Joe Taylor a292b2bb58 Remove my new QHash stuff; adapt the existing logbook code instead.
We now display "new call on current band" as well as "new call on any band".
Something similar should be done for DXCCs and grids.
2018-08-03 16:31:19 -04:00

232 lines
7.9 KiB

#include "adif.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDebug>
<CALL:4>W1XT<BAND:3>20m<FREQ:6>14.076<GRIDSQUARE:4>DM33<MODE:4>JT65<RST_RCVD:3>-21<RST_SENT:3>-14<QSO_DATE:8>20110422<TIME_ON:6>041712<TIME_OFF:6>042435<TX_PWR:1>4<COMMENT:34>1st JT65A QSO. Him: mag loop 20W<STATION_CALLSIGN:6>VK3ACF<MY_GRIDSQUARE:6>qf22lb<eor>
<CALL:6:S>W4ABC> ...
void ADIF::init(QString const& filename)
_filename = filename;
QString ADIF::extractField(QString const& record, QString const& fieldName) const
int fieldNameIndex = record.indexOf ('<' + fieldName + ':', 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (fieldNameIndex >=0)
int closingBracketIndex = record.indexOf('>',fieldNameIndex);
int fieldLengthIndex = record.indexOf(':',fieldNameIndex); // find the size delimiter
int dataTypeIndex = -1;
if (fieldLengthIndex >= 0)
dataTypeIndex = record.indexOf(':',fieldLengthIndex+1); // check for a second : indicating there is a data type
if (dataTypeIndex > closingBracketIndex)
dataTypeIndex = -1; // second : was found but it was beyond the closing >
if ((closingBracketIndex > fieldNameIndex) && (fieldLengthIndex > fieldNameIndex) && (fieldLengthIndex< closingBracketIndex))
int fieldLengthCharCount = closingBracketIndex - fieldLengthIndex -1;
if (dataTypeIndex >= 0)
fieldLengthCharCount -= 2; // data type indicator is always a colon followed by a single character
QString fieldLengthString = record.mid(fieldLengthIndex+1,fieldLengthCharCount);
int fieldLength = fieldLengthString.toInt();
if (fieldLength > 0)
QString field = record.mid(closingBracketIndex+1,fieldLength);
return field;
return "";
void ADIF::load()
QFile inputFile(_filename);
if (
QTextStream in(&inputFile);
QString buffer;
bool pre_read {false};
int end_position {-1};
// skip optional header record
buffer += in.readLine () + '\n';
if (buffer.startsWith (QChar {'<'})) // denotes no header
pre_read = true;
end_position = buffer.indexOf ("<EOH>", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
while (!in.atEnd () && !pre_read && end_position < 0);
if (!pre_read) // found header
buffer.remove (0, end_position + 5);
while (buffer.size () || !in.atEnd ())
end_position = buffer.indexOf ("<EOR>", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (!in.atEnd () && end_position < 0)
buffer += in.readLine () + '\n';
while (!in.atEnd () && end_position < 0);
int record_length {end_position >= 0 ? end_position + 5 : -1};
auto record = buffer.left (record_length).trimmed ();
auto next_record = buffer.indexOf (QChar {'<'}, record_length);
buffer.remove (0, next_record >=0 ? next_record : buffer.size ());
record = record.mid (record.indexOf (QChar {'<'}));
add (extractField (record, "CALL")
, extractField (record, "BAND")
, extractField (record, "MODE")
, extractField (record, "QSO_DATE"));
inputFile.close ();
void ADIF::add(QString const& call, QString const& band, QString const& mode, QString const& date)
QSO q; = call; = band;
q.mode = mode; = date;
if ( ())
// qDebug() << "Added as worked:" << call << band << mode << date;
// return true if in the log same band and mode (where JT65 == JT9 == FT8)
bool ADIF::match(QString const& call, QString const& band, QString const& mode) const
QList<QSO> qsos = _data.values(call);
if (qsos.size()>0)
QSO q;
if ( (,Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
|| (band=="")
|| (""))
if (
(("JT65",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) ||
("JT9",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) ||
(("JT65",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) ||
("JT9",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) ||
|| (,Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0)
|| (mode=="")
|| (q.mode=="")
return true;
return false;
QList<QString> ADIF::getCallList() const
QList<QString> p;
QMultiHash<QString,QSO>::const_iterator i = _data.constBegin();
while (i != _data.constEnd())
p << i.key();
return p;
int ADIF::getCount() const
return _data.size();
QByteArray ADIF::QSOToADIF(QString const& hisCall, QString const& hisGrid, QString const& mode
, QString const& rptSent, QString const& rptRcvd, QDateTime const& dateTimeOn
, QDateTime const& dateTimeOff, QString const& band, QString const& comments
, QString const& name, QString const& strDialFreq, QString const& m_myCall
, QString const& m_myGrid, QString const& m_txPower, QString const& operator_call)
QString t;
t = "<call:" + QString::number(hisCall.length()) + ">" + hisCall;
t += " <gridsquare:" + QString::number(hisGrid.length()) + ">" + hisGrid;
t += " <mode:" + QString::number(mode.length()) + ">" + mode;
t += " <rst_sent:" + QString::number(rptSent.length()) + ">" + rptSent;
t += " <rst_rcvd:" + QString::number(rptRcvd.length()) + ">" + rptRcvd;
t += " <qso_date:8>" +"yyyyMMdd");
t += " <time_on:6>" + dateTimeOn.time().toString("hhmmss");
t += " <qso_date_off:8>" +"yyyyMMdd");
t += " <time_off:6>" + dateTimeOff.time().toString("hhmmss");
t += " <band:" + QString::number(band.length()) + ">" + band;
t += " <freq:" + QString::number(strDialFreq.length()) + ">" + strDialFreq;
t += " <station_callsign:" + QString::number(m_myCall.length()) + ">" +
t += " <my_gridsquare:" + QString::number(m_myGrid.length()) + ">" +
if (m_txPower != "")
t += " <tx_pwr:" + QString::number(m_txPower.length()) +
">" + m_txPower;
if (comments != "")
t += " <comment:" + QString::number(comments.length()) +
">" + comments;
if (name != "")
t += " <name:" + QString::number(name.length()) +
">" + name;
if (operator_call!="")
t+=" <operator:" + QString::number(operator_call.length()) +
">" + operator_call;
return t.toLatin1 ();
// open ADIF file and append the QSO details. Return true on success
bool ADIF::addQSOToFile(QByteArray const& ADIF_record)
QFile f2(_filename);
if (! | QIODevice::Append))
return false;
QTextStream out(&f2);
if (f2.size()==0)
out << "WSJT-X ADIF Export<eoh>" << endl; // new file
out << ADIF_record << " <eor>" << endl;
return true;