mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:44:24 -05:00
External servers can clear either or both of the Band Activity and Rx Frequency decodes windows. This was requested by Dave, AA6YQ, so that DX Lab Suite applications can clear old decodes on band changes to ensure that decode highlighing is consistent.
536 lines
18 KiB
536 lines
18 KiB
#include "MessageClient.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <QUdpSocket>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QQueue>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QColor>
#include <QDebug>
#include "NetworkMessage.hpp"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
#include "moc_MessageClient.cpp"
// some trace macros
#define TRACE_UDP(MSG) qDebug () << QString {"MessageClient::%1:"}.arg (__func__) << MSG
#define TRACE_UDP(MSG)
class MessageClient::impl
: public QUdpSocket
impl (QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision,
port_type server_port, MessageClient * self)
: self_ {self}
, id_ {id}
, version_ {version}
, revision_ {revision}
, server_port_ {server_port}
, schema_ {2} // use 2 prior to negotiation not 1 which is broken
, heartbeat_timer_ {new QTimer {this}}
connect (heartbeat_timer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &impl::heartbeat);
connect (this, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &impl::pending_datagrams);
heartbeat_timer_->start (NetworkMessage::pulse * 1000);
// bind to an ephemeral port
bind ();
~impl ()
closedown ();
enum StreamStatus {Fail, Short, OK};
void parse_message (QByteArray const& msg);
void pending_datagrams ();
void heartbeat ();
void closedown ();
StreamStatus check_status (QDataStream const&) const;
void send_message (QByteArray const&);
void send_message (QDataStream const& out, QByteArray const& message)
if (OK == check_status (out))
send_message (message);
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Error creating UDP message");
Q_SLOT void host_info_results (QHostInfo);
MessageClient * self_;
QString id_;
QString version_;
QString revision_;
QString server_string_;
port_type server_port_;
QHostAddress server_;
quint32 schema_;
QTimer * heartbeat_timer_;
std::vector<QHostAddress> blocked_addresses_;
// hold messages sent before host lookup completes asynchronously
QQueue<QByteArray> pending_messages_;
QByteArray last_message_;
#include "MessageClient.moc"
void MessageClient::impl::host_info_results (QHostInfo host_info)
if (QHostInfo::NoError != host_info.error ())
Q_EMIT self_->error ("UDP server lookup failed:\n" + host_info.errorString ());
pending_messages_.clear (); // discard
else if (host_info.addresses ().size ())
auto server = host_info.addresses ()[0];
if (blocked_addresses_.end () == std::find (blocked_addresses_.begin (), blocked_addresses_.end (), server))
server_ = server;
TRACE_UDP ("resulting server:" << server);
// send initial heartbeat which allows schema negotiation
heartbeat ();
// clear any backlog
while (pending_messages_.size ())
send_message (pending_messages_.dequeue ());
Q_EMIT self_->error ("UDP server blocked, please try another");
pending_messages_.clear (); // discard
void MessageClient::impl::pending_datagrams ()
while (hasPendingDatagrams ())
QByteArray datagram;
datagram.resize (pendingDatagramSize ());
QHostAddress sender_address;
port_type sender_port;
if (0 <= readDatagram (datagram.data (), datagram.size (), &sender_address, &sender_port))
TRACE_UDP ("message received from:" << sender_address << "port:" << sender_port);
parse_message (datagram);
void MessageClient::impl::parse_message (QByteArray const& msg)
// message format is described in NetworkMessage.hpp
NetworkMessage::Reader in {msg};
if (OK == check_status (in) && id_ == in.id ()) // OK and for us
if (schema_ < in.schema ()) // one time record of server's
// negotiated schema
schema_ = in.schema ();
// message format is described in NetworkMessage.hpp
switch (in.type ())
case NetworkMessage::Reply:
// unpack message
QTime time;
qint32 snr;
float delta_time;
quint32 delta_frequency;
QByteArray mode;
QByteArray message;
bool low_confidence {false};
quint8 modifiers {0};
in >> time >> snr >> delta_time >> delta_frequency >> mode >> message
>> low_confidence >> modifiers;
TRACE_UDP ("Reply: time:" << time << "snr:" << snr << "dt:" << delta_time << "df:" << delta_frequency << "mode:" << mode << "message:" << message << "low confidence:" << low_confidence << "modifiers: 0x" << hex << modifiers);
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->reply (time, snr, delta_time, delta_frequency
, QString::fromUtf8 (mode), QString::fromUtf8 (message)
, low_confidence, modifiers);
case NetworkMessage::Clear:
quint8 window {0};
in >> window;
TRACE_UDP ("Clear window:" << window);
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->clear_decodes (window);
case NetworkMessage::Replay:
TRACE_UDP ("Replay");
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
last_message_.clear ();
Q_EMIT self_->replay ();
case NetworkMessage::HaltTx:
bool auto_only {false};
in >> auto_only;
TRACE_UDP ("Halt Tx auto_only:" << auto_only);
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->halt_tx (auto_only);
case NetworkMessage::FreeText:
QByteArray message;
bool send {true};
in >> message >> send;
TRACE_UDP ("FreeText message:" << message << "send:" << send);
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->free_text (QString::fromUtf8 (message), send);
case NetworkMessage::Location:
QByteArray location;
in >> location;
TRACE_UDP ("Location location:" << location);
if (check_status (in) != Fail)
Q_EMIT self_->location (QString::fromUtf8 (location));
case NetworkMessage::HighlightCallsign:
QByteArray call;
QColor bg; // default invalid color
QColor fg; // default invalid color
bool last_only {false};
in >> call >> bg >> fg >> last_only;
TRACE_UDP ("HighlightCallsign call:" << call << "bg:" << bg << "fg:" << fg << "last only:" << last_only);
if (check_status (in) != Fail && call.size ())
Q_EMIT self_->highlight_callsign (QString::fromUtf8 (call), bg, fg, last_only);
// Ignore
// Note that although server heartbeat messages are not
// parsed here they are still partially parsed in the
// message reader class to negotiate the maximum schema
// number being used on the network.
if (NetworkMessage::Heartbeat != in.type ())
TRACE_UDP ("ignoring message type:" << in.type ());
TRACE_UDP ("ignored message for id:" << in.id ());
catch (std::exception const& e)
Q_EMIT self_->error (QString {"MessageClient exception: %1"}.arg (e.what ()));
catch (...)
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Unexpected exception in MessageClient");
void MessageClient::impl::heartbeat ()
if (server_port_ && !server_.isNull ())
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder hb {&message, NetworkMessage::Heartbeat, id_, schema_};
hb << NetworkMessage::Builder::schema_number // maximum schema number accepted
<< version_.toUtf8 () << revision_.toUtf8 ();
if (OK == check_status (hb))
TRACE_UDP ("schema:" << schema_ << "max schema:" << NetworkMessage::Builder::schema_number << "version:" << version_ << "revision:" << revision_);
writeDatagram (message, server_, server_port_);
void MessageClient::impl::closedown ()
if (server_port_ && !server_.isNull ())
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Close, id_, schema_};
if (OK == check_status (out))
writeDatagram (message, server_, server_port_);
void MessageClient::impl::send_message (QByteArray const& message)
if (server_port_)
if (!server_.isNull ())
if (message != last_message_) // avoid duplicates
writeDatagram (message, server_, server_port_);
last_message_ = message;
pending_messages_.enqueue (message);
auto MessageClient::impl::check_status (QDataStream const& stream) const -> StreamStatus
auto stat = stream.status ();
StreamStatus result {Fail};
switch (stat)
case QDataStream::ReadPastEnd:
result = Short;
case QDataStream::ReadCorruptData:
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Message serialization error: read corrupt data");
case QDataStream::WriteFailed:
Q_EMIT self_->error ("Message serialization error: write error");
result = OK;
return result;
MessageClient::MessageClient (QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision,
QString const& server, port_type server_port, QObject * self)
: QObject {self}
, m_ {id, version, revision, server_port, this}
connect (&*m_, static_cast<void (impl::*) (impl::SocketError)> (&impl::error)
, [this] (impl::SocketError e)
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN)
if (e != impl::NetworkError // take this out when Qt 5.5
// stops doing this
// spuriously
&& e != impl::ConnectionRefusedError) // not
// interested
// in this with
// UDP socket
Q_EMIT error (m_->errorString ());
set_server (server);
QHostAddress MessageClient::server_address () const
return m_->server_;
auto MessageClient::server_port () const -> port_type
return m_->server_port_;
void MessageClient::set_server (QString const& server)
m_->server_.clear ();
m_->server_string_ = server;
if (!server.isEmpty ())
// queue a host address lookup
TRACE_UDP ("server host DNS lookup:" << server);
QHostInfo::lookupHost (server, &*m_, SLOT (host_info_results (QHostInfo)));
void MessageClient::set_server_port (port_type server_port)
m_->server_port_ = server_port;
qint64 MessageClient::send_raw_datagram (QByteArray const& message, QHostAddress const& dest_address
, port_type dest_port)
if (dest_port && !dest_address.isNull ())
return m_->writeDatagram (message, dest_address, dest_port);
return 0;
void MessageClient::add_blocked_destination (QHostAddress const& a)
m_->blocked_addresses_.push_back (a);
if (a == m_->server_)
m_->server_.clear ();
Q_EMIT error ("UDP server blocked, please try another");
m_->pending_messages_.clear (); // discard
void MessageClient::status_update (Frequency f, QString const& mode, QString const& dx_call
, QString const& report, QString const& tx_mode
, bool tx_enabled, bool transmitting, bool decoding
, qint32 rx_df, qint32 tx_df, QString const& de_call
, QString const& de_grid, QString const& dx_grid
, bool watchdog_timeout, QString const& sub_mode
, bool fast_mode, quint8 special_op_mode)
if (m_->server_port_ && !m_->server_string_.isEmpty ())
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Status, m_->id_, m_->schema_};
out << f << mode.toUtf8 () << dx_call.toUtf8 () << report.toUtf8 () << tx_mode.toUtf8 ()
<< tx_enabled << transmitting << decoding << rx_df << tx_df << de_call.toUtf8 ()
<< de_grid.toUtf8 () << dx_grid.toUtf8 () << watchdog_timeout << sub_mode.toUtf8 ()
<< fast_mode << special_op_mode;
TRACE_UDP ("frequency:" << f << "mode:" << mode << "DX:" << dx_call << "report:" << report << "Tx mode:" << tx_mode << "tx_enabled:" << tx_enabled << "Tx:" << transmitting << "decoding:" << decoding << "Rx df:" << rx_df << "Tx df:" << tx_df << "DE:" << de_call << "DE grid:" << de_grid << "DX grid:" << dx_grid << "w/d t/o:" << watchdog_timeout << "sub_mode:" << sub_mode << "fast mode:" << fast_mode << "spec op mode:" << special_op_mode);
m_->send_message (out, message);
void MessageClient::decode (bool is_new, QTime time, qint32 snr, float delta_time, quint32 delta_frequency
, QString const& mode, QString const& message_text, bool low_confidence
, bool off_air)
if (m_->server_port_ && !m_->server_string_.isEmpty ())
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Decode, m_->id_, m_->schema_};
out << is_new << time << snr << delta_time << delta_frequency << mode.toUtf8 ()
<< message_text.toUtf8 () << low_confidence << off_air;
TRACE_UDP ("new" << is_new << "time:" << time << "snr:" << snr << "dt:" << delta_time << "df:" << delta_frequency << "mode:" << mode << "text:" << message_text << "low conf:" << low_confidence << "off air:" << off_air);
m_->send_message (out, message);
void MessageClient::WSPR_decode (bool is_new, QTime time, qint32 snr, float delta_time, Frequency frequency
, qint32 drift, QString const& callsign, QString const& grid, qint32 power
, bool off_air)
if (m_->server_port_ && !m_->server_string_.isEmpty ())
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::WSPRDecode, m_->id_, m_->schema_};
out << is_new << time << snr << delta_time << frequency << drift << callsign.toUtf8 ()
<< grid.toUtf8 () << power << off_air;
TRACE_UDP ("new:" << is_new << "time:" << time << "snr:" << snr << "dt:" << delta_time << "frequency:" << frequency << "drift:" << drift << "call:" << callsign << "grid:" << grid << "pwr:" << power << "off air:" << off_air);
m_->send_message (out, message);
void MessageClient::decodes_cleared ()
if (m_->server_port_ && !m_->server_string_.isEmpty ())
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::Clear, m_->id_, m_->schema_};
m_->send_message (out, message);
void MessageClient::qso_logged (QDateTime time_off, QString const& dx_call, QString const& dx_grid
, Frequency dial_frequency, QString const& mode, QString const& report_sent
, QString const& report_received, QString const& tx_power
, QString const& comments, QString const& name, QDateTime time_on
, QString const& operator_call, QString const& my_call
, QString const& my_grid, QString const& exchange_sent
, QString const& exchange_rcvd)
if (m_->server_port_ && !m_->server_string_.isEmpty ())
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::QSOLogged, m_->id_, m_->schema_};
out << time_off << dx_call.toUtf8 () << dx_grid.toUtf8 () << dial_frequency << mode.toUtf8 ()
<< report_sent.toUtf8 () << report_received.toUtf8 () << tx_power.toUtf8 () << comments.toUtf8 ()
<< name.toUtf8 () << time_on << operator_call.toUtf8 () << my_call.toUtf8 () << my_grid.toUtf8 ()
<< exchange_sent.toUtf8 () << exchange_rcvd.toUtf8 ();
TRACE_UDP ("time off:" << time_off << "DX:" << dx_call << "DX grid:" << dx_grid << "dial:" << dial_frequency << "mode:" << mode << "sent:" << report_sent << "rcvd:" << report_received << "pwr:" << tx_power << "comments:" << comments << "name:" << name << "time on:" << time_on << "op:" << operator_call << "DE:" << my_call << "DE grid:" << my_grid << "exch sent:" << exchange_sent << "exch rcvd:" << exchange_rcvd);
m_->send_message (out, message);
void MessageClient::logged_ADIF (QByteArray const& ADIF_record)
if (m_->server_port_ && !m_->server_string_.isEmpty ())
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::LoggedADIF, m_->id_, m_->schema_};
QByteArray ADIF {"\n<adif_ver:5>3.0.7\n<programid:6>WSJT-X\n<EOH>\n" + ADIF_record + " <EOR>"};
out << ADIF;
m_->send_message (out, message);