Bill Somerville a84b7cdfd3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
r5297 | bsomervi | 2015-04-26 17:26:54 +0100 (Sun, 26 Apr 2015) | 49 lines

Various defect repairs and ambigous behaviour clarifications

A regression introduced in v1.5.0-rc1 where PTT on an alternate serial
port when using no CAT control is resolved.

A regression introduced  in v1.5.0-rc1 where the  network server field
was not being restored in the settings dialog has been resolved.

In settings the "Test PTT" button is now styled  by checked state.

The  "Test PTT"  button is  enabled without  needing click  "Test CAT"
first when no CAT rig control is selected.

Various parts of the settings dialog  are now disabled when no CAT rig
control is selected. These are the "Mode" group, the "Split Operation"
group and the "Monitor returns to last used frequency" check box. None
of  these have  any  visible impact  nor make  sense  without CAT  rig

Initialization and teardown of rig  control internals has been revised
to avoid several problems related to timing and when switching between
different  CAT  settings. This  includes  improvements  in having  the
operating frequency restored  between sessions when not  using CAT rig

The  initialization   of  OmniRig   connections  has   been  improved,
unfortunately it is  still possible to get an  exception when clicking
the  "Test  CAT" button  where  just  clicking  "OK" and  leaving  the
settings dialog will probably work.

Some unnecessary  CAT commands output  during direct rig  control have
been elided to reduce the level of traffic a little.

The handling of  some automatically generated free  text messages used
when the station is a type 2  compound callsign or is working a type 2
compound callsign has  been improved. This is related to  how a double
click  on  a  message  of  the   form  "DE  TI4/N0URE  73"  is  double
clicked. The  new behaviour depends  on whether the current  "DX Call"
matches the  call in the message.   This resolves the ambiguity  as to
whether this message  is a sign off  at the end of a  QSO with current
operator (a 73  message is generated) or a tail  end opportunity where
the message should be treated the same  as a CQ or QRZ message (WSJT-X
QSYs  to the  frequency, generates  messages and  selects message  one
ready to call).  This still  leaves some potential ambiguous behaviors
in  this complex  area but  selecting "Clear  DX call  and grid  after
logging" should resolve most of them.

Rig  control trace  messages have  been cleaned  up and  are now  more
helpful, less verbose and, tidier in the source code.

Merged from the wsjtx-1.5 branch.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
2015-04-26 16:41:12 +00:00

399 lines
11 KiB

#include "DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver.hpp"
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QLocale>
#include "NetworkServerLookup.hpp"
#include "moc_DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver.cpp"
char const * const commander_transceiver_name {"DX Lab Suite Commander"};
QString map_mode (Transceiver::MODE mode)
switch (mode)
case Transceiver::AM: return "AM";
case Transceiver::CW: return "CW";
case Transceiver::CW_R: return "CW-R";
case Transceiver::USB: return "USB";
case Transceiver::LSB: return "LSB";
case Transceiver::FSK: return "RTTY";
case Transceiver::FSK_R: return "RTTY-R";
case Transceiver::DIG_L: return "DATA-L";
case Transceiver::DIG_U: return "DATA-U";
case Transceiver::FM:
case Transceiver::DIG_FM:
return "FM";
default: break;
return "USB";
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::register_transceivers (TransceiverFactory::Transceivers * registry, int id)
(*registry)[commander_transceiver_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities {id, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::network, true};
DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver (std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped, QString const& address, bool use_for_ptt, int poll_interval)
: PollingTransceiver {poll_interval}
, wrapped_ {std::move (wrapped)}
, use_for_ptt_ {use_for_ptt}
, server_ {address}
, commander_ {nullptr}
DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::~DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver ()
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::do_start ()
TRACE_CAT ("starting");
wrapped_->start ();
auto server_details = network_server_lookup (server_, 52002u, QHostAddress::LocalHost, QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol);
if (!commander_)
commander_ = new QTcpSocket {this}; // QObject takes ownership
commander_->connectToHost (std::get<0> (server_details), std::get<1> (server_details));
if (!commander_->waitForConnected ())
TRACE_CAT ("failed to connect" << commander_->errorString ());
throw error {tr ("Failed to connect to DX Lab Suite Commander\n") + commander_->errorString ()};
poll ();
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::do_stop ()
if (commander_)
commander_->close ();
delete commander_, commander_ = nullptr;
wrapped_->stop ();
TRACE_CAT ("stopped");
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::do_ptt (bool on)
TRACE_CAT (on << state ());
if (use_for_ptt_)
simple_command (on ? "<command:5>CmdTX<parameters:0>" : "<command:5>CmdRX<parameters:0>");
wrapped_->ptt (on);
update_PTT (on);
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::do_frequency (Frequency f, MODE m)
TRACE_CAT (f << state ());
auto f_string = frequency_to_string (f);
if (UNK != m)
auto m_string = map_mode (m);
auto params = ("<xcvrfreq:%1>" + f_string + "<xcvrmode:%2>" + m_string + "<preservesplitanddual:1>Y").arg (f_string.size ()).arg (m_string.size ());
simple_command (("<command:14>CmdSetFreqMode<parameters:%1>" + params).arg (params.size ()));
update_mode (m);
auto params = ("<xcvrfreq:%1>" + f_string).arg (f_string.size ());
simple_command (("<command:10>CmdSetFreq<parameters:%1>" + params).arg (params.size ()));
update_rx_frequency (f);
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, bool /* rationalise_mode */)
TRACE_CAT (tx << state ());
if (tx)
auto f_string = frequency_to_string (tx);
auto params = ("<xcvrfreq:%1>" + f_string + "<SuppressDual:1>Y").arg (f_string.size ());
simple_command (("<command:11>CmdQSXSplit<parameters:%1>" + params).arg (params.size ()));
simple_command ("<command:8>CmdSplit<parameters:8><1:3>off");
update_split (tx);
update_other_frequency (tx);
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::do_mode (MODE m, bool /* rationalise */)
TRACE_CAT (m << state ());
auto m_string = map_mode (m);
auto params = ("<1:%1>" + m_string).arg (m_string.size ());
simple_command (("<command:10>CmdSetMode<parameters:%1>" + params).arg (params.size ()));
update_mode (m);
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::poll ()
bool quiet {false};
bool quiet {true};
auto reply = command_with_reply ("<command:10>CmdGetFreq<parameters:0>", quiet);
if (0 == reply.indexOf ("<CmdFreq:"))
auto f = string_to_frequency (reply.mid (reply.indexOf ('>') + 1));
if (f)
if (!state ().ptt ()) // Commander is not reliable on frequency
// polls while transmitting
update_rx_frequency (f);
TRACE_CAT_POLL ("get frequency unexpected response");
throw error {tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander didn't respond correctly polling frequency")};
if (state ().split ())
reply = command_with_reply ("<command:12>CmdGetTXFreq<parameters:0>", quiet);
if (0 == reply.indexOf ("<CmdTXFreq:"))
auto f = string_to_frequency (reply.mid (reply.indexOf ('>') + 1));
if (f)
if (!state ().ptt ()) // Commander is not reliable on frequency
// polls while transmitting
update_other_frequency (f);
TRACE_CAT_POLL ("get tx frequency unexpected response");
throw error {tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander didn't respond correctly polling TX frequency")};
reply = command_with_reply ("<command:12>CmdSendSplit<parameters:0>", quiet);
if (0 == reply.indexOf ("<CmdSplit:"))
auto split = reply.mid (reply.indexOf ('>') + 1);
if ("ON" == split)
update_split (true);
else if ("OFF" == split)
update_split (false);
TRACE_CAT_POLL ("unexpected split state" << split);
throw error {tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander sent an unrecognised split state: ") + split};
TRACE_CAT_POLL ("get split mode unexpected response");
throw error {tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander didn't respond correctly polling split status")};
reply = command_with_reply ("<command:11>CmdSendMode<parameters:0>", quiet);
if (0 == reply.indexOf ("<CmdMode:"))
auto mode = reply.mid (reply.indexOf ('>') + 1);
if ("AM" == mode)
m = AM;
else if ("CW" == mode)
m = CW;
else if ("CW-R" == mode)
m = CW_R;
else if ("FM" == mode || "WBFM" == mode)
m = FM;
else if ("LSB" == mode)
m = LSB;
else if ("USB" == mode)
m = USB;
else if ("RTTY" == mode)
m = FSK;
else if ("RTTY-R" == mode)
m = FSK_R;
else if ("PKT" == mode || "DATA-L" == mode || "Data-L" == mode || "DIGL" == mode)
m = DIG_L;
else if ("PKT-R" == mode || "DATA-U" == mode || "Data-U" == mode || "DIGU" == mode)
m = DIG_U;
TRACE_CAT_POLL ("unexpected mode name" << mode);
throw error {tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander sent an unrecognised mode: \"") + mode + '"'};
update_mode (m);
TRACE_CAT_POLL ("unexpected response");
throw error {tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander didn't respond correctly polling mode")};
void DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::simple_command (QString const& cmd, bool no_debug)
Q_ASSERT (commander_);
if (!no_debug)
TRACE_CAT (cmd);
if (!write_to_port (cmd))
TRACE_CAT ("failed:" << commander_->errorString ());
throw error {tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander send command failed\n") + commander_->errorString ()};
QString DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::command_with_reply (QString const& cmd, bool no_debug)
Q_ASSERT (commander_);
if (!write_to_port (cmd))
TRACE_CAT ("failed to send command:" << commander_->errorString ());
throw error {
tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander failed to send command \"%1\": %2\n")
.arg (cmd)
.arg (commander_->errorString ())
// waitForReadReady appears to be unreliable on Windows timing out
// when data is waiting so retry a few times
unsigned retries {5};
bool replied {false};
while (!replied && --retries)
replied = commander_->waitForReadyRead ();
if (!replied && commander_->error () != commander_->SocketTimeoutError)
TRACE_CAT (cmd << "failed to read reply:" << commander_->errorString ());
throw error {
tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander send command \"%1\" read reply failed: %2\n")
.arg (cmd)
.arg (commander_->errorString ())
if (!replied)
TRACE_CAT (cmd << "retries exhausted");
throw error {
tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander retries exhausted sending command \"%1\"")
.arg (cmd)
auto result = commander_->readAll ();
// qDebug () << "result: " << result;
// for (int i = 0; i < result.size (); ++i)
// {
// qDebug () << i << ":" << hex << int (result[i]);
// }
if (!no_debug)
TRACE_CAT (cmd << "->" << result);
return result; // converting raw UTF-8 bytes to QString
bool DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::write_to_port (QString const& s)
auto data = s.toLocal8Bit ();
auto to_send = data.constData ();
auto length = data.size ();
qint64 total_bytes_sent {0};
while (total_bytes_sent < length)
auto bytes_sent = commander_->write (to_send + total_bytes_sent, length - total_bytes_sent);
if (bytes_sent < 0 || !commander_->waitForBytesWritten ())
return false;
total_bytes_sent += bytes_sent;
return true;
QString DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::frequency_to_string (Frequency f) const
// number is localized and in kHz, avoid floating point translation
// errors by adding a small number (0.1Hz)
return QString {"%L1"}.arg (f / 1e3 + 1e-4, 10, 'f', 3);
auto DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::string_to_frequency (QString s) const -> Frequency
// temporary hack because Commander is returning invalid UTF-8 bytes
s.replace (QChar {QChar::ReplacementCharacter}, locale_.groupSeparator ());
// remove DP - relies on n.nnn kHz format so we can do ulonglong
// conversion to Hz
bool ok;
// auto f = locale_.toDouble (s, &ok); // use when CmdSendFreq and
// CmdSendTxFreq reinstated
auto f = QLocale::c ().toDouble (s, &ok); // temporary fix
if (!ok)
throw error {tr ("DX Lab Suite Commander sent an unrecognized frequency")};
return (f + 1e-4) * 1e3;