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Bill Somerville 8d48b44e9a
ADIF v3.1.1 compliance
Note that FST4 QSOs are logged with MODE=MFSK and SUBMODE=FST4. The
new bands 8m and 5m are recognized. The ADIF header is expanded with
program and time stamp information.
2020-09-07 20:36:09 +01:00

241 lines
5.9 KiB

#include "Bands.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
// Table of ADIF band definitions as defined in the ADIF
// specification as at ADIF v3.0.6
struct ADIFBand
char const * const name_;
Radio::Frequency lower_bound_;
Radio::Frequency upper_bound_;
} constexpr ADIF_bands[] = {
{"2190m", 135700u, 137800u},
{"630m", 472000u, 479000u},
{"560m", 501000u, 504000u},
{"160m", 1800000u, 2000000u},
{"80m", 3500000u, 4000000u},
{"60m", 5060000u, 5450000u},
{"40m", 7000000u, 7300000u},
{"30m", 10100000u, 10150000u},
{"20m", 14000000u, 14350000u},
{"17m", 18068000u, 18168000u},
{"15m", 21000000u, 21450000u},
{"12m", 24890000u, 24990000u},
{"10m", 28000000u, 29700000u},
{"8m", 40000000u, 45000000u},
{"6m", 50000000u, 54000000u},
{"5m", 54000001u, 69900000u},
{"4m", 70000000u, 71000000u},
{"2m", 144000000u, 148000000u},
{"1.25m", 222000000u, 225000000u},
{"70cm", 420000000u, 450000000u},
{"33cm", 902000000u, 928000000u},
{"23cm", 1240000000u, 1300000000u},
{"13cm", 2300000000u, 2450000000u},
{"9cm", 3300000000u, 3500000000u},
{"6cm", 5650000000u, 5925000000u},
{"3cm", 10000000000u, 10500000000u},
{"1.25cm",24000000000u, 24250000000u},
{"6mm", 47000000000u, 47200000000u},
{"4mm", 75500000000u, 81000000000u},
{"2.5mm", 119980000000u,120020000000u},
{"2mm", 142000000000u,149000000000u},
{"1mm", 241000000000u,250000000000u},
QString const oob_name {QObject::tr ("OOB")};
int constexpr table_rows ()
return sizeof ADIF_bands / sizeof ADIF_bands[0];
#include "moc_Bands.cpp"
Bands::Bands (QObject * parent)
: QAbstractTableModel {parent}
QString Bands::find (Frequency f) const
QString result;
auto const& end_iter = ADIF_bands + table_rows ();
auto const& row_iter = std::find_if (ADIF_bands, end_iter, [f] (ADIFBand const& band) {
return band.lower_bound_ <= f && f <= band.upper_bound_;
if (row_iter != end_iter)
result = row_iter->name_;
return result;
int Bands::find (QString const& band) const
int result {-1};
for (auto i = 0; i < table_rows (); ++i)
if (band == ADIF_bands[i].name_)
result = i;
return result;
QString const& Bands::oob ()
return oob_name;
int Bands::rowCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const
return parent.isValid () ? 0 : table_rows ();
int Bands::columnCount (QModelIndex const& parent) const
return parent.isValid () ? 0 : 3;
Qt::ItemFlags Bands::flags (QModelIndex const& index) const
return QAbstractTableModel::flags (index) | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
QVariant Bands::data (QModelIndex const& index, int role) const
QVariant item;
if (!index.isValid ())
// Hijack root for OOB string.
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role)
item = oob_name;
auto row = index.row ();
auto column = index.column ();
if (row < table_rows ())
switch (role)
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole:
switch (column)
case 0: item = tr ("Band name"); break;
case 1: item = tr ("Lower frequency limit"); break;
case 2: item = tr ("Upper frequency limit"); break;
case SortRole:
case Qt::DisplayRole:
case Qt::EditRole:
switch (column)
case 0:
if (SortRole == role)
// band name sorts by lower bound
item = ADIF_bands[row].lower_bound_;
item = ADIF_bands[row].name_;
case 1: item = ADIF_bands[row].lower_bound_; break;
case 2: item = ADIF_bands[row].upper_bound_; break;
case Qt::AccessibleTextRole:
switch (column)
case 0: item = ADIF_bands[row].name_; break;
case 1: item = ADIF_bands[row].lower_bound_; break;
case 2: item = ADIF_bands[row].upper_bound_; break;
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
switch (column)
case 0:
item = Qt::AlignHCenter + Qt::AlignVCenter;
case 1:
case 2:
item = Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter;
return item;
QVariant Bands::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
QVariant result;
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role && Qt::Horizontal == orientation)
switch (section)
case 0: result = tr ("Band"); break;
case 1: result = tr ("Lower Limit"); break;
case 2: result = tr ("Upper Limit"); break;
result = QAbstractTableModel::headerData (section, orientation, role);
return result;
QString Bands::const_iterator::operator * ()
return ADIF_bands[row_].name_;
bool Bands::const_iterator::operator != (const_iterator const& rhs) const
return row_ != rhs.row_;
auto Bands::const_iterator::operator ++ () -> const_iterator&
return *this;
auto Bands::begin () const -> Bands::const_iterator
return const_iterator (0);
auto Bands::end () const -> Bands::const_iterator
return const_iterator (table_rows ());