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synced 2025-03-22 12:08:43 -04:00
Multiple configurations are accessed and maintained from a new main window menu bar pop up menu "Configurations". The prior settings are the "Default" entry. New configurations may be added by cloning existing ones. Maintenance and navigation is via sub menus for each configuration. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@6623 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
634 lines
19 KiB
634 lines
19 KiB
#include "MultiSettings.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <QObject>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDir>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
#include <QActionGroup>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QRegularExpressionValidator>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QList>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
char const * default_string = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("MultiSettings", "Default");
char const * multi_settings_root_group = "MultiSettings";
char const * multi_settings_current_group_key = "CurrentMultiSettingsConfiguration";
// calculate a useable and unique settings file path
QString settings_path ()
auto config_directory = QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation);
QDir config_path {config_directory}; // will be "." if config_directory is empty
if (!config_path.mkpath ("."))
throw std::runtime_error {"Cannot find a usable configuration path \"" + config_path.path ().toStdString () + '"'};
return config_path.absoluteFilePath (QApplication::applicationName () + ".ini");
// Dialog to get a valid new configuration name
class NameDialog final
: public QDialog
explicit NameDialog (QString const& current_name,
QStringList const& current_names,
QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
setWindowTitle (tr ("New Configuration Name"));
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout ();
form_layout->addRow (tr ("Old name:"), &old_name_label_);
old_name_label_.setText (current_name);
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&New name:"), &name_line_edit_);
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
main_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto button_box = new QDialogButtonBox {QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel};
button_box->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (false);
main_layout->addWidget (button_box);
auto * name_validator = new QRegularExpressionValidator {QRegularExpression {R"([^/\\]+)"}, this};
name_line_edit_.setValidator (name_validator);
connect (&name_line_edit_, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [current_names, button_box] (QString const& name) {
bool valid {name.trimmed () != tr (default_string) && !current_names.contains (name.trimmed ())};
button_box->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (valid);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
QString new_name () const
return name_line_edit_.text ().trimmed ();
QLabel old_name_label_;
QLineEdit name_line_edit_;
// Dialog to get a valid new existing name
class ExistingNameDialog final
: public QDialog
explicit ExistingNameDialog (QStringList const& current_names, QWidget * parent = nullptr)
: QDialog {parent}
setWindowTitle (tr ("Configuration to Clone From"));
name_combo_box_.addItems (current_names);
auto form_layout = new QFormLayout ();
form_layout->addRow (tr ("&Source Configuration Name:"), &name_combo_box_);
auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
main_layout->addLayout (form_layout);
auto button_box = new QDialogButtonBox {QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel};
main_layout->addWidget (button_box);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
connect (button_box, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
QString name () const
return name_combo_box_.currentText ();
QComboBox name_combo_box_;
class MultiSettings::impl final
: public QObject
explicit impl ();
bool reposition ();
void create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu);
bool exit ();
QSettings settings_;
using Dictionary = QMap<QString, QVariant>;
// create a configuration maintenance sub menu
QMenu * create_sub_menu (QMenu * parent,
QString const& menu_title,
QActionGroup * = nullptr);
// extract all settings from the current QSettings group
Dictionary get_settings () const;
// leave the current group and move to the multi settings root group
void switch_to_root_group ();
// starting from he multi settings root group, switch back to the
// current group
void switch_to_group (QString const& group_name);
// write the settings values from the dictionary to the current group
void load_from (Dictionary const&);
// switch to this configuration
void select_configuration (QMainWindow *);
// clone this configuration
void clone_configuration (QMenu *);
// update this configuration from another
void clone_into_configuration (QMainWindow *);
// reset configuration to default values
void reset_configuration (QMainWindow *);
// change configuration name
void rename_configuration (QMainWindow *);
// remove a configuration
void delete_configuration (QMainWindow *);
QString current_; // current/new configuration or empty for default
QStringList available_; // all non-default configurations
// including new one
bool exit_flag_; // false means loop around with new
// configuration
QActionGroup * configurations_group_;
QAction * select_action_;
QAction * clone_action_;
QAction * clone_into_action_;
QAction * reset_action_;
QAction * rename_action_;
QAction * delete_action_;
QList<QMetaObject::Connection> action_connections_;
QMenu * active_sub_menu_;
#include "MultiSettings.moc"
MultiSettings::MultiSettings ()
MultiSettings::~MultiSettings ()
QSettings * MultiSettings::settings ()
return &m_->settings_;
void MultiSettings::create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu)
m_->create_menu_actions (main_window, menu);
bool MultiSettings::exit ()
return m_->exit ();
MultiSettings::impl::impl ()
: settings_ {settings_path (), QSettings::IniFormat}
, exit_flag_ {true}
, configurations_group_ {new QActionGroup {this}}
, select_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Switch To"), this}}
, clone_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Clone"), this}}
, clone_into_action_ {new QAction {tr ("Clone &Into ..."), this}}
, reset_action_ {new QAction {tr ("R&eset"), this}}
, rename_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Rename ..."), this}}
, delete_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Delete"), this}}
, active_sub_menu_ {nullptr}
if (!settings_.isWritable ())
throw std::runtime_error {QString {"Cannot access \"%1\" for writing"}
.arg (settings_.fileName ()).toStdString ()};
current_ = settings_.value (multi_settings_current_group_key).toString ();
reposition ();
bool MultiSettings::impl::reposition ()
// save new current and reposition settings
// assumes settings are positioned at the root
settings_.setValue (multi_settings_current_group_key, current_);
settings_.beginGroup (multi_settings_root_group);
available_ = settings_.childGroups ();
if (current_.size ()) // new configuration is not the default
if (!available_.contains (current_))
// insert new group name as it may not have been created yet
available_ << current_;
// switch to the specified configuration
settings_.beginGroup (current_);
settings_.endGroup (); // back to root for default configuration
bool exit {exit_flag_};
exit_flag_ = true; // reset exit flag so normal exit works
return exit;
// populate a pop up menu with the configurations sub-menus for
// maintenance including select, clone, clone from, delete, rename
// and, reset
void MultiSettings::impl::create_menu_actions (QMainWindow * main_window, QMenu * menu)
// add the default configuration sub menu
QMenu * default_menu = create_sub_menu (menu, tr (default_string), configurations_group_);
// add all the other configurations
for (auto const& configuration_name: available_)
QMenu * configuration_menu = create_sub_menu (menu, configuration_name, configurations_group_);
if (current_ == configuration_name)
default_menu = configuration_menu;
// and set the current configuration
default_menu->menuAction ()->setChecked (true);
// hook up configuration actions
action_connections_ << connect (select_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window] (bool) {
select_configuration (main_window);
action_connections_ << connect (clone_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this, menu] (bool) {
clone_configuration (menu);
action_connections_ << connect (clone_into_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window] (bool) {
clone_into_configuration (main_window);
action_connections_ << connect (rename_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window] (bool) {
rename_configuration (main_window);
action_connections_ << connect (reset_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window] (bool) {
reset_configuration (main_window);
action_connections_ << connect (delete_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this, main_window] (bool) {
delete_configuration (main_window);
// call this at the end of the main program loop to determine if the
// main window really wants to quit or to run again with a new configuration
bool MultiSettings::impl::exit ()
for (auto const& connection: action_connections_)
disconnect (connection);
action_connections_.clear ();
if (settings_.group ().size ()) // not default configuration
// back to the settings root
settings_.endGroup ();
settings_.endGroup ();
return reposition ();
QMenu * MultiSettings::impl::create_sub_menu (QMenu * parent_menu,
QString const& menu_title,
QActionGroup * action_group)
QMenu * sub_menu = parent_menu->addMenu (menu_title);
if (action_group) action_group->addAction (sub_menu->menuAction ());
sub_menu->menuAction ()->setCheckable (true);
sub_menu->addAction (select_action_);
sub_menu->addSeparator ();
sub_menu->addAction (clone_action_);
sub_menu->addAction (clone_into_action_);
sub_menu->addAction (rename_action_);
sub_menu->addAction (reset_action_);
sub_menu->addAction (delete_action_);
connect (sub_menu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, [this, sub_menu] () {
bool is_default {sub_menu->menuAction ()->text () == tr (default_string)};
bool is_current {sub_menu->menuAction ()->text () == current_
|| (current_.isEmpty () && is_default)};
select_action_->setEnabled (!is_current);
clone_into_action_->setEnabled (!is_current);
rename_action_->setEnabled (!is_current && !is_default);
reset_action_->setEnabled (!is_current);
delete_action_->setEnabled (!is_default && !is_current);
active_sub_menu_ = sub_menu;
return sub_menu;
auto MultiSettings::impl::get_settings () const -> Dictionary
Dictionary settings;
for (auto const& key: settings_.allKeys ())
// filter out multi settings keys
if (!key.contains (multi_settings_current_group_key)
&& !key.contains (multi_settings_root_group))
settings[key] = settings_.value (key);
return settings;
void MultiSettings::impl::switch_to_root_group ()
if (current_.size ())
settings_.endGroup ();
settings_.beginGroup (multi_settings_root_group);
void MultiSettings::impl::switch_to_group (QString const& group_name)
if (group_name.size () && group_name != tr (default_string))
settings_.beginGroup (group_name);
settings_.endGroup (); // back to root for default
void MultiSettings::impl::load_from (Dictionary const& dictionary)
for (Dictionary::const_iterator iter = dictionary.constBegin ();
iter != dictionary.constEnd (); ++iter)
settings_.setValue (iter.key (), iter.value ());
void MultiSettings::impl::select_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window)
if (active_sub_menu_)
auto const& name = active_sub_menu_->title ();
if (name != current_)
current_ = tr (default_string) == name ? QString {} : name;
exit_flag_ = false;
main_window->close ();
void MultiSettings::impl::clone_configuration (QMenu * menu)
if (active_sub_menu_)
auto const& name = active_sub_menu_->title ();
// grab the data to clone
Dictionary old_settings {get_settings ()};
switch_to_root_group ();
// find a new unique name
QString new_name_root {name + " - Copy"};;
QString new_name {new_name_root};
unsigned index {0};
if (index++) new_name = new_name_root + '(' + QString::number (index) + ')';
while (settings_.childGroups ().contains (new_name));
settings_.beginGroup (new_name);
// Clone the settings
load_from (old_settings);
// switch back to current group
settings_.endGroup ();
switch_to_group (current_);
// insert the new configuration sub menu in the parent menu
create_sub_menu (menu, new_name, configurations_group_);
void MultiSettings::impl::clone_into_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window)
if (active_sub_menu_)
auto const& name = active_sub_menu_->title ();
switch_to_root_group ();
// get the source configuration name for the clone
QStringList sources {settings_.childGroups ()};
if (name != tr (default_string))
sources.removeOne (name);
sources << tr (default_string);
ExistingNameDialog dialog {sources, main_window};
if (sources.size () && (1 == sources.size () || QDialog::Accepted == dialog.exec ()))
QString source_name {1 == sources.size () ? sources.at (0) : dialog.name ()};
if (QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question (main_window,
tr ("Clone Into Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm overwrite of all values for configuration \"%1\" with values from \"%2\"?")
.arg (name)
.arg (source_name)))
// grab the data to clone
switch_to_group (source_name);
Dictionary clone_settings {get_settings ()};
if (tr (default_string) == source_name)
settings_.beginGroup (multi_settings_root_group);
settings_.endGroup ();
// purge target settings
if (tr (default_string) == name)
settings_.endGroup ();
// piecemeal reset for default configuration
for (auto const& key: settings_.allKeys ())
if (!key.contains (multi_settings_current_group_key)
&& !key.contains (multi_settings_root_group))
settings_.remove (key);
settings_.beginGroup (name);
settings_.remove (""); // purge entire group
// load the settings
load_from (clone_settings);
if (tr (default_string) == name)
settings_.beginGroup (multi_settings_root_group);
settings_.endGroup ();
switch_to_group (current_);
void MultiSettings::impl::reset_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window)
if (active_sub_menu_)
auto const& name = active_sub_menu_->title ();
if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::question (main_window,
tr ("Reset Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm reset to default values for configuration \"%1\"?")
.arg (name)))
switch_to_root_group ();
if (tr (default_string) == name)
settings_.endGroup ();
// piecemeal reset for default configuration
for (auto const& key: settings_.allKeys ())
if (!key.contains (multi_settings_current_group_key)
&& !key.contains (multi_settings_root_group))
settings_.remove (key);
settings_.beginGroup (multi_settings_root_group);
settings_.beginGroup (name);
settings_.remove (""); // purge entire group
settings_.endGroup ();
switch_to_group (current_);
void MultiSettings::impl::rename_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window)
if (active_sub_menu_)
auto const& name = active_sub_menu_->title ();
switch_to_root_group ();
// get the new name
NameDialog dialog {name, settings_.childGroups (), main_window};
if (QDialog::Accepted == dialog.exec ())
// switch to the target group and fetch the configuration data
settings_.beginGroup (name);
// Clone the settings
Dictionary target_settings {get_settings ()};
settings_.endGroup ();
settings_.beginGroup (dialog.new_name ());
load_from (target_settings);
// purge the old configuration data
settings_.endGroup ();
settings_.beginGroup (name);
settings_.remove (""); // purge entire group
settings_.endGroup ();
// change the action text in the menu
active_sub_menu_->setTitle (dialog.new_name ());
switch_to_group (current_);
void MultiSettings::impl::delete_configuration (QMainWindow * main_window)
if (active_sub_menu_)
auto const& name = active_sub_menu_->title ();
if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::question (main_window,
tr ("Delete Configuration"),
tr ("Confirm deletion of configuration \"%1\"?")
.arg (name)))
switch_to_root_group ();
settings_.beginGroup (name);
settings_.remove (""); // purge entire group
settings_.endGroup ();
switch_to_group (current_);
active_sub_menu_->deleteLater (), active_sub_menu_ = nullptr;