = QFontDialog::getFont (&changed
, ui_->text_label->font ()
, this
, tr ("WSJT-X Astro Text Font Chooser")
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050201
, QFontDialog::MonospacedFonts
if (changed)
ui_->text_label->setStyleSheet ("QLabel {" + font_as_stylesheet (font) + '}');
adjustSize ();
setStyleSheet (ss);
void Astro::astroUpdate(QDateTime t, QString mygrid, QString hisgrid,
int fQSO, int nsetftx, int ntxFreq)
static int ntxFreq0=-99;
double azsun,elsun,azmoon,elmoon,azmoondx,elmoondx;
double ramoon,decmoon,dgrd,poloffset,xnr,techo;
int ntsky,ndop,ndop00;
QString date = t.date().toString("yyyy MMM dd").trimmed ();
QString utc = t.time().toString().trimmed ();
int nyear=t.date().year();
int month=t.date().month();
int nday=t.date().day();
int nhr=t.time().hour();
int nmin=t.time().minute();
double sec=t.time().second() + 0.001*t.time().msec();
int isec=sec;
double uth=nhr + nmin/60.0 + sec/3600.0;
// int nfreq=(int)datcom_.fcenter;
int nfreq=10368;
if(nfreq<10 or nfreq > 50000) nfreq=144;
astrosub_(&nyear, &month, &nday, &uth, &nfreq, mygrid.toLatin1(),
hisgrid.toLatin1(), &azsun, &elsun, &azmoon, &elmoon,
&azmoondx, &elmoondx, &ntsky, &ndop, &ndop00,&ramoon, &decmoon,
&dgrd, &poloffset, &xnr, &techo, 6, 6);
QString message;
QTextStream out {&message};
<< " " << date << "\n"
"UTC: " << utc << "\n"
<< fixed
<< qSetFieldWidth (6)
<< qSetRealNumberPrecision (1)
<< "Az: " << azmoon << "\n"
"El: " << elmoon << "\n"
"MyDop: " << ndop00 << "\n"
<< qSetRealNumberPrecision (2)
<< "Delay: " << techo << "\n"
<< qSetRealNumberPrecision (1)
<< "DxAz: " << azmoondx << "\n"
"DxEl: " << elmoondx << "\n"
"DxDop: " << ndop << "\n"
"Dec: " << decmoon << "\n"
"SunAz: " << azsun << "\n"
"SunEl: " << elsun << "\n"
"Freq: " << nfreq << "\n"
"Tsky: " << ntsky << "\n"
"MNR: " << xnr << "\n"
"Dgrd: " << dgrd;
static QFile f {QDir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)}.absoluteFilePath ("azel.dat")};
if (!f.open (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
QMessageBox mb;
mb.setText ("Cannot open \"" + f.fileName () + "\" for writing:" + f.errorString ());
int ndiff=0;
if(ntxFreq != ntxFreq0) ndiff=1;
QTextStream out {&f};
out << fixed
<< qSetRealNumberPrecision (1)
<< qSetPadChar ('0')
<< right
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << nhr
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ':'
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << nmin
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ':'
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << isec
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (5) << azmoon
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (5) << elmoon
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ",Moon\n"
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << nhr
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ':'
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << nmin
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ':'
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << isec
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (5) << azsun
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (5) << elsun
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ",Sun\n"
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << nhr
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ':'
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << nmin
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ':'
<< qSetFieldWidth (2) << isec
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (5) << 0.
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (5) << 0.
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ",Sun\n"
<< qSetPadChar (' ')
<< qSetFieldWidth (4) << nfreq
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (6) << ndop
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ",Doppler\n"
<< qSetFieldWidth (3) << fQSO
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (1) << nsetftx
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ",fQSO\n"
<< qSetFieldWidth (3) << ntxFreq
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ','
<< qSetFieldWidth (1) << ndiff
<< qSetFieldWidth (0) << ",fQSO2";