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synced 2025-03-28 15:09:02 -04:00
Generic message packing and unpacking routines now understand antipode grid contest messages. These messages are now recognized as standard messages in message response processing and dealt with appropriately when contest mode is selected and applicable (currently FT8 and MSK144 only). git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@8062 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
67 lines
2.1 KiB
67 lines
2.1 KiB
program QRA64code
! Provides examples of message packing, bit and symbol ordering,
! QRA (63,12) encoding, and other necessary details of the QRA64
! protocol.
use packjt
character*22 msg,msg0,msg1,decoded,cok*3,msgtype*10,arg*12
character*6 mycall
logical ltext
integer dgen(12),sent(63),dec(12)
integer icos7(0:6)
data icos7/2,5,6,0,4,1,3/ !Defines a 7x7 Costas array
include 'testmsg.f90'
if(nargs.lt.1) then
print*,'Usage: qra64code "message"'
print*,' qra64code -t'
go to 999
call getarg(1,msg) !Get message from command line
if(msg(1:2).eq."-t") nmsg=NTEST
1010 format(" Message Decoded Err? Type"/74("-"))
do imsg=1,nmsg
if(nmsg.gt.1) msg=testmsg(imsg)
call fmtmsg(msg,iz) !To upper, collapse mult blanks
msg0=msg !Input message
call chkmsg(msg,cok,nspecial,flip) !See if it includes "OOO" report
msg1=msg !Message without "OOO"
call packmsg(msg1,dgen,itype,.false.) !Pack message into 12 six-bit bytes
if(itype.eq.1) msgtype="Std Msg"
if(itype.eq.2) msgtype="Type 1 pfx"
if(itype.eq.3) msgtype="Type 1 sfx"
if(itype.eq.4) msgtype="Type 2 pfx"
if(itype.eq.5) msgtype="Type 2 sfx"
if(itype.eq.6) msgtype="Free text"
call qra64_enc(dgen,sent) !Encode using QRA64
call unpackmsg(dgen,decoded,.false.,' ') !Unpack the user message
call fmtmsg(decoded,iz)
write(*,1020) ii,msg0,decoded,itype,msgtype
1020 format(i4,1x,a22,2x,a22,4x,i3,": ",a13)
if(nmsg.eq.1) then
write(*,1030) dgen
1030 format(/'Packed message, 6-bit symbols ',12i3) !Display packed symbols
write(*,1040) sent
1040 format(/'Information-carrying channel symbols'/(i5,29i3))
write(*,1050) 10*icos7,sent(1:32),10*icos7,sent(33:63),10*icos7
1050 format(/'Channel symbols including sync'/(i5,29i3))
999 end program QRA64code